Liferay Front-end Info Bar

An info bar provides a button that toggles the visibility of additional sidebar information. This is perfect for providing more detailed metadata for a search result, such as the file size, type, URL, etc.

Figure 1: The info bar tags create a sidebar panel toggler that reveals additional info.

Figure 1: The info bar tags create a sidebar panel toggler that reveals additional info.

The configuration has two key parts: the info bar—and buttons—and the sidebar panel.

Info bar:

      label="my info"

The <liferay-frontend:info-bar-sidenav-toggler-button> tag uses Clay Icons for the icon attribute.

Sidebar panel:

<div class="closed container-fluid-1280 sidenav-container sidenav-right" id="<portlet:namespace />infoPanelId">
      <h2>sidebar content</h2>
      <p>Here is some content</p>

Note that the sidebar panel’s wrapper <div> has the classes closed and sidenav-right. The info button toggles the classes open and closed, showing and hiding the sidebar panel. The sidenav-right class specifies that the panel should open on the right.

Figure 2: The info bar tags create a sidebar panel toggler that reveals additional info.

Figure 2: The info bar tags create a sidebar panel toggler that reveals additional info.

The examples above use some of the available attributes. See the info bar, info bar buttons, info bar sidenav toggler button, and sidebar panel taglibdocs for the full list of available attributes for the tags.

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Liferay Front-end Cards

Liferay Front-end Management Bar

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