Accessing the Liferay Session in Android

A session is a conversation state between the client and server. It typically consists of multiple requests and responses between the two. To facilitate this communication, the session must have the server IP address, and a user’s login credentials. Liferay Screens uses a Liferay Session to access and query the JSON web services provided by Liferay Portal. When you log in using a Liferay Session, the portal returns the user’s information (name, email, user ID, etc…). Screens stores this information and the active Liferay Session in Screens’s SessionContext class.

The SessionContext class is very powerful and lets you use Screens in many different scenarios. For example, you can use SessionContext to request information with the JSON WS API provided by Liferay. You can also use SessionContext to create anonymous sessions, or to log in a user without showing a Login Screenlet.

This tutorial explains some common SessionContext use cases, and and also describes the class’s most important methods.

Creating a Session from an Existing Session

When working with Liferay Screens, you may wish to call the remote JSON web services provided by the Liferay Mobile SDK. Every operation with the Liferay Mobile SDK needs a Liferay Session to provide the server address, user credentials, and any other required parameters. Since the Login Screenlet creates a session when a user successfully logs in, you can retrieve this session with the SessionContext method createSessionFromCurrentSession(). You can then use that session to make the Mobile SDK service call. The following example shows this for calling the Mobile SDK’s BookmarksEntryService:

Session sessionFromCurrentSession = SessionContext.createSessionFromCurrentSession();

new BookmarksEntryService(sessionFromCurrentSession).methodCall()

If you need to check first to see if a user has logged in, you can use SessionContext.isLoggedIn().

Great! Now you know how to retrieve an existing session in your app. But what if you’re not using the Login Screenlet? There won’t be an existing session to retrieve. No sweat! You can still use SessionContext to create one manually. The next section shows you how to do this.

Creating a Session Manually

If you don’t use the Login Screenlet, then SessionContext doesn’t have a session for you to retrieve. In this case, you must create one manually. You can do this with the SessionContext method createBasicSession. The method takes a username and password as parameters, and creates a session with those credentials. If you also need to access a user’s information, you must manually call the User JSON web service, or call SessionContext.setLoggedUser(). The following code creates a session with createBasicSession and then uses setLoggedUser to set the user in SessionContext:


Session session = SessionContext.createBasicSession(USERNAME, PASSWORD);

Note that you can achieve the same thing by calling the interactor directly:

LoginBasicInteractor loginBasicInteractor = new LoginBasicInteractor(0);

Super! Now you know how to create a session manually. The next section shows you how to implement auto-login, and save or restore a session.

Implementing Auto-login and Saving or Restoring a Session

Although the Login Screenlet is awesome, your users may not want to enter their credentials every time they open your app. It’s very common for apps to only require a single login. To implement this in your app, see this video.

In short, you need to pass a storage type to the Login Screenlet, and then use SessionContext.isLoggedIn() to check for a session. If a session doesn’t exist, load the stored session from CredentialsStorage with loadStoredCredentials(StorageType storageType). The following code shows a typical implementation of this:

LiferayScreensContext.init(this); // If you haven't called a Screenlet yet

if (SessionContext.isLoggedIn()) {
    // logged in
    // consider doing a relogin here (see next section)
} else {
    // send user to login form

Awesome! Now you know how to implement auto-login in your Liferay Screens apps. For more information on available SessionContext methods, see the Methods section at the end of this tutorial. Next, you’ll learn how to implement relogin for cases where a user’s credentials change on the server while they’re logged in.

Implementing Relogin

A session, whether created via Login Screenlet or auto-login, contains basic user data that verifies the user in the Liferay instance. If that data changes in the server, then your session is outdated, which may cause your app to behave inconsistently. Also, if a user is deleted, deactivated, or otherwise changes their credentials in the server, the auto-login feature won’t deny access because it doesn’t perform server transactions: it only retrieves an existing session from local storage. This isn’t an optimal situation!

For such scenarios, you can use the relogin feature. This feature is implemented in a simple method that determines if the current session is still valid. If the session is still valid, the user’s data is updated with the most recent data from the server. If the session isn’t valid, the user is logged out and must then log in again to create a new session.

To use this feature, call the SessionContext method relogin, with an object that implements the LoginListener interface as an argument:


This method handles success or failure via the listener’s onLoginSuccess and onLoginFailure methods, respectively. Note that this operation is done asynchronously in a background thread, so the listener is called in that thread. If you also want to perform any UI operations, you must do so in your UI thread. For example:

public void onLoginSuccess(final User user) {
    runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            // do any UI operation here

Great! Now you know how to implement relogin in your app. You’ve also seen how handy SessionContext can be. It can do even more! The next section lists some additional SessionContext methods, and some more detail on the ones used in this tutorial.


MethodReturn TypeExplanation
logout()voidClears the stored user attributes and session.
relogin(LoginListener)voidRefreshes user data from the server. This recreates the currentUser object if successful, or calls logout() on failure. When the server data is received, the listener method onLoginSuccess is called with received user’s attributes. If an error occurs, the listener method onLoginFailure is called.
isLoggedIn()booleanReturns true if there is a stored Liferay Session in SessionContext.
createBasicSession(String username, String password)SessionCreates a Liferay Session using the default server and the supplied username and password.
createSessionFromCurrentSession()SessionCreates a Liferay Session based on the stored credentials and server.
getCurrentUser()UserReturns a User object containing the server attributes of the logged-in user. This includes the user’s email, user ID, name, and portrait ID.
storeCredentials(StorageType storageType)voidStores the current session in the StorageType supplied as a parameter.
removeStoredCredentials(StorageType storageType)voidClears the StorageType of any user information and session.
loadStoredCredentials(StorageType storageType)voidLoads the session and user information from the StorageType parameter, and uses it as the current session and user.

For more information, see the SessionContext source code in GitHub.

Login Screenlet for Android

Using Screenlets in Android Apps

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