DB Support Plugin

The DB Support plugin lets you run the Liferay DB Support tool to execute certain actions on a local Liferay DXP database. The following actions are available:

  • Cleans the Liferay database from the Service Builder tables and rows of a module.


To use the plugin, include it in your project’s pom.xml file:


Also notice the configured plugin dependency. You must configure the JDBC driver used by your Liferay DXP bundle so the DB Support plugin can properly manage your database. Replace the HSQLDB driver listed above with your custom database’s JDBC driver.


The plugin adds one Maven goal to your project:

db-support:clean-service-builderCleans the Liferay DXP database from the Service Builder tables and rows of a module.

Available Parameters

You can set the following parameters in the <configuration> section of the POM:

Parameter NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
passwordStringjdbc.default.passwordThe user password for connecting to the Liferay DXP database.
propertiesFileFilenullThe portal-ext.properties file which contains the JDBC settings for connecting to the Liferay DXP database.
serviceXmlFileFilenullThe service.xml file of the module.
servletContextNameStringnullThe servlet context name (usually the value of the Bundle-Symbolic-Name manifest header) of the module.
urlStringjdbc.default.urlThe JDBC URL for connecting to the Liferay DXP database.
userNameStringjdbc.default.usernameThe user name for connecting to the Liferay DXP database.
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