Introduction to Targeting Content To Your Audience

Audience Targeting provides tools to customize user experience based on demographics, browsing data, or other criteria. You can divide your audience into user segments, target content to them, and create campaigns to get content to the right people.

With Liferay’s Audience Targeting app, developers can easily create additional rules and rule types with minimal coding effort. Campaigns last for fixed periods of time and each campaign has a priority that determines which campaign takes precedence, and you can configure different assets to be displayed at different periods of time to the targeted user segment.

You can also measure the effectiveness of your campaigns. Different assets are shown to different users, and campaigns display specific content to different user segments for fixed periods of time, measuring the interaction of the targeted user segments with the chosen content.

You can use Audience Targeting to display different sets of advertisements to different user segments, and this can dynamically change every week based on your marketing goals. Or you can display news articles to users based on all the user segments to which they belong.

Audience Targeting meets all of the requirements for anonymization, erasure, and export for compliance with GDPR.

The Audience Targeting App appears in the Configuration section of Site Administration. It also adds a User Segments Simulator in the Simulation Menu. The following three applications are also included with the Audience Targeting app:

  • Campaign Content Display
  • User Segment Content Display
  • User Segment Content List

You can add these widgets to any Liferay DXP page. In the next sections, you’ll lean how to use the Audience Targeting section of the Site Administration area to manage user segments and campaigns. Then you’ll learn how to use each of the Audience Targeting applications and the Audience Targeting Simulator.

Note: The IP Geocoder porlet is an Optional Dependency of Audience Targeting and while it is not required to deploy Audience Targeting, you will need it to access the full functionality of Audience Targeting. For more information on Optional Dependencies, see our Declaring Optional Import Package Requirements troubleshooting page.

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