Configuring Your Theme's App Server

When your theme was first created with the Liferay Theme Generator, you had to specify the app server’s location. This was done with the gulp init task. Your theme uses this information to deploy to the proper server. If your app server or site changes during development, you can update their configuration information by manually running the gulp init task.

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your theme’s root folder and run gulp init.

    Figure 1: Run the gulp init task to update your app server configuration.

    Figure 1: Run the `gulp init` task to update your app server configuration.

  2. Enter the path to your app server and site.

    Figure 2: You can also run the gulp init task to update your sites URL.

    Figure 2: You can also run the `gulp init` task to update your site's URL.

  3. Your theme’s liferay-theme.json file contains the updated server configuration information:

      "LiferayTheme": {
        "appServerPath": "C:\\Users\\liferay\\opt\\Liferay\\bundles\\7.1-master-bundle\\bundles\\tomcat-8.0.32",
        "deployPath": "C:\\Users\\liferay\\opt\\Liferay\\bundles\\7.1-master-bundle\\bundles\\deploy",
        "url": "http://localhost:8080",
        "appServerPathPlugin": "C:\\Users\\liferay\\opt\\Liferay\\bundles\\7.1-master-bundle\\bundles\\tomcat-8.0.32\\webapps\\my-liferay-theme",
        "deployed": false,
        "pluginName": "my-liferay-theme"

Automatically Deploying Theme Changes

Changing Your Base Theme

Listing Your Theme’s Extensions

« Copying an Existing Theme's FilesListing Your Theme's Extensions »
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