This tutorial guides you through the process of upgrading your 6.2 theme to run on Liferay DXP 7.0. While you’re at it, you should leverage theme improvements, including support for Sass, Bootstrap 3, and Lexicon (Liferay’s UI design language). This tutorial demonstrates upgrading a Liferay Portal 6.2 theme to Liferay DXP 7.0.
Theme upgrades involve these steps:
- Updating project metadata
- Updating CSS
- Updating theme templates
- Updating resources importer configuration and content
- Applying Lexicon design patterns
As an example, this tutorial applies the steps to a Liferay Portal 6.2 theme called the
Lunar Resort theme—developed in the Liferay Portal 6.2 Learning Path Developing a Liferay Theme.
It’s similar to many Liferay Portal 6.2 themes as it extends the _styled
adding configurable settings and incorporating a responsive design that
leverages Font Awesome icons and Bootstrap. The theme ZIP file
contains its original source code.
Figure 1: The Lunar Resort example theme upgraded in this tutorial uses a clean, minimal design.
Before upgrading a theme, consider migrating the theme
to use the Liferay JS Theme Toolkit,
such as those created with the Liferay Theme Generator.
Liferay DXP 7.0 doesn’t require this migration, but the Liferay JS Theme Toolkit’s
Gulp upgrade
task automates many upgrade steps. Themes that use the Liferay JS
Theme Toolkit can also leverage exclusive new features, such as the Liferay
Theme Generator’s sub-generators, and
If you migrate your theme, return here afterward to upgrade it.
No matter the environment in which you’re developing your theme, this tutorial
explains everything required to upgrade it. The easiest option is to use the
Liferay JS Theme Toolkit’s Gulp upgrade
task, so you’ll see that first. Then you’ll
see all upgrade steps, in case you want to run them manually.
Running the Upgrade Task for Themes that Use Liferay JS Theme Toolkit
A Liferay Portal 6.2 theme can be upgraded to Liferay DXP 7.0, regardless of its project
environment (Liferay JS Theme Toolkit, Plugins SDK, Maven, etc.). But a theme
that’s been migrated to use the Liferay JS Theme Toolkit can leverage the Gulp
task. If you’re not going to leverage Liferay JS Theme Toolkit, skip
to the Updating Project Metadata section.
Here’s what the Upgrade task does:
- Updates the theme’s Liferay version
- Updates the CSS
- Suggests specific code updates
The Upgrade task automatically upgrades CSS code that it can identify. For everything else, it suggests manual upgrades that you can make.
Here are the steps for using the theme gulp upgrade
In your theme’s root directory, run this command:
gulp upgrade
Here’s what it does initially:
- Copies the existing theme to a folder called
- Creates core code for generating theme base files
- Updates Liferay version references
The task continues upgrading CSS files, prompting you to update CSS file names.
- Copies the existing theme to a folder called
For Liferay DXP 7.0, Sass files should use the
extension and file names for Sass partials should start with an underscore (e.g.,_custom.scss
). Theupgrade
task prompts you for each CSS file to rename.
The Upgrade task makes a best effort to upgrade the theme’s Bootstrap code from version 2 to 3. For other areas of the code it suspects might need updates, it logs suggestions (covered later). The task also reports changes that may affect theme templates.
A breaking change is a code modification between versions of Liferay DXP that
might be incompatible with existing plugins, including themes. Liferay minimized
the number of breaking changes, but couldn’t avoid some. The Breaking Changes
reference document describes them. The theme’s gulp upgrade
command and the
Upgrade Planner,
in Liferay Developer Studio identify and address these changes.
The Gulp upgrade
task jump-starts the upgrade process, but it doesn’t complete
it. Manual updates are required.
The rest of this tutorial explains all the theme upgrade steps, regardless of
whether the Gulp upgrade
task performs them. Steps the Upgrade task performs
are noted in context. Even if you’ve already executed the Upgrade task, it’s
best to learn all the steps and make sure they’re applied to your theme.
The next step is to update the theme’s metadata.
Updating Project Metadata
If you’re developing your theme in an environment other than the Plugins SDK, skip this section.
A theme’s Liferay version must be updated to 7.0.0+
for the theme to run on
Liferay DXP 7.0.
If you’re using the Plugins SDK, open the
file and change the liferay-versions
property value to 7.0.0+
If you’re using the Liferay JS Theme Toolkit, open the
file and specify liferay-look-and-feel_7_0_0.dtd
as the DTD and 7.0.0+
as the compatibility version:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE look-and-feel PUBLIC "-//Liferay//DTD Look and Feel 7.0.0//EN"
- If your theme uses the Liferay JS Theme Toolkit and has a
file, update the file’s Liferay version references to7.0
Your theme’s Liferay version references are updated for Liferay DXP 7.0. Next, you’ll update the CSS.
Updating CSS Code
Liferay DXP 7.0’s UI improvements required these CSS-related changes:
- Adding new CSS files
- Removing unneeded CSS files
- Class variable changes (required by Bootstrap 3)
- Modifications to CSS responsiveness tokens
The theme upgrade process involves conforming to these changes.
In this section, you’ll update your theme’s CSS to leverage the styling improvements. Start with updating CSS file names for Sass.
Updating CSS File Names for Sass
Although Sass was available in Liferay Portal 6.2, only Sass partial files followed the
Sass naming convention (using file suffix .scss
). In Liferay DXP 7.0 themes, all
Sass files must end in scss
For each CSS file you’ve modified in your theme, except main.scss
, change its suffix from .css
to .scss
Then prepend an underscore (_
) to all Sass partial file names.
For example, rename custom.css
to _custom.scss
Here are the Lunar Resort theme’s renamed CSS files:
Refer to the Theme Reference Guide for a complete list of expected theme CSS files.
Next, the CSS rules must be updated to use Bootstrap 3 syntax.
Updating CSS Rules
Liferay DXP 7.0 uses Bootstrap 3’s CSS rule syntax. The new syntax lets developers leverage Bootstrap 3 features and improvements.
If your theme does not use the Liferay JS Theme Toolkit, you can refer to the Migrating from 2.x to 3.0 guide for updating CSS rules to Bootstrap 3.
If your theme uses the Liferay JS Theme Toolkit, the Gulp upgrade
task reports
automatic CSS updates and suggested manual updates. For example, here is part of
the task log for the Lunar Resort theme:
Bootstrap Upgrade (2 to 3)
File: src/css/_aui_variables.scss
Line 5: "$white" has been removed
Line 11: "$baseBorderRadius" has changed to "$border-radius-base"
Line 15: "$btnBackground" has changed to "$btn-default-bg"
Line 16: "$btnBackgroundHighlight" has been removed
Line 17: "$btnBorder" has changed to "$btn-default-border"
Line 18: "$btnDangerBackground" has changed to "$btn-danger-bg"
Line 19: "$btnDangerBackgroundHighlight" has been removed
Line 21: "$btnInfoBackgroundHighlight" has been removed
Line 21: "$btnInfoBackground" has changed to "$btn-info-bg"
Line 22: "$btnPrimaryBackground" has changed to "$btn-primary-bg"
Line 23: "$btnPrimaryBackgroundHighlight" has been removed
Line 24: "$btnSuccessBackground" has changed to "$btn-success-bg"
Line 25: "$btnSuccessBackgroundHighlight" has been removed
Line 26: "$btnWarningBackground" has changed to "$btn-warning-bg"
Line 27: "$btnWarningBackgroundHighlight" has been removed
Line 29: "$dropdownLinkBackgroundActive" has changed to
Line 30: "$dropdownLinkBackgroundHover" has changed to
Line 31: "$dropdownLinkColorActive" has changed to
Line 31: "$white" has been removed
Line 34: "$navbarBackgroundHighlight" has been removed
Line 35: "$navbarBorder" has changed to "$navbar-default-border"
Line 36: "$navbarBackground" has changed to "$navbar-default-bg"
Line 36: "$navbarLinkBackgroundActive" has changed to
Line 38: "$linkColorHover" has changed to "$link-hover-color"
Line 38: "$navbarLinkColorHover" has changed to
Line 39: "$navbarLinkColor" has changed to
Line 39: "$navbarText" has changed to "$navbar-default-color"
Line 41: "$errorBackground" has changed to "$error-bg"
Line 45: "$infoBackground" has changed to "$info-bg"
Line 47: "$successBackground" has changed to "$success-bg"
Line 50: "$warningBackground" has changed to "$warning-bg"
File: src/css/custom.css
Line 201: Padding no longer affects width or height, you may need to
change your rule (lines 201-227)
Line 207: Padding no longer affects width or height, you may need to
change your rule (lines 207-226)
Line 212: You would change height from "62px" to "82px"
Line 305: Padding no longer affects width or height, you may need to
change your rule (lines 305-314)
Line 308: You would change height from "39px" to "46px"
Line 403: "nav-collapse" has changed to "navbar-collapse"
Line 409: Padding no longer affects width or height, you may need to
change your rule (lines 409-418)
Line 490: "btn-navbar" has changed to "navbar-btn"
Line 490: "btn" has changed to "btn btn-default"
Line 586: "nav-collapse" has changed to "navbar-collapse"
For each update performed and suggested, the task reports a file name and line number range.
Since Bootstrap 3 adopts the box-sizing: border-box
property for all elements
and pseudo-elements (e.g., :before
and :after
), padding no longer affects
dimensions. Bootstrap’s documentation
describes the box sizing changes. Consider the padding updates the upgrade
task reports for CSS rules.
In all CSS rules that use padding, make sure to update the width and height.
For example, examine the height
value change in this CSS rule from the Lunar
Resort theme’s _custom.scss
Old way:
#reserveBtn {
background-color: #00C4FB;
border-radius: 10px;
color: #FFF;
font-size: 1.5em;
height: 62px;
margin: 30px;
padding: 10px 0;
New way:
#reserveBtn {
background-color: #00C4FB;
border-radius: 10px;
color: #FFF;
font-size: 1.5em;
height: 82px;
margin: 30px;
padding: 10px 0;
After updating your theme’s CSS rules, you should update its CSS responsiveness.
Updating the Responsiveness
In Liferay DXP 7.0, Bootstrap 3 explicit media queries replace Bootstrap 2
mixins for CSS responsiveness. Follow these steps to update CSS
Open your
file. -
Replace all
mixins with corresponding media queries shown below:Media Query Replacements
Liferay Portal 6.2 Mixin Liferay DXP 7.0 Media Query @include respond-to(phone)
@include media-query(null, $screen-xs-max)
@include respond-to(tablet)
@include media-query(sm, $screen-sm-max)
@include respond-to(phone, tablet)
@include media-query(null, $breakpoint_tablet - 1)
@include respond-to(desktop, tablet)
@include sm
@include respond-to(desktop)
@include media-query($breakpoint_tablet, null)
For example, here is a responsiveness update to the Lunar Resort’s
@include respond-to(phone, tablet) {
html #wrapper #banner #navigation {
@include media-query(null, $breakpoint_tablet - 1) {
html #wrapper #banner #navigation {
The new media query @include media-query(null, $breakpoint_tablet - 1)
replaces the old mixin @include respond-to(phone, tablet)
The Liferay JS Theme Toolkit’s Gulp upgrade
task generates a file
. The file provides deprecated compass mixins that your
migrated theme might be using. Consider upgrading your use of these mixins. Keep
the _deprecated_mixins.scss
file if you’re using any of its mixins, but delete
all unused mixins. If you’re not using any of the mixins, delete the
You’ve updated the theme’s responsiveness. Next, you’ll update its Font Awesome settings.
Updating Font Awesome Icons
Liferay DXP uses Font Awesome icons extensively. For example, the Lunar Resort theme’s design incorporates Font Awesome icons in its social media links.
Figure 2: Font Awesome icons facilitate creating social media links.
The icons are easy to use in themes too.
In Liferay Portal 6.2, the CSS file aui.css
defined the Font Awesome icon paths. In
Liferay DXP 7.0, the Sass file _aui_variables.scss
defines them.
The top of the _aui_variables.scss
file must start with the Font Awesome Icons
imports. If you modified the _aui_variables.scss
file in your Liferay Portal 6.2 theme, add
these Font Awesome imports to the top of it:
// Icon paths
$FontAwesomePath: "aui/lexicon/fonts/alloy-font-awesome/font";
$font-awesome-path: "aui/lexicon/fonts/alloy-font-awesome/font";
$icon-font-path: "aui/lexicon/fonts/";
Next, you’ll update the theme templates.
Updating Theme Templates
Liferay DXP 7.0 theme templates are essentially the same as Liferay Portal 6.2 theme templates. Here are the main changes:
Velocity templates are now deprecated in favor of FreeMarker templates.
The Dockbar has been replaced and reorganized into a set of three distinct menus.
Key reasons for using FreeMarker templates and deprecating Velocity templates are these:
FreeMarker is developed and maintained regularly, while Velocity is no longer actively being developed.
FreeMarker is faster and supports more sophisticated macros.
FreeMarker supports using taglibs directly rather than requiring a method to represent them. You can pass body content to them, parameters, etc.
The menus that replace the Dockbar supports a more flexible and responsive design for creating better user experiences.
You should start by addressing the Velocity templates. Since Velocity templates have been deprecated, you should convert your Velocity theme templates to FreeMarker.
If you’re using the Liferay JS Theme Toolkit, the gulp upgrade
command reports
the required theme template changes in the log.
For example, here is the command’s output for the Lunar Resort theme:
Liferay Upgrade (6.2 to 7)
File: portal_normal.ftl
Warning: <@liferay.dockbar /> is deprecated, replace with
<@liferay.control_menu /> for new admin controls.
Warning: not all admin controls will be visible without
<@liferay.control_menu />
Warning: ${theme} variable is no longer available in FreeMarker
templates, see for more information.
For all the theme’s templates, it suggests replacement code for deprecated code.
Next, you’ll learn how to update various theme templates to Liferay DXP 7.0. If you didn’t modify any theme templates, you can skip these sections.
Updating Portal Normal FTL
The first one to update is the portal_normal.ftl
theme template. If you didn’t
customize portal_normal.ftl
, you can skip this section.
In FreeMarker templates, the new syntax for including taglibs lets you use them
directly rather than accessing them via the theme
variable. The change is
described in the Breaking Changes
reference document. All modified portal_normal.ftl
theme templates must be
updated to use the new syntax.
Open your modified
file and replace the following 6.2 directives with the corresponding 7.0 directives:FreeMarker Theme Variable Replacements
6.2 7.0 ${theme.include(top_head_include)}
<@liferay_util["include"] page=top_head_include />
<@liferay_util["include"] page=body_top_include />
<@liferay_util["include"] page=content_include />
${theme.wrapPortlet("portlet.ftl", content_include)}
<@liferay_theme["wrap-portlet"] page="portlet.ftl"> <@liferay_util["include"] page=content_include /> </@>
<@liferay_util["include"] page=body_bottom_include />
<@liferay_util["include"] page=bottom_include />
${theme.runtime("56", "articleId=" + my_article_id)}
<@liferay_portlet["runtime"] portletName=
queryString="articleId=" + my_article_id />
Replace the following link type.
<a href="#main-content" id="skip-to-content"><@liferay.language key="skip-to-content" /></a>
<@liferay_ui["quick-access"] contentId="#main-content" />
tag provides a keyboard shortcut to the page’s main content. -
Replace all Dockbar references with Control Menu references.
<#if is_signed_in> <@liferay.dockbar /> </#if>
<@liferay.control_menu />
The Dockbar was an all-in-one component that contained the page administration menus and the user/portal administration menus. This UI has since been split and reorganized into three menus:
The Product Menu: Manage site and page navigation, content, settings and pages for the current site, and navigate to user account settings, etc.
The Control Menu: Configure and add content to the page and view the page in a simulation window.
The User Personal Bar: Display notifications and the user’s avatar and name.
Figure 3: The Dockbar was removed in Liferay DXP 7.0 and must be replaced with the new Control Menu.
The new design enhances the user experience by providing clear and purposeful menus.
If you used the split Dockbar in your Liferay Portal 6.2 theme, remove
from thebody
value.For example, remove
from<body class="... dockbar-split">
. . -
Remove the page title code shown below:
<h2 class="page-title"> <span>${the_title}</span> </h2>
Rather than include the page title on every page, it was decided that this decision should be left up to developers. With the introduction of modularization in themes, this feature can easily be implemented however you like.
To ensure navigation is only rendered when there are pages, wrap the
<#include "${full_templates_path}/navigation.ftl" />
include with anif
statement as demonstrated below:<#if has_navigation && is_setup_complete> <#include "${full_templates_path}/navigation.ftl" /> </#if>
Finally, replace content
elements (e.g.,<div id="content">...<div>
) with HTML 5section
element works but thesection
element is more accurate and provides better accessibility for screen readers.For example, here’s a new content
element:<section id="content"> <h1 class="hide-accessible">${the_title}</h1> ... </section>
To support accessibility, consider adding an
element like the one above.
If you modified the navigation template for your theme, follow the steps in the next section.
Updating Navigation FTL
Follow these steps to update your modified navigation.ftl
Below the
<nav class="${nav_css_class}" id="navigation" role="navigation">
element, add the following hidden heading for accessibility screen readers:<h1 class="hide-accessible"> <@liferay.language key="navigation" /> </h1>
To access the layout, add the following variable declaration below the
<#assign nav_item_css_class = "" />
variable declaration:<#assign nav_item_layout = nav_item.getLayout() />
This variable grabs the layout for navigation. You can use this variable to retrieve an icon for the navigation menu next.
To retrieve an icon for the navigation menu, replace the
variable in the<a aria-labelledby="layout_${nav_item.getLayoutId()}"...</a>
anchor with the following element:<@liferay_theme["layout-icon"] layout=nav_item_layout />
The navigation template is updated.
That covers most, if not all, of the required theme template changes.
If you modified any other FreeMarker theme templates, you
can compare them with templates in the _unstyled
And if your theme uses the Liferay JS Theme Toolkit, refer to the suggested
changes that the gulp upgrade
command reports.
After updating the theme templates, you can update your theme’s resources importer code.
Updating the Resources Importer
Liferay’s resources importer is now an OSGi module in Liferay’s Web Experience application suite. Since the suite is bundled with Liferay DXP, developers no longer need to download the resources importer separately.
API changes and upgrades to Bootstrap 3 affect the following resources importer components:
- Plugin properties
- Web content article files and directory structure
- Sitemap
This section shows you how to update these components.
Start updating the plugin properties for the resources importer.
If you’re upgrading a Plugins SDK theme, follow these instructions to update resources importer properties. Otherwise, skip this section.
Make the following updates to the theme’s
Remove the
property.The plugin no longer needs this property as the resources importer is now an OSGi module built-in and deployed with Liferay DXP 7.0.
Since the group model class’s fully-qualified class name has changed, replace the
property’s value with the following class name:com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.Group
Now that the resources importer’s properties are configured properly, you can update your theme’s web content.
Updating Web Content
All Liferay DXP 7.0 web content articles must be written in XML and have a structure and template. Article creation requires a structure and article content rendering requires a template. Follow these steps to update your web content:
In the
folder, create a subfolder, for exampleBASIC_WEB_CONTENT
, to hold the basic HTML articles. -
Move all basic HTML articles into the folder you just created in step 1.
In the
folders, create a subfolder with the same name as the folder you created in step 1.For the web content to work properly, the articles, structure, and template folder names must match.
In previous Liferay versions, article structures were written in XML. Now they’re written in JSON.
Create a file
, for exampleBASIC_WEB_CONTENT.json
, in the structure subfolder you created in the previous step.For web content articles that use complicated structures and templates, create the structures and templates in Liferay DXP.
In the JSON file you just created, add a JSON structure for the web content. For example, you can use a JSON structure like the one below for basic web content articles.
{ "availableLanguageIds": [ "en_US" ], "defaultLanguageId": "en_US", "fields": [ { "label": { "en_US": "Content" }, "predefinedValue": { "en_US": "" }, "style": { "en_US": "" }, "tip": { "en_US": "" }, "dataType": "html", "fieldNamespace": "ddm", "indexType": "keyword", "localizable": true, "name": "content", "readOnly": false, "repeatable": false, "required": false, "showLabel": true, "type": "ddm-text-html" } ] }
This structure identifies the articles’ language and field settings and specifies a
value to identify the content. This example structure’s content is namedcontent
. -
In the template subfolder you created in step 3 (e.g.,
), create a FreeMarker template file (e.g.,[template-folder-name].ftl
) and add a method in it to get the article’s data.For example, this method accesses content from the variable named
and renders it as HTML:${content.getData()}
You’ve created the basic web content structure and template.
Follow this pattern for basic web content articles you convert from HTML to XML:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <root available-locales="en_US" default-locale="en_US"> <dynamic-element name="content" type="text_area" index-type="keyword" index="0"> <dynamic-content language-id="en_US"> <![CDATA[ HTML CONTENT GOES HERE ]]> </dynamic-content> </dynamic-element> </root>
For example, the
2 column description.html
Lunar Resort article’s HTML content should be converted to an XML file (e.g.,2 column description.xml
) whose content looks like this:<?xml version="1.0"?> <root available-locales="en_US" default-locale="en_US"> <dynamic-element name="content" type="text_area" index-type="keyword" index="0"> <dynamic-content language-id="en_US"> <![CDATA[ <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="span4" id="columnLeft">Out of This World</div> <div class="span8" id="columnRight">Come to the Lunar Resort and live out your childhood dream of being an astronaut on the Moon. If that's not enough incentive, you'll enjoy a luxurious 3 day 2 night stay in our fabulous Lunar accommodations. Enjoy a round of Lunar Golf on our one of a kind course. Have a blast on our Rover Racing track. Make your reservation now. The rest of your life starts today!</div> </div> ]]> </dynamic-content> </dynamic-element> </root>
Liferay DXP 7.0’s migration from Bootstrap 2 to Bootstrap 3 requires that you replace all
attribute values of Bootstrap 2 formatspan[number]
with values that use the Bootstrap 3 format:col-[device-size]-[number]
can bexs
, orlg
works for most cases. Bootstrap’s site at explains the Bootstrap 3 grid systemContinuing with the
2 column description.xml
article example, here is its updated content:<?xml version="1.0"?> <root available-locales="en_US" default-locale="en_US"> <dynamic-element name="content" type="text_area" index-type="keyword" index="0"> <dynamic-content language-id="en_US"> <![CDATA[ <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="col-md-4" id="columnLeft">Out of This World</div> <div class="col-md-8" id="columnRight">Come to the Lunar Resort and live out your childhood dream of being an astronaut on the Moon. If that's not enough incentive, you'll enjoy a luxurious 3 day 2 night stay in our fabulous Lunar accommodations. Enjoy a round of Lunar Golf on our one of a kind course. Have a blast on our Rover Racing track. Make your reservation now. The rest of your life starts today!</div> </div> ]]> </dynamic-content> </dynamic-element> </root>
That’s all that is needed for most basic web content articles. If you’re
following along with the Lunar Resort example, the updated XML articles are in
the ZIP file’s /resources-importer/journal/articles/Basic Web Content/
Next, you must update your resources importer’s sitemap file.
Updating the Sitemap
In Liferay Portal 6.2, portlet IDs were incremental numbers. In Liferay DXP 7.0, they’re
explicit class names. The new IDs are intuitive and unique. But you must update
your sitemap.json
file with the new portlet IDs.
Some of common portlet IDs are specified in the sitemap.json
example in the Importing Resources with a Theme
You can also retrieve a portlet’s ID from the UI:
In the portlet’s Options menu, select Look and Feel Configuration.
Figure 4: You can find the portlet ID in the the *Look and Feel Configuration* menu.
Select the Advanced Styling tab.
Portlet ID
value is listed in the blue box.
Figure 5: The portlet ID is listed within the blue box in the *Advanced Styling* tab.
The Portlet ID quick reference lists all the default portlet IDs.
Next, you can learn how to update your theme’s UI to follow Lexicon design patterns.
Applying Lexicon Design Patterns
Liferay DXP 7.0 uses Lexicon, a web implementation of Liferay’s Lexicon Experience Language. The Lexicon Experience Language provides styling guidelines and best practices for application UIs. While Lexicon’s CSS, HTML, and JavaScript components enable developers to build fully-realized UIs quickly and effectively. This section demonstrates how to apply Lexicon to a form.
For example, this is the Liferay Portal 6.2 Lunar Resort’s reservation form:
Thanks for choosing to stay at the Liferay Lunar Resort! Please fill out the
form below to book your stay. We know you have a choice in where to stay on
Moon... oh wait no you don't. Thanks for picking us anyways. We'll see you
soon on the Moon!
<form class="form-horizontal">
<legend>Reservation Form</legend>
<div class="control-group">
<label class="control-label" for="inputName">Name</label>
<div class="controls">
<input type="text" id="inputName"
placeholder="Enter your Name here" required="required">
<div class="control-group">
<label class="control-label" for="inputEmail">Email</label>
<div class="controls">
<input type="email" id="inputEmail"
placeholder="Enter your E-Mail here" required="required">
<div class="control-group">
<div class="controls">
<button type="submit" class="btn">Submit</button>
<p style="padding-bottom:25px;">
Thanks again for booking with Liferay. When you book with Liferay, you
remember your stay. Please take a moment to fill out our guestbook below.
The HTML code above uses Bootstrap 2’s markup and CSS classes.
Lexicon extends Bootstrap 3. Here’s the Lunar Resort form updated to Lexicon:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<root available-locales="en_US" default-locale="en_US">
<dynamic-element name="content" type="text_area"
index-type="keyword" index="0">
<dynamic-content language-id="en_US">
<p>Thanks for choosing to stay at the
Liferay Lunar Resort! Please fill out the
form below to book your stay. We know you
have a choice in where to stay on the Moon...
oh wait no you don't. Thanks for picking us
anyways. We'll see you soon on the Moon!</p>
<form role="form-horizontal">
<legend>Reservation Form</legend>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="inputName">Name</label>
<input type="text" id="inputName" class="form-control"
placeholder="Enter your Name here" required="required">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="inputEmail">Email</label>
<input type="email" id="inputEmail" class="form-control"
placeholder="Enter your E-Mail here" required="required">
<div class="form-group">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Submit
<p style="padding-bottom:25px;">Thanks again for booking with Liferay. When
you book with Liferay, you remember your stay. Please take a moment to fill
out our guestbook below.</p>
The Lexicon updates applied to the form are as follows:
- The
classes were updated toform-group
classes. - The
classes were removed from thelabel
elements. - The
<div class=""controls>
elements were removed. - The
class was added to eachinput
element. - To emphasize the form’s submit button, the
class was added to it.
You can apply similar Lexicon design patterns to your theme’s HTML files.
You’ve updated your theme to Liferay DXP 7.0! You can deploy it from your theme project.
Liferay JS Theme Toolkit-based project:
gulp deploy
Plugins SDK project:
ant deploy
Now your users can continue enjoying the visual styles you’ve created in your upgraded themes.
Related Topics
Migrating a theme to Liferay DXP 7.0
[Upgrading to Liferay DXP 7.0] (/docs/7-0/deploy/-/knowledge_base/d/upgrading-to-liferay-7)