Building Your Theme's Files

The gulp build task generates the base theme files, compiles Sass into CSS, and zips all theme files into a WAR file that you can deploy to your server.

Follow these steps to build your theme’s files:

  1. Navigate to your theme’s root folder and run gulp build.

    Figure 1: Run the gulp build task to build your themes files.

    Figure 1: Run the `gulp build` task to build your theme's files.

  2. A new build folder is created with all your theme’s files. You can copy these files and folders to your theme’s src folder to modify the theme.

    Figure 2: The build folder contains all your themes files.

    Figure 2: The build folder contains all your theme's files.

  3. Your theme’s files are zipped into a war file in a new dist folder. Deploy the war file to your app server to make it available.

Figure 3: The dist folder contains your themes WAR file.

Figure 3: The dist folder contains your theme's WAR file.

Automatically Deploying Theme Changes

Copying an Existing Theme’s Files

Deploying Themes

« Using Developer Mode with ThemesDeploying Your Theme »
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