Some changes you make to a module involve modifying the database. These changes bring with them the need for an upgrade process to move your module’s database from one version to the next. Liferay has an upgrade framework you can use to make this easier to do. It’s a feature-rich framework that makes upgrades safe: the system records the current state of the schema so that if the upgrade fails, the process can revert the module back to its previous version.
Liferay DXP’s upgrade framework executes your module’s upgrades automatically when the new version starts for the first time. You implement concrete data schema changes in upgrade step classes and then register them with the upgrade framework using an upgrade step registrator. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to do all these things to create an upgrade process for your module.
Here’s what’s involved:
It’s time to get started.
Specifying the Schema Version
In your module’s bnd.bnd
file, specify a Liferay-Require-SchemaVersion
header with the new schema version value. Here’s an example schema version
header for a module whose new schema is version 1.1
Liferay-Require-SchemaVersion: 1.1
Specifying the major and minor schema version only (format major.minor
) gives
your module flexibility to use any micro schema version. This lets you disregard
new micro schema versions or upgrade to them when you want. You can also revert
micro schema versions.
Next, you’ll specify your upgrade’s dependencies.
Declaring Dependencies
In your module’s dependency management file (e.g., Maven POM, Gradle build file,
or Ivy ivy.xml
add a dependency
on the
In a build.gradle
file, the dependency would look like this:
compile group: "com.liferay", name: "com.liferay.portal.upgrade.api", version: "2.0.3"
If there are other modules your upgrade process requires, specify them as dependencies.
You’ve configured your module project for the upgrade. It’s time to create upgrade steps to update the database from the current schema version to the new one.
Writing Upgrade Steps
An upgrade step is a class that adapts module data to the module’s target database schema. It can execute SQL commands and DDL files to upgrade the data. The upgrade framework lets you encapsulate upgrade logic in multiple upgrade step classes per schema version.
The upgrade class extends the UpgradeProcess
base class,
which implements the UpgradeStep
Each upgrade step must override the UpgradeProcess
class’s method doUpgrade
with instructions for modifying the database.
Since UpgradeProcess
extends the BaseDBProcess
you can use its runSQL
and runSQLTemplate*
methods to execute your SQL
commands and SQL DDL, respectively.
If you want to create, modify, or drop tables or indexes by executing DDL sentences from an SQL file, make sure to use ANSI SQL only. Doing this assures the commands work on different databases.
If you need to use non-ANSI SQL, it’s best to write it in the UpgradeProcess
or alter
methods, along with tokens that allow porting the sentences
to different databases.
For example, consider the journal-service module’s UpgradeSchema
upgrade step class:
package com.liferay.journal.internal.upgrade.v0_0_4;
import com.liferay.journal.internal.upgrade.v0_0_4.util.JournalArticleTable;
import com.liferay.journal.internal.upgrade.v0_0_4.util.JournalFeedTable;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.upgrade.UpgradeMVCCVersion;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.upgrade.UpgradeProcess;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.StringUtil;
* @author Eduardo Garcia
public class UpgradeSchema extends UpgradeProcess {
protected void doUpgrade() throws Exception {
String template =
runSQLTemplateString(template, false, false);
new AlterColumnName(
"structureId", "DDMStructureKey VARCHAR(75) null"),
new AlterColumnName(
"templateId", "DDMTemplateKey VARCHAR(75) null"),
new AlterColumnType("description", "TEXT null"));
new AlterColumnName("structureId", "DDMStructureKey TEXT null"),
new AlterColumnName("templateId", "DDMTemplateKey TEXT null"),
new AlterColumnName(
"rendererTemplateId", "DDMRendererTemplateKey TEXT null"),
new AlterColumnType("targetPortletId", "VARCHAR(200) null"));
The above example class UpgradeSchema
uses the runSQLTemplateString
to execute ANSI SQL DDL from an SQL file. To modify column names and column
types, it uses the alter
method and UpgradeProcess
and UpgradeProcess.AlterColumnType
classes as token classes.
Here’s a simpler example upgrade step from the com.liferay.calendar.service
module. It uses the alter
method to modify a column type in the calendar
booking table:
public class UpgradeCalendarBooking extends UpgradeProcess {
protected void doUpgrade() throws Exception {
new AlterColumnType("description", "TEXT null"));
You can implement upgrade steps just like these for your module schemas.
How you name and organize upgrade steps is up to you. Liferay’s upgrade classes are organized using a package structure similar to this one:
- some.package.structure
← Upgrade Step
← Upgrade
← Upgrade Step
← Registrator
The example upgrade structure shown above is for a module that has two database
schema versions: 1.1.0
and 2.0.0
. They’re represented by packages v1_1_0
and v2_0_0
. Each version package contains upgrade step classes that update the
database. The example upgrade steps focus on fictitious data elements Foo
. The registrator class (MyCustomModuleUpgrade
, in this example) is
responsible for registering the applicable upgrade steps for each schema
Here are some organizational tips:
Put all upgrade classes in a sub-package called
. -
Group together similar database updates (ones that operate on a data element or related data elements) in the same upgrade step class.
Create upgrade steps in sub-packages named after each data schema version.
Before continuing with upgrade step registrators, if your application was
modularized from a former traditional Liferay plugin application (application
WAR) and it uses Service Builder, it requires a Bundle Activator to register
itself in Liferay DXP’s Release_
table. If this is the case for your
create and register a Bundle Activator
and then return here to write your upgrade step registrator.
Writing the Upgrade Step Registrator
A module’s upgrade step registrator notifies Liferay’s upgrade framework of all the upgrade steps to update the module data for each schema version. It specifies the module’s entire upgrade process. The upgrade framework executes the upgrade steps to update the current module data to the latest schema.
For example, the upgrade step registrator class MyCustomModuleUpgrade
registers upgrade steps incrementally for each schema version (past and
package com.liferay.mycustommodule.upgrade;
import com.liferay.portal.upgrade.registry.UpgradeStepRegistrator;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
@Component(immediate = true, service = UpgradeStepRegistrator.class)
public class MyCustomModuleUpgrade implements UpgradeStepRegistrator {
public void register(Registry registry) {
"com.liferay.mycustommodule", "0.0.0", "2.0.0",
new DummyUpgradeStep());
"com.liferay.mycustommodule", "1.0.0", "1.1.0",
new com.liferay.mycustommodule.upgrade.v1_1_0.UpgradeFoo());
"com.liferay.mycustommodule", "1.1.0", "2.0.0",
new com.liferay.mycustommodule.upgrade.v2_0_0.UpgradeFoo(),
new com.liferay.mycustommodule.upgrade.v2_0_0.UpgradeBar());
The registrator’s register
method informs the upgrade framework about each
new schema and associated upgrade steps to adapt data to it. Each schema
upgrade is represented by a registration. A registration is an abstraction for
all the changes you need to apply to the database from one schema version to the
next one.
The following diagram illustrates the relationship between the registrator and the upgrade steps.
Figure 1: In a registrator class, the developer specifies a registration for each schema version upgrade. The upgrade steps handle the database updates.
The previous example MyCustomModuleUpgrade
registrator class listing shows
how this works.
The registrator class declares itself to be an OSGi Component of service type
. The @Component
annotation registers the class
to the OSGi framework as the module’s upgrade step registrator. The attribute
immediate = true
tells the OSGi framework to activate this module immediately
after it’s installed.
The registrator implements the UpgradeStepRegistrator
which is in the com.liferay.portal.upgrade
module. The interface declares a
that the registrator must override. In that method, the registrator implements
all the module’s upgrade registrations.
Upgrade registrations are defined by the following values:
- Module’s bundle symbolic name
- Schema version to upgrade from (as a
) - Schema version to upgrade to (as a
) - List of upgrade steps
The example registrator MyCustomModuleUpgrade
registers three upgrades:
The MyCustomModuleUpgrade
registrator’s first registration is applied by the
upgrade framework if the module has not been installed previously. Its list of
upgrade steps contains only one: new DummyUpgradeStep()
"com.liferay.document.library.web", "0.0.0", "2.0.0",
new DummyUpgradeStep());
The DummyUpgradeStep
provides an empty upgrade step. The MyCustomModuleUpgrade
registrator defines
this registration so that the upgrade framework records the module’s latest
schema version (i.e., 2.0.0
) in Liferay DXP’s Release_
Important: Modules that use Service Builder should not define a
registration for their initial database schema version, as Service Builder
already records their schema versions to Liferay DXP’s Release_
table. Modules
that don’t use Service Builder, however, should define a registration for
their initial schema.
The MyCustomUpgrade
registrator’s next registration (from schema version
to 1.1.0
) includes one upgrade step.
"com.liferay.mycustommodule", "1.0.0", "1.1.0",
new com.liferay.mycustommodule.upgrade.v1_1_0.UpgradeFoo());
The upgrade step’s fully qualified class name is required because classes named
are in package com.liferay.mycustommodule.upgrade.v1_1_0
The registrator’s final registration (from schema version 1.1.0
to 2.0.0
contains two upgrade steps.
"com.liferay.mycustommodule", "1.1.0", "2.0.0",
new com.liferay.mycustommodule.upgrade.v2_0_0.UpgradeFoo(),
new UpgradeBar());
Both upgrade steps, UpgradeFoo
and UpgradeBar
, reside in the module’s
package. The fully qualified class
name com.liferay.mycustommodule.upgrade.v2_0_0.UpgradeFoo
is used for the
class, while the simple class name UpgradeBar
is fine for the
second upgrade step.
A registration’s upgrade step list can consist of as many upgrade steps as needed.
Important: If your upgrade step uses an OSGi service, your upgrade must wait for that service’s availability. To specify that your upgrade is to be executed only after that service is available, add an OSGi reference to that service.
For example, the WikiServiceUpgrade
registrator class
references the SettingsFactory
class. The upgrade step class
upgrade step
uses it. Here’s the WikiServiceUpgrade
@Component(immediate = true, service = UpgradeStepRegistrator.class)
public class WikiServiceUpgrade implements UpgradeStepRegistrator {
public void register(Registry registry) {
"", "0.0.1", "0.0.2", new UpgradeSchema());
"", "0.0.2", "0.0.3",
new UpgradeKernelPackage(), new UpgradePortletId());
"", "0.0.3", "1.0.0",
new UpgradeCompanyId(), new UpgradeLastPublishDate(),
new UpgradePortletPreferences(),
new UpgradePortletSettings(_settingsFactory),
new UpgradeWikiPageResource());
@Reference(unbind = "-")
protected void setSettingsFactory(SettingsFactory settingsFactory) {
_settingsFactory = settingsFactory;
private SettingsFactory _settingsFactory;
In the third registration in the listing above, the UpgradePortletSettings
upgrade step uses the SettingsFactory
service. The setSettingsFactory
method’s @Reference
annotation declares that the registrator class depends on
and must wait for the SettingsFactory
service to be available in the run time
environment. The annotation’s attribute setting unbind = "-"
indicates that
the registrator class has no method for unbinding the service.
Next, you must make sure the module’s upgrade is executed before making its services available.
Waiting for Upgrade Completion
Before module services that access the database are used, the database should be upgraded to the latest database schema.
As a convenience, configuring the Bnd header Liferay-Require-SchemaVersion
the latest schema version is all that’s required to assure the database is
upgraded for Service Builder
For all other services, the developer can assure database upgrade by specifying
an @Reference
annotation that targets the containing module and its latest
schema version.
Here are the target’s required attributes:
: module’s bundle symbolic namerelease.schema.version
: module’s current schema version
For example, the
module’s PageCommentsPortlet
assures upgrading to schema version 1.0.0
by defining the following reference:
target = "(&(",
unbind = "-"
protected void setRelease(Release release) {
Dependencies between OSGi services can reduce the number of service classes in which upgrade reference annotations are needed. For example, there’s no need to add an upgrade reference in a dependent service, if the dependency already refers to the upgrade.
Now you know how to create data upgrades for all your modules. You specify the
new data schema version in the bnd.bnd
file, add a reference to your module
and to the schema version to assure upgrade execution if the module doesn’t use
Service Builder, and add a dependency on the com.liferay.portal.upgrade
module. For the second part of the process, you create upgrade step classes to
update the database schema and register the upgrade steps in a registrator
class. That’s all there is to it!
Related Topics
Upgrade Processes for Former Service Builder Plugins
Upgrading Plugins to Liferay 7
Migrating Data Upgrade Processes to the New Framework for Modules