Setting Up Marketplace and Portal Security

Liferay Marketplace is more than just a store for Liferay applications. Under the hood, it not only provides the store, it also provides Liferay DXP’s application deployment features. For this reason, you must ensure that Marketplace works well on your installed system. The first thing you should do is make sure Marketplace can run and configure itself. The second thing you should do is enable Liferay’s Portal Access Control List, or PACL.

First, you’ll learn about some scenarios in which Marketplace fails to run, but they can all be worked around. Next, you’ll configure PACL.

Server is Firewalled without Access to the Internet

Your server might be behind a firewall that prevents access to the Internet. Or your security policy might not allow direct download and installation from the Internet. In these cases, you have two options:

  1. From an Internet-enabled computer, download the Marketplace plugin from Then allow Liferay DXP to auto deploy it by dropping the downloaded .lpkg file into the Liferay DXP deploy folder.

  2. Alternately, once you have the downloaded .lpkg file, use the Liferay App Manager to deploy the plugin. This option is especially helpful if the application server does not support hot deploy. See Installing Apps Manually.

Application Server Does Not Support Hot Deploy

If your application server does not support hot deploy, you can’t leverage Liferay DXP’s auto deploy feature. You can, however, manually deploy the plugin in two steps:

  1. Use Liferay DXP’s tools to pre-deploy the file.

  2. Then use your app server’s tools to do the actual deployment.

Limited Database Access

Some production environments do not have the necessary database permissions for Liferay DXP and its plugins to maintain their tables. In these cases:

  1. Grant the Liferay DXP database user temporary full rights to the database.

  2. Install Liferay DXP and start it so that it populates its database.

  3. Once the database is created, remove the permissions for creating tables and dropping tables from the Liferay DXP database user.

See the Setting Up Liferay DXP’s Database with Restrictive Permissions section above for more information. Note that many sophisticated Liferay DXP apps–not just the Marketplace plugin–require new tables when deployed. If your environment restricts database access, you may need to repeat the above steps whenever you deploy a new app to the Liferay DXP.

Configuring Liferay Portal Security

Liferay Marketplace is an online store for obtaining applications that run on the Liferay DXP platform. These applications are provided not only by Liferay DXP, but also by partners and independent developers who want you to install and use their applications on your server. Many of these applications are excellent and we recommend that you try them out for yourself.

However, because many of the applications on Marketplace are not provided by Liferay DXP, a question arises: how do you know these applications are doing what they’re advertised to do? There is a vetting process that they go through before they’re allowed on Marketplace, but if the source code is not provided, there’s no way for even Liferay DXP to know if an app has been properly represented. For this reason, Liferay DXP implements a security feature known as the Portal Access Control List, or PACL.

PACL forces an application to declare up front the functions from Liferay DXP’s APIs that it calls. Anything that’s not declared is not allowed to run. It’s similar to what you might see on your mobile phone when you install an app: you get to see the Liferay DXP API functions the app uses, and then you can decide if you want to install that app based on the permissions it requires. This way, you see right away what portal data that app can access and the app can do nothing else: you’re protected–if you have PACL enabled. So if you plan to use apps downloaded from Marketplace, it’s important to make sure PACL is enabled.

By default, Liferay DXP’s bundles have PACL turned off. The reason for this is that there is a small performance penalty for having PACL enabled. Since the only reason to have PACL enabled is to install untrusted third party apps from Marketplace (and not everybody does that), we decided to leave PACL turned off by default. This way, your portal performs as fast as possible.

The bottom is line that if you intend to use Marketplace apps, you should enable PACL. We provide manually installation documentation for all the app servers supported by Liferay DXP. Each of those sections has a subsection that explains how to enable Java security for that app server, which is a prerequisite for enabling PACL. Once you have Java security enabled, PACL can be enabled by adding one line to your or file:

Save the file. If Liferay DXP is running, restart it. Your portal is now configured to check PACL-enabled Marketplace apps against their declared permissions.

Please note that if you installed Liferay DXP manually, there may be further configuration you need to do to enable PACL. Please check the relevant installation instructions for your app server for further information.

Congratulations! Liferay DXP is now installed and ready for production.

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