Creating the service.xml File

To define a service for your portlet project, you must create a service.xml file. The DTD (Document Type Declaration) file liferay-service-builder_7_1_0.dtd specifies the format and requirements of the XML to use. You can create your service.xml file manually, or you can use Liferay Dev Studio DXP. Dev Studio DXP helps you build the service.xml file piece-by-piece, taking the guesswork out of creating XML that adheres to the DTD.

If you created your project from the Blade or Dev Studio DXP template, you have a service.xml file in your *-service module’s root folder with an entity element named Foo. Remove the entire <entity name="Foo" ...> ... </entity> element: it’s just an example. It has no practical use for you.

If you don’t already have a service.xml file, create one in your *-service module’s root folder and open the file. Liferay Dev Studio DXP provides a Diagram mode and a Source mode to give you different perspectives of the service information in your service.xml file.

  • Diagram mode facilitates creating and visualizing relationships between service entities.
  • Source mode brings up the service.xml file’s raw XML content in the editor.

You can switch between these modes.

Next, you’ll specify your service’s global information.

« Defining an Object-Relational Map with Service BuilderDefining Global Service Information »
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