Managing Notifications and Requests

If you subscribed to a blog or message board, or if someone sent you a private message, invitation, event reminder, or mentioned you in a post, you received a notification or request.

The notifications icon on your profile image shows your number of unread notifications or requests.

Figure 1: The number of notifications and requests are displayed above your profile image

Figure 1: The number of notifications and requests are displayed above your profile image

To access notifications and requests, you can click the notifications icon on your user profile image or open the Control Menu and select My AccountNotifications under the user menu. The Notifications List section is selected by default. This is where all your notifications are displayed. Click the Requests List link in the Navbar to view and manage your requests.

Figure 2: The Notifications List section displays all your notifications in a paginated list.

Figure 2: The *Notifications List* section displays all your notifications in a paginated list.

Managing Notifications

Notifications can pile up after some time, especially if you were away for a few days. Since Liferay DXP 7.0 Fix Pack 30 and Liferay Portal 7.0 CE GA5, the Management Bar gives you several ways to filter and sort your notifications.

The following filters are available for notifications:

All: The default option. Displays both read and unread notifications.

Unread: displays notifications that haven’t been marked as read. Unread notifications are indicated with a blue border on the left-hand side of the notification.

Read: displays notifications that have been marked as read

You can also sort notifications by Date. By default notifications are listed by date in descending order. Click the up arrow icon in the management bar to sort notifications by ascending order. The down arrow icon reverses this.

To mark notifications, select Mark as read or Mark as unread from the actions menu for the notification. The Delete action permanently deletes the notification.

Managing Multiple Notifications

You can also manage multiple notifications at once. Select the checkbox next to notifications you want to manage and choose an option from the Management Bar. Select the checkbox above the notifications list to select all notifications on the current page. A blue border on the bottom marks selected notifications. Selected notifications show three actions: an open envelope button (Open
Envelope) (mark as read); a closed envelope button (Closed Envelope) (mark as unread); and an x button (Delete
Button) (delete).

Selecting the Mark all notifications as read action in the app’s actions menu marks them as read.

This action can not be undone. You must manually paginate through all the notifications and either bulk mark them as unread for the page, or individually mark the notifications as unread if you wish to change the state.

Managing Requests

When you get a request, it appears in the Requests List section. In its Action menu, you can click Confirm to accept, Ignore to decline, or Delete to remove the request.

Figure 3: You can confirm, ignore, or delete requests.

Figure 3: You can confirm, ignore, or delete requests.

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