Have you ever wanted your gadgets to communicate with each other or with portlets? You can do so with PubSub. It is a messaging pattern in which publishers send messages to topics and subscribers receive the messages on those topics. Hence, the term PubSub is short for “Publish and Subscribe.” PubSub is implemented in Liferay to facilitate interaction between gadgets and interaction between gadgets and portlets. PubSub is a diverse messaging system that allows messages to be sent in the following manner:
- gadget to gadget
- portlet to gadget or vice versa
- portlet to portlet
With the use of PubSub, the worlds of gadgets and portlets blend together, facilitating their ability to communicate and interact with each other.
Publishers don’t send messages to subscribers directly; instead, they publish messages that are characterized into classes and sent across message channels (topics). Therefore, the publishers have no knowledge of whom they are sending their messages to; they simply broadcast the messages over a channel. So you may ask: “How do subscribers receive messages if the messages are not sent directly to them?” Subscribers express interest by subscribing to certain channels. Once subscribed, they receive messages sent to those channels. Like publishers, they have no knowledge of who sends the messages, they only know channels and receive messages coming in on those channels. This process makes it much easier for multiple gadgets and portlets to communicate with each other, without specifically stating with whom they are communicating.
PubSub can be compared to a TV station and your TV. The TV station does not directly send their material to your TV, but instead broadcasts the material over a channel. You subscribe to that channel by tuning your TV to that channel to watch what’s on it. This process of broadcasting and tuning into TV programs is similar to publishing and subscribing to messages sent via PubSub.
PubSub also offers the ability for portlets and gadgets to publish to and subscribe to multiple channels. Although this may seem like a complex process, PubSub’s use of message channels creates a network for gadgets to communicate across, and the network is easy to maintain and understand.
Let’s try out PubSub for ourselves to explore how PubSub works. In this fundamental example, we’ll import two simple gadgets and send messages from one to the other. One acts as a publisher and the other as a subscriber. Follow the steps below:
Navigate to the Control Panel and select OpenSocial Gadget Publisher from under the Portal heading.
Select Publish Gadget and, for each gadget, enter the URL and click Save.
Sample PubSub Publisher URL:
Sample PubSub Subscriber URL:
Go back to a page on your site, navigate to Add → More…, and add your new gadgets to the page
Click Publish a random number on the PubSub Publisher gadget. Notice that it publishes a number; but the PubSub Subscriber gadget does not receive the number.
Figure 13.2: The subscriber cannot receive any messages from the publisher without being subscribed to the channel.
Select Subscribe on the subscriber gadget.
Click Publish a random number again from the publisher gadget. You now see the random number received by the subscriber.
Figure 13.3: When the subscriber is subscribed to the publisher's channel, the subscriber is able to receive messages.
Select Unsubscribe on the subscriber gadget.
Click Publish a random number.
As you would expect, the subscriber portlet no longer receives the random number.
This simple example illustrates what PubSub does. It opens up a message channel through which publishers and subscribers can interact. You probably also noticed that while publishing and subscribing with your gadgets, there was no need to refresh the page. This is because the gadgets use AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML). This technology refreshes your applications automatically, allowing PubSub to work efficiently and effectively throughout your Liferay Portal.
I bet you are wondering how to implement PubSub messaging in your gadgets and portlets. We’ll dive into the code next. In fact, we’ll complete exercises demonstrating gadget to gadget interaction and portlet to gadget interaction.
Gadget to Gadget
For gadget to gadget communication, two independent gadgets are placed on a page and configured with PubSub. These two gadgets are able to communicate with one another and provide tools that the user could not otherwise produce. We will complete a simple example for gadget to gadget communication where two gadgets work together to display an address on Google Maps. The first gadget represents a publisher that enables the user to input a specific address and publish the address. The second gadget represents the subscriber who receives the address, displays the address, and locates the address on Google Maps. Follow the steps below:
Publish the Google Address and Google Map gadgets, as we had done previously with other gadgets. The URLs are given below:
Google Address URL:
Google Map URL:
Add both gadgets to a page.
Figure 13.4: Gadgets are easy to publish and some gadgets, like Google's *Address* and *Map* gadgets, are automatically synced to communicate with each other.
Note: The address bar is already filled with an address. This default address is specified in the Google Address gadget’s source code. We will edit this setting using Liferay’s gadget editor later in the chapter.
Input an address into the Address bar and then click Update. You should now be able to see that address location displayed in the Google Map gadget.
Figure 13.5: After inputting a custom address in the *Google Address* gadget, you are able to see its physical location in the *Google Map* gadget.
Congratulations! Your gadgets are communicating well with each other. This simple example demonstrates two gadgets communicating with each other using PubSub. We will now dive into the source code and analyze how this interaction is accomplished.
First, we’ll look at the contents of the Google Maps XML file GoogleMapsPublisher.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<ModulePrefs title="Google Address">
<Require feature="pubsub-2">
<Param name="topics">
<Topic title="Google Maps" name="com.liferay.opensocial.gmapsdemo" publish="true"/>
<Require feature="dynamic-height" />
<Content type="html">
<input type="text" id="address" name="address" size="40" value="1400 Montefino Ave, Diamond Bar, CA 91765">
<input type="button" value="Update" onclick="updateLoc()">
<script type="text/javascript">
function updateLoc() {
var address = _gel("address").value;
gadgets.Hub.publish("com.liferay.opensocial.gmapsdemo", address);
The following excerpt from Google Maps XML file enables the gadget to use PubSub and specifies the channel (topic) to which the gadget publishes:
<Require feature="pubsub-2">
<Param name="topics">
<Topic title="Google Maps" name="com.liferay.opensocial.gmapsdemo" publish="true"/>
Notice the opening <Require feature="pubsub-2">
, mandating the pubsub-2
feature for the gadget. The <Param name="topics">
section establishes the
topic com.liferay.opensocial.gmapsdemo
that the gadget publishes to. Within
the topics parameter, you define all the topics your gadget uses for
communication. Furthermore, the publish="true"
attribute specifies the
gadget’s role as a publisher to the topic.
In the JavaScript of the gadget’s content, the gadget publishes to the topic with the following invocation:
gadgets.Hub.publish("com.liferay.opensocial.gmapsdemo", address);
When the user clicks the gadget’s Publish button, the message is sent by the
publishing gadget to the topic named com.liferay.opensocial.gmapsdemo
. PubSub
broadcasts the message received on that topic to all subscribers, such as your
Google Address gadget. Each subscriber receives and processes the message. In
the case of your Google Maps gadget, the message, containing an address, is
processed by the gadget to show the address location on its map.
Next, we’ll analyze the example’s subscribing gadget’s source code specified in GoogleMapsViewer.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<ModulePrefs title="Google Map">
<Require feature="pubsub-2">
<Param name="topics">
<Topic title="Google Maps" name="com.liferay.opensocial.gmapsdemo" subscribe="true"/>
<Require feature="dynamic-height" />
<Content type="html">
<script src="http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&v=2.x" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div id="map" style="width:100%;height:100%"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var geocoder = new GClientGeocoder();
gadgets.HubSettings.onConnect = function(hub, suc, err) {
gadgets.Hub.subscribe("com.liferay.opensocial.gmapsdemo", callback);
function callback(topic, data, subscriberData) {
geocoder.getLocations(data, showAddress);
function showAddress(response) {
place = response.Placemark[0];
point = newGLatLng(place.Point.coordinates[1],place.Point.coordinates[0]);
marker = new GMarker(point);
map.panTo(point, 13);
var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map"));
map.setCenter(new GLatLng(43, -100), 3);
The subscriber source code is similar to that of the publisher. It mandates the
feature for the gadget and specifies
as one of its topics, as you would expect. Of
course, the only difference is the fact that this gadget subscribes to the
topic, hence the attribute setting subscribe="true"
The following JavaScript from the gadget’s content registers a callback on the
gadgets.HubSettings.onConnect = function(hub, suc, err) {
gadgets.Hub.subscribe("com.liferay.opensocial.gmapsdemo", callback);
The gadgets.HubSettings.onConnect
function is called by the OpenSocial
container once the gadget connects to the PubSub messaging hub. In our example,
the gadget subscribes to the previously mentioned topic. All subscribers to
this topic receive messages sent to it.
When a message is received, the gadget’s callback()
function is executed. In
this example, the callback method sends the received message (the address sent
by the publisher) and calls GClientGeocoder.getLocations()
to get the
locations. And finally, the locations are processed and displayed on the map.
In summary, subscriber gadgets need to specify a topic and register a callback function on that topic to handle the messages they receive.
As you can see, PubSub allows your site to run efficiently and enables otherwise unconnected gadgets to communicate and flourish within Liferay Portal.
Gadgets are not limited to only communicating with other gadgets. In the next section, we will demonstrate the capabilities of communication between portlets and gadgets.
Communicating Between Portlets and Gadgets
For this section, we will continue implementing the Google Map gadget on your site. If you have portlet applications that can take advantage of the functionality your Maps gadgets have to offer, it would certainly be convenient for a user to allow communications between those gadgets and your portlets.
As a demonstration, we will send messages from a Directory portlet to the Google Map gadget. For each user listed in the Directory portlet, we will create a Show in Google Maps link that, when selected, displays the location of the user’s address in the Google Map gadget.
This portlet is much like Liferay’s Directory portlet. The first thing we need
to do is edit the portlet’s address.jsp
file to configure a Google Maps link.
As you know from explanations given earlier, the Google Map gadget is
distinguished as a subscriber. Therefore, the Directory portlet needs to take
on a publisher role to enable communication. To enable the Directory portlet
to publish to the topic on which the Google Map gadget is subscribed, we
insert the following JavaScript into the address.jsp
<script type="text/javascript">
function publishAddress(address) {
Liferay.fire('gadget:com.liferay.opensocial.gmapsdemo', address);
This code involves a publishAddress()
function that’s called whenever you
click on the Show in Google Maps link. The function invokes the
function, passing in the name of the channel receiving the
message and the user’s address as the message. One thing to note is that when a
portlet sends data to a gadget, there must be a gadget:
prefix before the
channel declaration. This distinguishes who the messages are intended for when
they are broadcast across a channel. Notice that you don’t need to change anything
for your Google Map gadget, since it’s already subscribed to that channel. You
only needed to define the Directory portlet as a publisher to that channel.
After editing the JSP, you can add the Directory Portlet and Google Map gadget to a Liferay page and test it out. Here is a snapshot of what the interaction would look like:
Figure 13.6: Your modified *Directory* portlet sends a user address to the *Google Map* gadget to display the address location in its map.
Letting your portlets communicate with gadgets enhances your portlet applications and gives you a plethora of different ways you can enhance your users’ experience.
We will now switch gears and dive into Liferay’s gadget editor!