Creating Local Services

The heart of your service is its *LocalServiceImpl class. This class is your entity’s local service extension point. Local services can be invoked within your application or by other Liferay applications running on the same Liferay instance as your application. Remote services differ from local services in that remote services can be invoked from any application that can access your Liferay instance (e.g., over the Internet) and has permission to do so. All of your application’s core business logic for working with your entity model (or models) should be added as methods of your *LocalServiceImpl class. Before adding any custom service methods, however, you should review the initial service classes that Service Builder generated during its initial run.

Best Practice: If your application needs both local and remote services, determine the service methods that your application needs for working with your entity model. Add these service methods to *LocalServiceImpl. Then create corresponding remote services methods in *ServiceImpl. Add permission checks to the remote service methods and make the remote service methods invoke the local service methods. The remote service methods can have the same names as the local service methods that they call. Within your application, only call the remote services. This ensures that your service methods are secured and that you don’t have to duplicate permissions code.

Note that Service Builder creates a *LocalService class which is the interface for the local service. It contains the signatures of every method in *LocalServiceBaseImpl and *LocalServiceImpl. *LocalServiceBaseImpl contains some automatically generated methods that provide functionality that’s common to all local services. Since the *LocalService class is generated, you should never modify it. If you do, your changes will be overwritten the next time you run Service Builder. All custom code should be placed in *LocalServiceImpl, where it will not be overwritten.

For example, the Bookmarks application’s BookmarksEntryLocalServiceImpl class demonstrates the kinds of service methods that applications commonly need for working with an entity model. Click on the class’s link to view some of its local service methods.

In order to add an entity to the database, you need an ID for the entity. Liferay provides a counter service which you call to obtain a unique ID for each new entity. It’s possible to use the increment method of Liferay’s CounterLocalService class, but Service Builder already makes a CounterLocalService instance available to your app’s *LocalServiceBaseImpl. The CounterLocalService instance is injected into a module as an OSGi service:

protected com.liferay.counter.kernel.service.CounterLocalService counterLocalService;

If you’re creating local services in Liferay’s core, the CounterLocalService instance is injected as a Spring bean:

protected com.liferay.counter.kernel.service.CounterLocalService counterLocalService;

Since your *LocalServiceImpl class extends *LocalServiceBaseImpl, you can access this CounterLocalService instance. See your app’s *LocalServiceBaseImpl for a list of all the Spring beans/OSGi services you have available for use.

You can use either the injected class’s increment method or you can call Liferay’s CounterLocalService’s increment method directly. For example, a bookmarks entry is assigned a unique ID like this:

long entryId = counterLocalService.increment();

The Bookmarks application uses the generated entryId as the ID for the new BookmarksEntry:

BookmarksEntry entry = bookmarksEntryPersistence.create(entryId);

bookmarksEntryPersistence is one of the OSGi services injected into EventLocalServiceBaseImpl by Service Builder.

Next, the Bookmarks application sets the attribute fields that were specified for the BookmarksEntry entity in the service.xml. These attributes include the groupId, userId, name, url, serviceContext, etc. Lastly, a Bookmarks folder ID must be associated to the entry.

It’s also important to assign values to the audit fields. In the Bookmarks application, the group of the entity is set first. An entity’s group determines its scope. In this example, the group is the site. The company and user are specified after the group is set. The company represents the portal instance and the user is the user who created the bookmark. The Bookmarks application sets the createDate and modifiedDate of the Event to the current time. After that, the generated addEntry method of BookmarksEntryLocalServiceBaseImpl is called to add the bookmark to the database. Lastly, the bookmark is added as a resource so that permissions can be applied to it later. To view the addEntry method in its entirety, see the BookmarksEntryLocalServiceImpl class.

The Bookmarks application creates local services for BookmarksFolder entities as well as for BookmarksEntry entities. Take a look at the custom service methods available in the BookmarksFolderLocalServiceImpl class for a better understanding of services available for bookmark folders.

Before you can use any custom methods that you added to your *LocalServiceImpl class, you must run Service Builder again. Running Service Builder again adds the method signatures of your custom service methods to your *LocalService interface and updates your *LocalServiceUtil class. For more information on running Service Builder see the Running Service Builder and Understanding the Generated Code tutorial.

Service Builder looks through your *LocalServiceImpl class and automatically copies the signatures of each method into the corresponding *LocalService interface. After running Service Builder, you can test that your services are working as intended by invoking one of the methods that Service Builder added to your *LocalService class. For example, if you were developing the Bookmarks application, you could make the following service invocation to make sure that your service was working as intended:


In addition to all of the Java classes and interfaces, Service Builder also generates a file. To learn about the file and how to configure it, please refer to the Configuring tutorial. To learn how to invoke local services, please refer to the Invoking Local Services tutorial.

Running Service Builder and Understanding the Generated Code

Invoking Local Services

Creating Remote Services

« Business Logic with Service BuilderInvoking Local Services »
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