Making Themes Configurable with Settings

Theme settings let site administrators control the look and feel of certain aspects of a theme. For example, you can create a theme setting to control the visibility of theme elements, such as only showing a site banner when the user is logged in. You can also create a theme setting to configure an element, such as a title or a background image. The Settings API is built flexibly to meet your needs. The sky’s the limit.

This tutorial covers how to create theme settings for a theme.

Making configurable theme settings involves a multi-step process:

  • Add the settings to liferay-look-and-feel.xml
  • Assign the settings to variables in init_custom.ftl
  • Use the settings variables in your theme templates

Follow these steps to create theme settings:

  1. Open liferay-look-and-feel.xml from the theme’s WEB-INF folder. Settings placed here appear in the Look and Feel menu of Liferay DXP’s Site Administration. If your project doesn’t have this file, create it in the WEB-INF folder and add the following XML content (make sure to replace the theme id and name with your theme’s):

     <?xml version="1.0"?>
     <!DOCTYPE look-and-feel PUBLIC "-//Liferay//DTD Look and Feel 7.0.0//EN" 
     	<theme id="your-theme-name" name="Your Theme Name">
         <portlet-decorator id="barebone" name="Barebone">
     		<portlet-decorator id="borderless" name="Borderless">
     		<portlet-decorator id="decorate" name="Decorate">
  2. Add <settings></settings> tags before the opening <portlet-decorator> tag.

  3. Add a <setting/> element between the <settings></settings> tags for each setting the theme requires. Below is an example pattern along with the available attributes:

    <setting configurable="true" key="my-setting-language-key" 
    options="true,false" type="select" value="false" />

    The following attributes are available for theme settings:

    configurable: whether the setting is configurable or static. key: the language key that identifies the theme setting. options: sets the options for the select menu if the type is select. type: the type of UI to render to control the theme setting. Possible values are checkbox, select, text, or textarea. value: sets the default value for the theme setting.

    You can find more information about setting attributes and all other configurations for the liferay-look-and-feel.xml in its DTD docs.

  4. Open init_custom.ftl and assign the settings to variables using the patterns below.

    Use the following pattern for settings that return a Boolean (for example a select box with the options true and false or a toggle-switch checkbox with values yes and no):

    <#assign my_variable_name =

    Use the following pattern for settings that return a String (for example, a text input or textarea input):

    <#assign footer_text = 
  5. Use the theme setting variable in the theme template. For example, you can use the variable to check a condition, print a value, or even display a theme template. Examples of each case are shown below.

    This configuration is used in portal_normal.ftl to show the navigation breadcrumbs element if the show_breadcrumbs theme setting is true:


    <setting configurable="true" key="show-breadcrumbs" type="checkbox" 
    value="false" />


   <#assign show_breadcrumbs =


    <#if show_breadcrumbs>
      <nav id="breadcrumbs">
        <@liferay.breadcrumbs />

This example configuration prints a text input's value in a `<p>` element, 
or defaults to *Hello Text* if no value is given:


    <setting configurable="true" key="custom-text" type="text" 
    value="Hello Text"/>


    <#assign custom_text = 



This example renders the brief header template or detailed header 
template based on the theme setting:


    <setting configurable="true" key="header-type" type="select" 
    options="brief,detailed" value="brief"/>


    <#assign header_type = 

`header_brief.ftl`: brief header template

`header_detailed.ftl`: detailed header template


    <#if header_type == "brief">
      <#include "${full_templates_path}/header_brief.ftl" />
    <#elseif header_type == "detailed">
      <#include "${full_templates_path}/header_detailed.ftl" />
  1. Make sure the theme is installed. Open the Control MenuSite AdministrationNavigationPublic Pages and select the Configure option. Configure the theme settings from the Look and Feel section to see your changes. You can set the theme settings for an individual page by selecting the Configure Page option from the page’s Actions menu and selecting the Define a Specific look and feel for this page option under the Look and Feel section.

Figure 1: Here are examples of configurable settings for the site Admin.

Figure 1: Here are examples of configurable settings for the site Admin.

Now you know how to make configurable theme settings for your themes!



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