Workflow Forms

Business processes are often form-based and workflow-driven. They start with some data that needs to be entered and progress by sending the data to other people or groups. The initial data is processed in some way (for example, further data is entered or approval is granted), and the process moves on until completion, when each interested party has seen and manipulated the data. To write an app for each of these fluid processes is laborious and not cost effective. Instead, a tool for quickly defining a process to suit each use case is needed. The process architect must define the data that gets collected and define the process the data must move through to reach its final state. To accomplish this, Liferay DXP already includes the Dynamic Data Lists application for defining forms, and the Kaleo Designer application for designing workflows. The Kaleo Forms solution combines the features of these applications, letting you design an integrated process for sending forms through a workflow in one intuitive UI.

The entire process includes:

  1. Creating a Kaleo Process

  2. Creating the process’s field set (or selecting an existing Data Definition)

  3. Creating the process’s workflow definition (or selecting one that’s already created)

  4. Creating and assigning forms for each workflow task

Since Kaleo Forms is accessed through a site’s administration menu (under Content → Kaleo Forms Admin), make sure the intended users of your Kaleo Processes have access to the application. See the article on roles and permissions if you’re unsure how that works.

Using Kaleo Forms

Access Kaleo Forms from the Content section of your site’s administration menu (click [Site Name]ContentKaleo Forms Admin). Kaleo Forms appears with a listing of the defined processes. If you’re coming here for the first time, there won’t be any, so create one.

Creating a Kaleo Process

Click the Add (Add) button to open the New Process Wizard and begin the first step in creating a Kaleo Process. Name the process Spa Order Process, add a description, and then click Next.

Figure 1: Add a Kaleo Forms Process to link a form with a workflow definition.

Figure 1: Add a Kaleo Forms Process to link a form with a workflow definition.

Creating the Form

In the second step of the New Process Wizard, define the fields that can appear in your process’s forms. There are two methods:

  1. Choose a predefined field set. To use a field set that already exists, pick one from the list of field sets by clicking the Kebab menu (Actions) next to its entry and selecting Choose.
  2. Create a new field set. Use the Add Field Set button to add a new field set. If you’re not sure about creating a field set, see the documentation on creating data definitions first.
    • For this example, Add a new field set:
      • A Text field called Customer Name
      • A Text Box called Requested Spa Technician
      • A Select field called Services Requested with these options:
        • Massage
        • Fish Pedicure
        • Sauna
        • Acupuncture
        • Moon Mud Facial Mask
      • A Boolean field called Returning Customer?
      • A Date field called Preferred Date
      • A Text field called Preferred Time
      • A Date field called Available Date
      • A Text field called Available Time
      • A Boolean field called Approved
      • A Text Box field called Managerial Comments

Click Next to move to the next step in the wizard: adding a workflow for the process.

Figure 2: In the second step of the New Process Wizard, define and choose the fields for your form.

Figure 2: In the second step of the New Process Wizard, define and choose the fields for your form.

Choosing a Workflow

In the third step of the New Process Wizard you select a workflow to use for your forms. The Single Approver workflow is included by default. See how it’s defined by opening it in the Kaleo Designer. Click the kebab menu (Actions) and then Edit.

The graphical interface for editing or defining a workflow appears below the Single Approver edit screen’s Details section.

If you don’t want to base your workflow on the Single Approver definition (or any definition already available in your system), add a new workflow from scratch using the Kaleo Designer. Click the Add Workflow button to get started.

  • For the Spa Order Process, make a new workflow definition called Spa Order Workflow: Figure 3: The Spa Order Process has three tasks that happen sequentially.

    Figure 3: The Spa Order Process has three tasks that happen sequentially.

The definition has a StartNode and three task nodes. Develop it in the graphical designer built into Kaleo Forms. There’s a more detailed write-up of the Kaleo Designer here if you’re not already familiar with it.

This workflow exhibits simple linear processing, so that the initial form is filled out (in the StartNode) and then the workflow moves to the first task (Technician Claim), then to the second task (Managerial Approval), and finally, to the final order task.

The task assignments of this workflow are as follows:

  • Technician Claim: Assigned to the Spa Technician Role.
  • Managerial Approval: Assigned to the Spa Manager Role.
  • Final Order: Assigned to the Asset Creator.

Once the workflow is done, select it: back on the third step of the New Process wizard, click ActionsChoose on the workflow you just created. Then click Next.

Adding Task Forms

In the fourth (and final) step of the New Process wizard, assign a form to each task in the workflow definition (and to the StartNode to get the process kicked off). All forms you work with here will be either the entire field set you defined in step two, or a subset of it.

For review, the Spa Order Process has these fields:

  • Customer Name
  • Requested Spa Technician
  • Services Requested
  • Returning Customer?
  • Preferred Date
  • Preferred Time
  • Available Date
  • Available Time
  • Approved
  • Managerial Comments

Not all the available fields should appear on each form. For example, the Approved field should only appear on the form for the managerial review task.

Each applicable workflow node (the initial state and each task) appears in a row with its associated form and a button that lets you assign a form. In the Spa Order Workflow definition, there are four nodes that need forms: StartNode, Technician Claim, Managerial Approval, and Final Order.

Figure 5: You can assign a form to each task in the workflow, and for the initial state (created in this case.)

Figure 5: You can assign a form to each task in the workflow, and for the initial state (*created* in this case.)

Click on the kebab menu (Action) next to the Request Entered task and then click Assign Form. The screen that appears lets you create a new form if you click the Add button (Add).

  • First, name the initial form (call it Spa Order Process–Order Form if you like).
  • Next look at the available fields. In this stage of the workflow, you don’t need all the fields. Delete these fields from the form (mouse over the field and click the delete icon–Delete):
    • Available Date
    • Available Time
    • Approved
    • Managerial Comments

Figure 6: Workflow task forms are a subset of the original form.

Figure 6: Workflow task forms are a subset of the original form.

If you don’t need to change any field settings in the form, click Save. On the next screen choose your new form by clicking on it. Now the workflow definition’s StartNode has a form associated with it.

Next create a form named Spa Order Process–Technician Claim Form for the Technician Claim workflow task. Follow the same procedure used above, this time deleting these fields from the full field set:

  • Approved
  • Managerial Comments

Create a form to be used in the Managerial Approval task, called Spa Order Process–Managerial Approval Form. The manager can change anything she wants about the order, so include the entire field set in the form.

There’s one more form to create: the Spa Order Process–Final Order Form. Like the last form, it should have all the form’s fields so that the customer service representative can review the order with the customer.

Figure 7: Once created, your process is listed in Kaleo Forms.

Figure 7: Once created, your process is listed in Kaleo Forms.

Click Save when finished. The process is ready to test.

Test the Process

Once your new process is developed, add records to it by clicking on the process name and then the Plus button (Add).

The application displays the form you assigned to the workflow’s initial state. Fill out the form and click Save.

Figure 8: Fill out the form and send it through the process.

Figure 8: Fill out the form and send it through the process.

Once the initial form is submitted in the Kaleo Forms application, the process is managed by the workflow engine. In a process backed by the Spa Order Workflow definition, the workflow moves first to the Technician Claim task, then to the Managerial Approval task, and last, to the Final Order task. Whatever users or roles you assigned to the tasks receive notifications, and the task appears in the Assigned to My Roles section of the My Workflow Tasks portlet. A notification is also triggered in the Notifications application. Once in the task, the user views and approve the form or clicks the edit (Edit) button. At this point the workflow task forms you created come into play. Each assigned user fills out the form, saves it, and sends it along in the workflow.

The Kaleo Forms application unites two powerful features of Liferay by integrating a workflow and a form into a new entity, the Kaleo Process.

Kaleo Designer

Using Workflow

Liferay’s Workflow Framework

Creating Simple Applications

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