Knowledge Base

Liferay’s Knowledge Base portlet provides a means for creating and organizing articles within a site. The knowledge base is perfect for creating and organizing information more formally than in a wiki. For example, it can be used to organize and display professional product documentation. It’s easy to set up the knowledge base with a workflow that requires articles to be approved before they are published. Additionally, it allows administrators to create article templates. Templates can be used to insure certain kinds of articles possess a common structure and include certain kinds of information. Knowledge base articles can be categorized to make them easy to find. They can also be organized hierarchically to form complete books or guides. The Knowledge Base portlet is available as an app from Liferay Marketplace. Please see chapter 2 for installation instructions.

Knowledge Base Display Portlet

The Knowledge Base app actually consists of four portlets that can be placed on site pages as well as one that adds a page to the Control Panel. The four portlets that can be placed on a page are Knowledge Base (Display), Knowledge Base Search, Knowledge Base Article and Knowledge Base Section. When placed on a page, the Knowledge Base display portlet presents many of the same options to an administrator that are available from the Knowledge Base page of the control panel.

Figure 12.32: Knowledge Base Display Portlet

Figure 12.32: Knowledge Base Display Portlet

You can use the four links at the top of the Knowledge Base display portlet to control what it displays.

Knowledge Base Home: shows you a list of all top level articles.

Recent Articles: shows you a list of articles in order from most recent activity to least recent activity.

Administrator: shows you a list of all articles, regardless of which ones are parents or children of the others.

My Subscriptions: shows you a list of articles you are subscribed to.

The Add Article button is available from the Knowledge Base Home or Administrator view of the Knowledge Base display portlet or from the Articles tab of the Knowledge Base page of the Control Panel. Use this button to create an article for the knowledge base. When creating an article, you can use the same WYSIWYG editor you used to create wiki pages. Articles, however, are not the same as wiki pages: they must be created in HTML, not MediaWiki or Creole. Click the Source button in the editor to view the HTML source of what you’ve written or write some HTML yourself.

Figure 12.33: New Knowledge Base

Figure 12.33: New Knowledge Base Article

In addition to entering a title and creating content for your article, you can use the editor to add attachments, add tags and set permissions. By default, view permission is granted to the guest role, meaning anyone can view your article. After you’re done using the editor, you can save it as draft and continue working on it later or you can submit it for publication. Your article may need to be approved before being published, depending on the workflow defined for your portal.

You can find the Permissions button next to the Add Article button in the Knowledge Base display portlet or on the Knowledge Base page of the control panel. Click this button to define permissions that apply to the Knowledge Base display portlet generally, not to particular articles. Here, you can define which roles can add articles and templates, which are granted knowledge base administrator privileges, which can change permissions on articles, which can subscribe to articles and which can view templates.

Figure 12.34: Knowledge Base

Figure 12.34: Knowledge Base Permissions

Users may need to be granted access to the knowledge base page of the control panel in order to exercise some of the above permissions. For example, suppose the user role has been granted the Add Article and the View Templates permissions. A user will be able to add articles from the knowledge base display portlet but will need access to the knowledge base page of the Control Panel in order to view templates. Note that the Knowledge Base (Display) permissions are distinct from the Knowledge Base (Admin) portlet. The display permissions define what a user can do with the Knowledge Base display portlet on a page while the admin permissions define what a user can do on the Knowledge Base page of the Control Panel.

Knowledge Base Page of the Control Panel

The Knowledge Base page of the Control Panel has two tabs: one for articles and one for templates. The articles tab shows all the articles in the knowledge base and lets you perform actions on them. The templates tab shows all the templates defined in the knowledge base and lets you perform actions on them.

Figure 12.35: Knowledge Base Control Panel Page

Figure 12.35: Knowledge Base Control Panel Page

Administrators can perform the following actions on an article:

View: displays an article. From here, you can add a child article, edit the article, change its permissions, move it or delete it.

Edit: allows you to change the title and content of an article as well as add attachments, select topics and add tags.

Permissions: lets you configure the permissions on a specific article.

Subscribe: lets you to choose to be notified of any updates to a particular article.

Move: lets you change an article’s position in the hierarchy by choosing a new parent article for it.

Delete: lets you remove an article from the knowledge base.

These actions are similar to the ones that can be performed from the Administrator view of the Knowledge Base display portlet. However, the Knowledge Base display portlet is intended to be placed on a page for the end user so an additional action is available: RSS is a link to an RSS feed of an article. Also, the View action is only available from the Control Panel since the Knowledge Base Article portlet can be used to display an article on a page.

The templates tab of the Knowledge Base page of the Control Panel allows administrators to create templates to facilitate the creation of articles. A template basically functions like a starting point for the creation of certain types of articles. Click the Add Template button on the Templates tab of the Knowledge Base page of the Control Panel to create a new template.

Figure 12.36: Adding a New Template From the Control Panel

Figure 12.36: Adding a New Template From the Control Panel

Navigate back to the templates tab of the Knowledge Base page of the control panel. You can perform the following actions on a template:

View: displays a template. From here, you can use the template to create an article, edit the template, modify the permissions on the template or delete it.

Edit: allows you to change the title and content of a template.

Permissions: allows you to configure the permissions on a template. You can choose roles to have permission to update, view, delete or change the permissions on templates.

Delete: lets you remove a template from the knowledge base.

Figure 12.37: Knowledge Base Section Portlets

Figure 12.37: Knowledge Base Section Portlets

To use a template to create a new article, you have to view the template and then click Use this Template. This brings you to the New Article editor with the contents of the template copied for you.

Knowledge Base Article Portlet

The Knowledge Base Article portlet can be placed on a page to display an entire article. When you first place this portlet on a page it displays the message Please configure this portlet to make it visible to all users. This message is a link to the configuration dialog box for the portlet. Click Select Article to choose an article to display. Pick an article and then click Save. When your page refreshes it will display the article in the portlet.

Figure 12.38: Knowledge Base Article Portlet

Figure 12.38: Knowledge Base Article Portlet

The Knowledge Base Article portlet allows users to rate and comment on the article it displays. There are also links at the top of the portlet users can use to subscribe to an RSS feed of the knowledge base, subscribe to the article, view the history of the article or print the article.

Knowledge Base Section Portlet

The Knowledge Base Section portlet allows administrators to selectively show articles associated with a specific section. For example, a news site might have a World section, a Politics section, a Business section and an Entertainment section. In order to use sections, you need to set the admin.kb.article.sections property in your knowledge base portlet’s file and redeploy the portlet. You can find the file in the knowledge base portlet’s source directory. Updating the one in your server’s directory won’t work. Use comma delimited section names to set the property, like admin.kb.article.sections=World,Politics,Business,Entertainment, for example.

Once you have defined some sections in your knowledge base’s file, your users will see a multi-select box in the Add Article and Edit Article screens that allows them to select which section an article belongs to. You can add any number of Knowledge Base section portlets to a page and you can configure each portlet to display articles from any number of sections.

Figure 12.39: Knowledge Base Section Portlets

Figure 12.39: Knowledge Base Section Portlets

The Knowledge Base section portlet has some additional configurations that allow an administrator to select a display style (title or abstract), an article window state (maximized or normal), how to order the articles, how many articles to display per page and whether or not to show pagination.

Knowledge Base Navigation

Wikis often have deeply nested articles that can be hard to find by browsing. Liferay’s knowledge base’s ability to selectively display articles makes it easier to browse than a Wiki. The knowledge base also features some other aids to navigation. The Knowledge Base Search portlet allows you to search for articles in the knowledge base. This portlet presents the search results to you in order from most relevant to least relevant.

Figure 12.40: Knowledge Base Search Portlet

Figure 12.40: Knowledge Base Search Portlet

You can also use the Categories Navigation portlet in conjunction with the Knowledge Base display portlet. When both of these portlets are placed on a page you can select a topic in the Categories Navigation portlet and the Knowledge Base display portlet will show all of the articles that match the topic. You can create topics from the Categories page of the Control Panel.

Figure 12.41: Knowledge Base Category Navigation Portlet

Figure 12.41: Knowledge Base Category Navigation Portlet

You can select topics for articles when you are creating or editing them.

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