Introduction to Liferay Marketplace

The Liferay Marketplace is an exciting new hub for sharing, browsing and downloading Liferay-compatible applications. As enterprises look for ways to build and enhance their existing platforms, developers and software vendors are searching for new avenues to reach this market. Marketplace leverages the entire Liferay ecosystem to release and share apps in a user-friendly, one-stop site.

This chapter covers topics related to developing for the Liferay Marketplace, including:

  • Marketplace Basics
  • Requirements for Publishing to the Marketplace
  • Developing and Testing apps for the Marketplace
  • Publishing apps to the Marketplace
  • Maintaining and Updating apps
  • Tracking app Performance

This chapter focuses on the topics of interest to a Liferay developer. It is highly recommended that you first read the Liferay Marketplace chapter of Using Liferay Portal, where you will find detailed information about the Marketplace from an end user’s perspective.

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