This reference guide provides a list of the default CKEditor plugins bundled
with Liferay DXP’s AlloyEditor. You can
use these existing CKEditor plugins in your custom AlloyEditor configurations.
Each plugin below links to its plugin.js
file for reference, specifying the
plugin’s name and buttons if applicable:
- about
- allyhelp
- allyhelpbtn
- ajaxsave
- autocomplete
- basicstyles
- bbcode
- bidi
- blockquote
- clipboard
- colorbutton
- colordialog
- contextmenu
- creole
- dialogadvtab
- div
- elementspath
- enterkey
- entities
- filebrowse
- find
- flash
- floatingspace
- font
- format
- forms
- horizontalrule
- htmlwriter
- image
- iframe
- indent
- itemselector
- justify
- link
- list
- liststyle
- lfrpopup
- magicline
- media
- newpage
- pagebreak
- pastefromword
- pastetext
- preview
- removeformat
- resize
- restore
- selectall
- showblocks
- showborders
- smiley
- sourcearea
- specialchar
- stylescombo
- tab
- table
- tabletools
- templates
- toolbar
- undo
- wikilink
- wysiwygarea