Adding New Behavior to an Editor

With the support of several kinds of WYSIWYG editors, Liferay gives you many options to support your users’ editing needs. Sometimes, however, you can’t get what you want with configuration alone. To help developers in these situations, Liferay provides a way to programmatically access the editor instance to create the editor experience you want.

This can be done by using the liferay-util:dynamic-include JavaScript extension point. This allows anyone to inject JavaScript code right after the editor instantiation to configure/change the editor.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the JavaScript extension point in your Liferay supported WYSIWYG editor.

Injecting JavaScript into a WYSIWYG Editor

The liferay-util:dynamic-include extension point is available in the JSP files of Liferay DXP’s configurable editors. This extension point serves as the gateway for injecting JavaScript into your editor instance. To take advantage of this extension point, you should follow these steps:

  1. Create a JS file with the JavaScript code you’d like to execute in your editor. Create the JS file in a folder that makes sense to reference, since you’ll need to register the file in your module. Also remember that the extension point is configured to inject the JavaScript code into the editor immediately following editor initialization.

    Some examples of JS files that are injected into the CKEditor are creole_dialog_definition.js, creole_dialog_show.js, and dialog_definition.js. These JS files are used by Liferay DXP to redefine which fields show in different dialogs, depending on what the selected language (HTML, BBCode, Creole) supports. For example, Creole doesn’t support background color in table cells, so the table cells are removed from the options displayed to the user when running in Creole mode.

  2. Create a module that can register your new JS file and inject it into your editor instance. The module should have a structure similar to this:

    • bnd.bnd
    • build.gradle
    • gradle/
      • wrapper/
        • gradle-wrapper.jar
    • gradlew
    • gradlew.bat
    • src/main/
      • java/com/liferay/editor/myeditormodule/
        • constants/
        • internal/
      • resources/
        • META-INF/resources/ckeditor/extension/
          • ckeditor_dialog_definition.js
        • content/
  3. Create a unique package name in the module’s src directory, and create a new Java class in that package. To follow naming conventions, your class name should begin with the editor you’re modifying, followed by custom attributes, and ending with DynamicInclude (e.g., Your Java class should implement the DynamicInclude interface.

  4. Directly above the class’s declaration, insert the following code:

    @Component(immediate = true, service = DynamicInclude.class)

    This annotation declares the implementation class of the Component, and specifies to immediately start the module once deployed to Portal.

  5. If you have not yet inherited the abstract methods from DynamicInclude, do that now. You’ll have two implemented methods to edit: include(...) and register(...).

  6. In the include(...) method, retrieve the bundle where your custom JS file resides. Then retrieve the JS file as a URL and inject the contents into the editor. You can view some example code below that does this for the creole_dialog_definition.js file:

    Bundle bundle = _bundleContext.getBundle();
    URL entryURL = bundle.getEntry(
        "/META-INF/resources/html/editors/ckeditor/extension" +
    StreamUtil.transfer(entryURL.openStream(), response.getOutputStream());

    In the include(...) method, you can also retrieve editor configurations and choose what JS file to inject based on the configuration selected by the user. For example, this would be applicable for the use case that was suggested previously dealing with Creole’s deficiency with displaying background colors in table cells. You can look at how this could be done by looking at the include(...) method in the CKEditorCreoleOnEditorCreateDynamicInclude class.

  7. Make sure you’ve instantiated your bundle’s context so you can successfully retrieve your bundle. As a best practice, do this by creating an activation method and then setting the BundleContext as a private field. Here’s an example:

    protected void activate(BundleContext bundleContext) {
        _bundleContext = bundleContext;
    private BundleContext _bundleContext;

    This method uses the @Activate annotation, which specifies that it should be invoked once the service component has satisfied its requirements. For this default example, the _bundleContext was used in the include(...) method.

  8. Now register the editor you’re customizing. For example, if you were injecting JS code into the CKEditor’s JSP file, the code would look like this:


    This registers the CKEditor into the Dynamic Include registry and specifies that JS code will be injected into the editor once it’s created.

    Just as you can configure individual JSP pages to use a specific implementation of the available WYSIWYG editors, you can use those same implementation options for the registration process. Visit the Editors section of for more details. For example, to configure the Creole implementation of the CKEditor, you could use the following key:


That’s it! The JS code that you created is now injected into the editor instance you’ve specified. You’re now able to use JavaScript to add new behavior to your Liferay supported WYSIWYG editor!

Modifying an Editor’s Configuration

Embedding Portlets in Themes


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