Auditing Users

You’ve just finished lunch and are ready to get back to work. You have a site in Liferay you use to manage your project, and before you left, you were about to create a folder in your Documents and Media library for sharing some requirements documentation. Sitting down at your desk, you navigate to the repository and attempt to create the folder.

You do not have permission to perform this action, Liferay helpfully tells you.

What?” you blurt accidentally in surprise. “This is my project!”

“Ah, you too?” asks a co-worker helpfully from over the cube wall. “I lost access to a wiki I was updating just a few minutes ago. I was about to enter a support ticket for it.”

“Forget the ticket. Let’s go see the admin now,” you say.

And off you go, two floors down, to the far end of the building where, as you approach, you can already hear stress in the admin’s voice as he tries to reassure someone on the phone.

“Yes, Mr. Jones. Yes, I’ll fix it.” (Jones? The president of the company? goes through your mind.) “I’ll get on it right away, Mr. Jones. It was just a mistake; I’ll fix it. Thank you, Mr. Jones,” and he hangs up the phone.

“Problems?” you ask the admin, whose name is Harry. He does look rather harried.

“Yeah, Tom,” he says. “Somebody changed a bunch of permissions in Liferay DXP–it wasn’t me. I’m assuming you and Dick are here because of the same problem?”

“Yup,” you say. “I lost access to a document repository folder.”

“And I lost access to a wiki,” Dick says helpfully.

“It was probably due to some site membership change. Let’s take a look at the audit portlet in the control panel and see what happened.”

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to see what users are doing on your Liferay DXP, you’ll find Liferay makes this easy. If you’re a Liferay DXP customer, you have access to the Audit application. In combination with some settings in, the Audit application enables you to see all the activity that occurs in your Liferay DXP. Using this, you can quickly find out what changes were made and by whom. If you’ve delegated permission granting to any group of people, this is an essential feature you’re likely to use.

We’ll come back to Tom, Dick and Harry’s story later. For now, let’s look at how to configure and use Liferay’s Audit application so you can do the same thing Harry’s about to do.

Using Audit Events

It’s easy to use audit events to view activities in your Liferay DXP. Navigate to the Control Panel and you’ll find an entry in the Configuration section called Audit. Clicking on Audit shows you a list of the events Liferay has already captured (see the figure below), along with an interface for searching for events. You can browse the list but you’ll likely need to use the search to find what you’re looking for.

Figure 1: Liferay DXP captures and stores events.

Figure 1: Liferay DXP captures and stores events.

The figure above shows that Joe Bloggs logged in and performed some actions on the site. To view details about any of these events, all you need to do is click on an entry. You’ll then see something like the figure below.

Figure 2: Clicking an event in the list shows the details of that event. This event shows that Test Test updated his user account. Specifically, it shows that he updated his prefixId from 0 to 101. The prefixId value represents a prefix for a real name like Dr., Mr., Mrs., or Ms.

Figure 2: Clicking an event in the list shows the details of that event. This event shows that Test Test updated his user account. Specifically, it shows that he updated his `prefixId` from `0` to `101`. The `prefixId` value represents a prefix for a real name like "Dr.", "Mr.", "Mrs.", or "Ms."

As you can see, depending on how many users you have, this list can get populated very quickly. That’s why page view events aren’t displayed by default. They’ll clutter up your audit report, since they’ll definitely be the most often triggered event.

Now that you know how to browse and view audit events, let’s learn how to search for specific events.

Viewing Audit Reports

Finding what you want in a big list of events is, to use the expression, like searching for a needle in a haystack. This is why the Audit application provides a robust searching mechanism. By default, it looks pretty simple: there’s only a single field for searching. Clicking the gear icon next to the search bar, however, reveals an advanced search dialog broken out by various fields you can use in your search.

Let’s look at the options we have for search.

Match: You can search for matches to all the fields you’ve specified or any single field.

User ID: Specify the user ID you’d like to search for. This would be the user who performed some action you’d like to audit.

User Name: Specify the user name you’d like to search for. This is often easier than searching for a user ID, especially if you don’t have access to the Liferay database to find the user ID.

Resource ID: Specify the ID of the resource that was modified or viewed in this audit record.

Class Name: Specify the name of the resource that was modified or viewed in this audit record. For example, you could search for User resources to see if someone modified a user’s account.

Resource Action: Specify an action that was performed on the resource. This could be any one of the following: add, assign, delete, impersonate, login, login_failure, logout, unassign, or update.

Session ID: Specify the session ID to search for. You’d use this if you were correlating a session ID from your web server logs with activity in Liferay.

Client IP: Specify the IP address of the client that performed the activity you wish to audit.

Client Host: Specify the host name of the client that performed the activity you wish to audit.

Server Name: Specify the server name upon which the activity occurred. If you’re using a cluster, each member of the cluster can be individually queried.

Server Port: Specify the server port upon which the activity occurred. You’d need this if you run a “vertical” cluster of multiple VMs on the same machine.

Start Date: Specify the low end of the date range you wish to search.

End Date: Specify the high end of the date range you wish to search.

Using this form, if you wanted to check to see if someone unassigned a user from a particular role, you might search for a resource name of user and a resource action of unassign.

Figure 3: Searching for audit events is easy with the advanced search form provided by the Audit application. You can specify various search criteria to find the types of events youre looking for.

Figure 3: Searching for audit events is easy with the advanced search form provided by the Audit application. You can specify various search criteria to find the types of events you're looking for.

Once you have the results of your search, you can click on any of the records returned to see the detail page for that record. The figure below shows, in this case, that the default administrative user removed the Power User role from James Jeffries.

Figure 4: If youve delegated administration to multiple users, you can use the Audit application to determine who made what change. And, of course, youll never leave the default administrative user enabled on a production system, right?

Figure 4: If you've delegated administration to multiple users, you can use the Audit application to determine who made what change. And, of course, you'll never leave the default administrative user enabled on a production system, right?

As you can see, Liferay’s Audit application give you a lot of power to see what’s happening in your Liferay DXP. You can use this information to troubleshoot problems, determine ownership of particular actions, or, as Harry is about to do, find out who made permission changes they weren’t supposed to make.

Configuring Audits

Liferay DXP, enables audits by default. As described above, the Control Panel app reports audit events, but you can also report them in Liferay’s logs or console, enable them for scheduled jobs, or disable them entirely.

There are two main ways to configure Liferay DXP:

  1. Edit a configuration via Liferay’s Control Panel and the configuration is saved to Liferay’s database.

  2. Edit a configuration via an OSGi configuration file (.config file) in your [LIFERAY_HOME]/osgi/modules folder.

These methods apply to each of the audit configuration options explained below.

Reporting Audit Events in Liferay’s Logs and Console

In the Control Panel: Go to Control PanelSystem SettingsFoundationLogging Message Audit Message Processor.

Check Enabled to report audit events in Liferay’s log. Check Output to Console if you also want them in the console. Audit events are available in either CSV or JSON formats. Select the one you prefer and click Update.

To report audit events in Liferay’s logs and console via an OSGi configuration file, create a file called in [LIFERAY_HOME]/osgi/modules folder containing these properties:


As you can see, these are the same options from the Control Panel. Edit them you see fit.

Regardless of configuration approach, you must also extend Liferay’s log4j-ext.xml file to configure Log4J (Liferay DXP’s logging implementation) to log messages produced by the appropriate class to the appropriate file. To do so, create a portal-log4j-ext.xml file in [LIFERAY_HOME]/tomcat-[version]/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF with this configuration:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM "log4j.dtd">

<log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j="">

	<!-- additional audit logging -->

	<appender name="auditFile" class="org.apache.log4j.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
		 <rollingPolicy class="org.apache.log4j.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
			 <param name="FileNamePattern" value="@example.home@/logs/audit.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log" />
		 <layout class="org.apache.log4j.EnhancedPatternLayout">
			 <param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d{ABSOLUTE} %-5p [%t][%c{1}:%L] %m%n" />

	<category name="">
		 <priority value="INFO" />
		 <appender-ref ref="auditFile"/>

This configures Log4J to record INFO level messages from the class to a file called audit.yyyy-MM-dd.log in the [LIFERAY_HOME]/logs folder. Adjust the audit file properties or log level to your liking.

Configuring Audit Events for Scheduled Liferay Jobs

By default, scheduled jobs don’t trigger audit events. To enable them via the Control Panel, go to Control PanelSystem SettingsFoundationScheduler Engine Helper. Check the Audit scheduler job enabled box and click Save.

To enable audit events for scheduled jobs via an OSGi configuration file, create a com.liferay.portal.scheduler.configuration.SchedulerEngineHelperConfiguration.config file in your [LIFERAY_HOME]/osgi/modules folder with this configuration:


Auditing scheduled jobs is a smart choice if there’s a chance someone with a dubious competence level would try to schedule jobs, as you’ll find out below in the conclusion of our story.

Enabling or Disabling Audit Events Entirely

Audit events are enabled by default. To disable them via the Control Panel, go to Control PanelSystem SettingsFoundationAudit. Uncheck the Enabled box. Note that for when auditing is enabled, you can adjust the audit message max queue size from its default value.

To enable or disable auditing entirely from an OSGi configuration file, create a file called com.liferay.portal.scheduler.configuration.SchedulerEngineHelperConfiguration.config in your [LIFERAY_HOME]/osgi/modules folder with this configuration:


These are the default values which you can adjust as desired.

Conclusion of the Story

“Okay,” says Harry, “let’s fire up Liferay’s audit system and see if we can figure out what happened.”

You and Dick stand behind Harry’s chair and watch as he enters a query into a form on the audit portlet. After clicking search, the screen fills up with audit events.

“Wow, that’s a lot of unassign events.” Harry says. “And look who the culprit is,” he adds sarcastically.

“Who’s Melvin Dooitrong?” Dick asks.

“That’s my new intern,” Harry says. “I’m gonna kill him.” Harry pushes out his chair and walks down the row of cubes to the end, where a kid no more than 20 years old with disheveled hair sits, earbuds in his ears.

“Hey Melvin,” Harry says as Melvin turns around to face him. “Didn’t I ask you to move that set of users from site membership to organization membership?”

“Yeah,” Melvin says, “I did that already.”

“How’d you do it?”

“It was going to take a while to do it manually, so I wrote a script and executed it in the scripting host,” Melvin replies, matter-of-factly.

“You did, did you? Well, guess what? Your script removed everybody from all sites.”


“Yeah, and now you’re going to start adding them back, one by one, manually, starting with Mr. Jones….”

Tom and Dick back away slowly from Melvin’s cube as Harry and Melvin continue to have their–let’s call it a discussion. One thing is clear: they’re having a better day than Melvin is.

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