Portlet Decorators are associated with a particular theme. If your theme does not define any portlet decorators, none are available. It is recommended that you provide a few decorators for your portlets, to cover the basic use cases.
For example, the Liferay Portal CE 7.0 Classic theme includes three Portlet Decorators:
Decorate: this is the default Application Decorator when using the Classic theme. When this decorator is applied, the portlet is wrapped in a white box with a border and the portlet title is displayed at the top.
Figure 1: The Classic theme's Decorate Application Decorator wraps the portlet in a white box.
Borderless: when this decorator is applied, the portlet is no longer wrapped in a white box, but the portlet title is displayed at the top.
Figure 2: The Classic theme's Borderless Application Decorator displays the application's custom title.
Barebone: when this decorator is applied, neither the wrapping box nor the custom portlet title are shown. This option is recommended when you only want to display the bare portlet content.
Figure 3: The Classic theme's Barebone Application Decorator displays only the application's content.
This tutorial demonstrates how to
Add Portlet Decorators to your theme
Affect theme markup with Portlet Decorators
Now that you know why you should have Portlet Decorators in your theme, you can learn how to add them to your theme.
Adding Portlet Decorators to a Theme
Adding Portlet Decorators to your theme is similar to adding Color Schemes. You just have to follow these steps:
- Configure your theme’s
- Define the Application Decorator CSS styles
- Optional: Add conditions to your theme’s markup
Configuring liferay-look-and-feel.xml
The first thing you must do is declare the Portlet Decorators in your theme’s
The Document Type Definition for the liferay-look-and-feel.xml in Liferay DXP contains the information and rules to add Portlet Decorators (in the code referred as portlet-decorators) to your theme.
Here is how the classic theme defines Portlet Decorators in its
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE look-and-feel PUBLIC "-//Liferay//DTD Look and Feel 7.0.0//EN" "http://www.liferay.com/dtd/liferay-look-and-feel_7_0_0.dtd">
<theme id="classic" name="Classic">
<portlet-decorator id="barebone" name="Barebone">
<portlet-decorator id="borderless" name="Borderless">
<portlet-decorator id="decorate" name="Decorate">
The portlet-decorator
element contains all the information about the
Application Decorator:
- id: this required attribute contains a unique string that identifies this specific Application Decorator. This is the value that is stored when applying an Application Decorator, and it can be used to refer to this decorator in your theme templates.
- name: this required attribute is a user friendly identifier for the Application Decorator to be displayed in the Look and Feel UI.
- portlet-decorator-css-class: this required element contains the name of the CSS class that is added to the application wrapping layer when this Application Decorator is applied.
- default-portlet-decorator: use this optional element to identify the default Application Decorator for your theme.
You can define as many Portlet Decorators as you want, but it’s recommended to include at least one for the decorate, borderless and barebone use cases.
Define the Styles for Your Application Decorator CSS Class
Once you’ve declared your Portlet Decorators, it’s time to define their effect in the application look and feel. While the previous step was straightforward, this depends on your creativity.
As an example, look at the _portlet_decorator.scss
of the Classic theme:
.portlet-decorate .portlet-content {
background: #FFF;
border: 1px solid #DEEEEE;
.portlet-barebone .portlet-content {
padding: 0;
Once your CSS styles are written, make sure to import the CSS file into your
@import "portlet_decorator"
That’s all that is required to add Portlet Decorators to your theme. If you want to modify your application’s markup with your Portlet Decorators, read the next section.
Changing Your Application Markup with Portlet Decorators
So far you’ve seen how to use Portlet Decorators to change the look and feel of an application with styles.
It’s possible to go a step further and alter the markup of your application
based on the Application Decorator applied. For this, you must edit the
template for your theme, retrieve the portletDecoratorId
of the
current Application Decorator from the portlet_display
object, and make some
decisions based on it.
For example, this is how the Classic theme shows the application title when the barebone Application Decorator is not applied:
<#if portlet_display.getPortletDecoratorId() != "barebone">
<h2 class="portlet-title-text">${portlet_title}</h2>
There you have it! Now you know how to add Portlet Decorators to your theme. Let your creativity be your guide.