The top_head.jsp
dynamic includes load additional links in the theme’s head.
It uses the following keys:
Load additional links in the theme’s head before the existing ones:
Alternatively, you can load additional links in the theme’s head, after the existing ones:
The example below injects a link into the top of the top_head.jsp
@Component(immediate = true, service = DynamicInclude.class)
public class CssTopHeadDynamicInclude extends BaseDynamicInclude {
public void include(
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
String key)
throws IOException {
PrintWriter printWriter = response.getWriter();
String content =
"<link href=\"http://localhost:8080/o/my-custom-dynamic-include/css/mentions.css\"
type = \"text/css\" />";
public void register(DynamicIncludeRegistry dynamicIncludeRegistry) {
Figure 1: The top_head pre key loads additional CSS and HTML resources in the head of the theme.
Note that the link’s href
attribute’s value
is provided by the OSGi module’s
in the example).
Now you know how to use the top_head.jsp
dynamic includes.