Liferay DXP Trial Plugin Installation

For Liferay customers who are evaluating Liferay DXP on a trial basis, the plugins can be accessed from within the Marketplace section of the Control Panel in the product.

At a later date, the Marketplace website on Liferay.COM will be accessible to Liferay DXP Trial customers. For now, please access EE Plugins through the portal installation itself.

The Installation Process

1) Sign into your Liferay.COM account (LRDC) on the home page. If you don’t have an account, please register by clicking the same link.

Click the hamburger menu to sign in or create an account.

**2)**You must be running Liferay DXP (Trial License is OK).

3) After signing in as an Admin in your Liferay DXP Trial server, go to the Control Panel and configure the Liferay.COM (LRDC) account to login to the Marketplace (click “Store”). Authorize Marketplace to access your local account.

Click the Store link and authorize Marketplace to access your local account.

4) Important: Once signed into the Store, click on the Purchased link, and then click on the EE subtab.

The trial plugins are available as plugins already purchased.

Here you can see a list of Liferay DXP plugins that are installed, as well as options to update or install certain plugins. To install a plugin, click the Install button located to the far right of the respective plugin.

Click the Install button to install a plugin.

5) Trial users have access to the Customer Portal during their trial. This also includes access to the Liferay DXP-specific plugins from the Liferay Marketplace website on Liferay.COM (LRDC). Trial users do not have access to our customer Knowledge Base and Help Center (our support ticketing system).


Q: Where are the “Liferay DXP Trial Plugins”?

A: There is no such thing. The Liferay DXP Plugins in Liferay Marketplace are the same ones that you get to try out with your Liferay DXP Trial license for your portal. The Liferay DXP license (Trial or official Liferay DXP Subscriber) gives you access to the Liferay DXP plugins. (Also, there is no difference code-wise or release-wise between a Liferay DXP Trial installation and a regular Liferay DXP non-Trial installation. The only difference is the license.)

Q: Why can’t I go to Why can’t I “purchase” from the Marketplace site?

A: DXP Trial users must use the Marketplace accessed from within the product’s Control Panel (instructions above). You do not need to “purchase” any DXP plugins because if you access Marketplace from within the Control Panel, Marketplace sees that you have an DXP license installed and gives access to DXP plugins. Official DXP Subscription customers (i.e., non Trial) will be able to log into with their designated DXP subscriber login and access all DXP plugins through the Marketplace website.

Q: Why are the plugins under the “Purchased” tab? If I click on the “DXP Marketplace” link, it does not allow me to get the DXP plugins.

A: Once you’re signed into the Store, click on the Purchased tab, then click on the EE subtab.

Q: What happens when DXP Trial customers become official Liferay Digital Experience subscribers?

A: They will still be able to complete the above process, or they can also visit the Liferay Marketplace website.

Q: Do DXP Trial customers get the DXP source code?

A: No, they can only install the plugin. The DXP source code becomes available once they are official Liferay DXP Enterprise subscribers.

Q: Can this process of installing DXP plugins be used from Liferay Portal CE (Community Edition)?

A: No, the Marketplace must detect that you are running Liferay DXP.

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