Writing Your First Liferay Application

Getting started with your first Liferay application takes only minutes. We’ll guide you through the step-by-step process of creating your project and deploying your application to Liferay. Before you know it, you’ll have your application deployed alongside of the applications that come with Liferay.

Your first application is simple: you’ll build a guestbook application that looks like this:

Figure 1: Youll create this simple application.

Figure 1: You'll create this simple application.

By default, it shows guestbook messages that various users have left on your website. To add a message, you click the Add Entry button to show a form you can use to enter and save a message.

Ready to write your first Liferay application?

Creating Your First Liferay Application

Now that everything’s configured, let’s jump right in and create your first project. Applications in Liferay Portal are called portlets, so you’ll create a portlet project.

  1. Select FileNewLiferay Plugin Project. The dialog below appears.

    Figure 2: Liferay IDE/Developer Studios new project wizard makes it easy to create Liferay projects.

    Figure 2: Liferay IDE/Developer Studio's new project wizard makes it easy to create Liferay projects.

  2. Fill in the Project Name and the Display Name. Make the project name guestbook-portlet and the display name Guestbook.

  3. Uncheck Include Sample Code.

  4. Check Launch New Portlet Wizard after project is created.

  5. When done, click Finish.

Your project now appears in the Package Explorer on the left. What you’ve just done is create a blank Liferay project. Projects can have any number of applications (called portlets) in them. Your next step is to create the portlet, which the New Portlet Wizard helps you to do.

Figure 3: The New Portlet wizard can be used at any time to create portlets in projects.

Figure 3: The New Portlet wizard can be used at any time to create portlets in projects.

  1. For the Portlet class, enter the name GuestbookPortlet.

  2. All classes in Java should be properly namespaced to avoid conflicts with other classes that could have similar names. For the Java package, enter com.liferay.docs.guestbook.portlet.

  3. Click Finish.

Liferay IDE/Developer Studio creates the portlet class in the proper package in the src folder and creates a new folder structure for your application’s JSP files. It then opens your portlet class in an editor.

You are now ready to work.

What is a portlet?

When you access a web site, you interact with an application. That application may be simple: it may only show you information, such as an article. The application may be complex: you may be doing your taxes online, inputting lots of data into an application that calculates whether you owe or are due a refund. These applications run on a platform that provides application developers the building blocks they need to make applications.

Figure 4: Many Liferay applications can run at the same time on the same page.

Figure 4: Many Liferay applications can run at the same time on the same page.

Liferay Portal is a platform, and its applications are called portlets. One difference between a Liferay application and an application built on another platform is that Liferay Portal can serve many applications at the same time on the same page. Usually, a web application takes up the entire page, and if you want, you can do this with Liferay as well. But Liferay has the added benefit of being able to run many applications on the same page. For this reason, you’ll find that the framework takes this into account at every step. We’re saying this up front, because you’ll be experiencing this soon, and we want you to know why certain things, like platform-generated URLs, are necessary.

With all of that said, the next thing to do is to jump in and create your Guestbook portlet.

Adding Guestbook Entries

A guestbook application is pretty simple, right? People come to your site, type their names and a brief message, and then post it for you. Users can read the entries that others posted, and they can post entries themselves.

The first thing, therefore, that we need is a landing page that displays entries and that has a button on it that allows users to add an entry. This page was created when you created your project: you’ll find it in the /docroot/html/guestbook folder of your project. It’s called view.jsp. Open this file.

You’ll see there’s some content in it already: Liferay IDE generates a fully functional sample portlet, but the only thing it does is display the message you see in the view.jsp file. Let’s give it some functionality by adding a button that says Add Entry.

  1. Open the Snippets tab on the right side of Liferay IDE, and expand the Taglib Imports category.

  2. Drag the snippet labeled Liferay AUI Taglib Import v6.1 from the snippet area to the line beneath the existing taglib import in view.jsp. Don’t worry about the Liferay version number in the snippet title: the import was changed for version 6.1, and it is valid for Liferay versions going forward. The following code gets added to view.jsp:

    <%@ taglib uri="http://alloy.liferay.com/tld/aui" prefix="aui" %>

    This declares that we want to use Liferay’s AlloyUI tags.

  3. Next, remove the default message in the JSP.

  4. Open the Liferay AUI Taglib snippet category and drag the snippet labeled button-row onto the bottom of the page. A dialog box pops up asking for the cssClass attribute. Type guestbook-buttons for this value, hit Enter, and click Insert.

Figure 5: Inserting snippets is easy using the dialog, or you can do it in the code manually.

Figure 5: Inserting snippets is easy using the dialog, or you can do it in the code manually.

You’re almost ready to add the button inside the button row, but as hinted above, we should talk about system generated URLs, because you need a URL to map to your button.

Generating URLs for Portlets

Since portlets are designed to be placed on pages by the end user, and end users can place multiple portlets on a page, and you as the developer have no idea what other portlets will share a page with yours, guess what? You can’t define URLs for various functions in your application like you may be used to. Why? A simple example should explain.

Say you’ve written a Calendar application that a user has placed on the same page as a Blog application. The Calendar allows the user to add and delete events. The Blog allows the user to add and delete blog entries. To implement the functionality for deleting, both application developers elected to append the del parameter to the URL, and give it a primary key value so the application can go look up the calendar event or the blog entry and delete it.

Since both applications read this parameter, when a user uses the delete function in either one of them, both applications attempt to delete either a calendar event or a blog entry that matches the given ID. In other words, the applications are clashing because they use the same URL parameter. System generated URLs are designed to prevent this from happening. Creating a system generated URL is easy.

  1. Make space inside the <aui:button-row> tag; you’ll place the URL tag there.

  2. From the Portlet Taglib snippet category, drag the renderURL tag to the space you just made inside the <aui:button-row> tag. A dialog box pops up asking you to enter values for various tag attributes.

  3. The only attribute you need at the moment is the var attribute. For this attribute, enter the value addEntryURL. You’re creating a variable to hold the generated URL. Click Insert.

  4. Make space inside the <portlet:renderURL> tag so that you can add another tag inside it.

  5. Drag the param tag into the <portlet:renderURL> tag. A dialog box pops up asking you to enter values for two tag attributes.

  6. For the name, enter mvcPath. For the value, enter /html/guestbook/edit_entry.jsp. Hit Enter. Click Insert.

By hitting Finish instead of Next when you created this portlet, you indicated you accepted the default portlet framework, which is Liferay’s MVC Portlet. To navigate to another page in your portlet application, you use the parameter mvcPath to indicate a link to that page. You just created a renderURL that links to another JSP in your application, and you can now use a button your users can click (or any other HTML construct that accepts a link) with that URL. That’s the next step.

Creating a Button

Creating a button is as easy as creating the URL was. You’ll drag the proper snippet for the button to the proper location in your page, just like you did for the other tags.

  1. Inside the <aui:button-row> tag but outside the </portlet:renderURL> tag, drag and drop the button snippet from the Liferay AUI Taglib category. A dialog box pops up asking you to enter values for various tag attributes.

  2. For the onClick attribute, enter the text <%= addEntryURL.toString() %>. This code supplies the String value of the URL object you created with the <portlet:renderURL tag. See how we used the var attribute in that tag so we would have a variable for the URL? This is so you could refer to it here.

  3. For the value attribute, enter Add Entry as the text. This is what appears on the button. Click Insert.

At this point, you should have code that looks like this:

<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/portlet_2_0" prefix="portlet" %>
<%@ taglib uri="http://alloy.liferay.com/tld/aui" prefix="aui" %>
<portlet:defineObjects />

<aui:button-row cssClass="guestbook-buttons">

    <portlet:renderURL var="addEntryURL">
        <portlet:param name="mvcPath" value="/html/guestbook/edit_entry.jsp"></portlet:param>
    <aui:button onClick="<%= addEntryURL.toString() %>" value="Add Entry"></aui:button>

Save your work using the button in the toolbar or by hitting Ctrl-S. Now is a good time to check your work to see if everything you’ve done so far is working properly. As the image below describes, drag your project from the Package Explorer and drop it on your server runtime.

Figure 6: Deploying projects is a drag and drop process.

Figure 6: Deploying projects is a drag and drop process.

Once your application deploys, go to a Liferay page and click the Add button (it looks like a plus sign). Choose Applications and from the Sample category, drag your Guestbook application onto the page and drop it there. Your portlet is pretty sparse at this point, but here’s what you have so far:

Figure 7: Your button doesnt go anywhereyet.

Figure 7: Your button doesn't go anywhere--yet.

Don’t click the button: remember that you haven’t created the page the button points to yet. All you’ll get is an error if you do. Of course, reverse psychology says that you’ve clicked it already. Don’t worry; you didn’t break anything. Next, you’ll create the page that URL points to so the app doesn’t break when you click that button.

Making a Page with a Form Users Can Fill Out

In the same folder your view.jsp is in, create the edit_entry.jsp:

  1. Navigate to docroot/html/guestbook and right-click on the folder. Choose NewFile.

  2. Name the file edit_entry.jsp and click Finish.

  3. The file is opened in a new editor tab. Copy the first three lines of view.jsp and paste them into this file. You need to initialize the tag libraries again because you’ll use the portlet tags to create URLs and the Alloy tags to create the form.

  4. You’ll create two URLs: one to submit the form and one to go back to the previous page (view.jsp). There will be a difference between the two, however, which you’ll see in a bit.

  5. As you did before, drag the renderURL snippet from the Portlet Taglib snippet category onto your JSP. For the var attribute, supply viewURL.

  6. As you did before, drag the param snippet from the Portlet Taglib snippet category inside the <portlet:renderURL tag. Make the name attribute mvcPath and the value attribute /html/guestbook/view.jsp.

Next, you need to create a new URL for submitting the form. Before you do, some explanation is in order.

Using Portlet Actions

As has been stated already, portlets are designed to run in a portion of a page next to other portlets. Because of this, they have two phases of operation. The first phase is the one you’ve already used: it’s called the render phase. All this means is that the portlet draws itself, using the JSPs you write for it.

The other phase is called the action phase. This phase runs once, when a user triggers a portlet action. The portlet performs whatever action the user triggered, such as performing a search or adding a record to a database, and then based on what happened in the action, it goes back to the render phase and re-renders itself according to its new state after the action.

To save a guestbook entry, you’ll have to trigger a portlet action. For this, you’ll create an action URL.

  1. From the Portlet Taglib snippet category, drag the actionURL snippet to your page, after your closing </portlet:renderURL> tag.

  2. In the dialog box, supply addEntry for the name attribute and addEntryURL for the var attribute. Click Insert.

You now have the two URLs you need for your form.

Creating a Form

Your guestbook form is pretty simple. All you need are two fields: one for the name of the person submitting the entry and one for the entry itself.

  1. From the Liferay AUI Taglib snippet category, drag the form snippet to your page.

  2. For the action attribute, supply <%= addEntryURL %>, which is the action URL you just created.

  3. For the name attribute, give your form the name <portlet:namespace />fm. Click Insert. The <portlet:namespace /> tag inserts a unique runtime value for this portlet. This ensures that the form name in this portlet does not clash with a form name in another portlet that may be on the page.

  4. Provide some space between your <aui:form> tags so you can add fields to your form.

  5. Drag the fieldset snippet inside your <aui:form> tags. Click Insert.

  6. Drag an input snippet inside your <aui:fieldset> tags. For the name attribute, type name, as this is the Name field on the form.

  7. Drag another input snippet below the last one, inside your <aui:fieldset> tags. For the name attribute, type message, as this field holds the message a user leaves on the guestbook.

  8. Below the closing </aui:fieldset> tag, drag the button-row snippet and click Insert.

  9. Inside the <aui-button-row> tags, drag a button snippet. For the type attribute, enter submit. Click Insert.

  10. Beneath the Submit button you just created, drag another button snippet. For the type attribute, enter cancel. For the onClick attribute, enter <%= viewURL.toString() %>. This supplies the render URL you created that goes back to the view.jsp page.

Your form is done! Save your JSP; it should look like this:

<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/portlet_2_0" prefix="portlet" %>
<%@ taglib uri="http://alloy.liferay.com/tld/aui" prefix="aui" %>
<portlet:defineObjects />

<portlet:renderURL var="viewURL">
    <portlet:param name="mvcPath" value="/html/guestbook/view.jsp"></portlet:param>

<portlet:actionURL name="addEntry" var="addEntryURL"></portlet:actionURL>

<aui:form action="<%= addEntryURL %>" name="<portlet:namespace />fm">


            <aui:input name="name"></aui:input>
            <aui:input name="message"></aui:input>



            <aui:button type="submit"></aui:button>
            <aui:button type="cancel" onClick="<%= viewURL.toString() %>"></aui:button>


When you save the JSP, Liferay IDE re-deploys your application, and if you refresh the page and click the Add Entry button, your form appears. If you click the Cancel button, it works! Don’t click the Save button yet, though: you haven’t created the action that saves a guestbook entry, so it’ll display an error. Implementing the action is your next task.

Implementing Portlet Actions

When users submit the form, your application needs to store the form data so it can be displayed in the guestbook. To keep this first application simple, you’ll implement this using a part of the Portlet API called Portlet Preferences. Normally, of course, you’d use a database, and Liferay makes it very easy to work with databases using its Service Builder framework. For now, however, you can create the first iteration of your guestbook application using portlet preferences.

To make your portlet do anything other than re-render itself, you must implement portlet actions. An action defines some processing, usually based on user input, that the portlet must do before it renders itself. In the case of the guestbook portlet, the action you need to implement saves a guestbook entry that a user typed into the form, so it can be retrieved and displayed later.

Since you’re using Liferay’s MVC Portlet framework, you have an easy way to implement actions: in the portlet class, which acts as the controller. In the form you just created, you make an action URL, and you called it addEntry. To create a portlet action, you create a method in the portlet class with the same name, and MVCPortlet calls that method when a user triggers its matching URL.

  1. Open GuestbookPortlet.java. Liferay IDE generated this class when you created the portlet.

  2. Create a method with the following signature:

     public void addEntry(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response) {
  3. Hover your mouse over ActionRequest and add the import. Do the same for ActionResponse.

You’ve now created a portlet action. It doesn’t do anything, but at least you won’t get an error now if you submit your form. Next, you should make the action save the form data.

Because of the limitations of the portlet preferences API, you need to store each guestbook entry as a String in a string array. Since you have two fields in your form, you need to have a delimiter so you can determine where the user name ends and the guestbook entry begins. The caret symbol (^) makes a good delimiter because users are highly unlikely to use that symbol in a guestbook entry.

The following method implements adding a guestbook entry to a portlet preference called guestbook-entries:

public void addEntry(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response) {

	try {

		PortletPreferences prefs = request.getPreferences();

		String[] guestbookEntries = prefs.getValues("guestbook-entries",
				new String[1]);

		ArrayList<String> entries = new ArrayList<String>();

		if (guestbookEntries != null) {

			entries = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(prefs.getValues(
					"guestbook-entries", new String[1])));


		String userName = ParamUtil.getString(request, "name");
		String message = ParamUtil.getString(request, "message");
		String entry = userName + "^" + message;


		String[] array = entries.toArray(new String[entries.size()]);

		prefs.setValues("guestbook-entries", array);

		try {


		} catch (IOException ex) {

					Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

		} catch (ValidatorException ex) {

					Level.SEVERE, null, ex);


	} catch (ReadOnlyException ex) {

				Level.SEVERE, null, ex);



First, the preferences are retrieved, and then the guestbook-entries preference is retrieved and converted to an ArrayList so that you can add an entry reliably without going outside the bounds of the array. Next, the two fields from your form are retrieved. Note that Liferay’s ParamUtil class makes this very easy to do.

Finally, the fields are combined into a String delimited by a caret, and the new entry is added to the ArrayList, which is then converted back to an array so it can be stored as a preference. The try/catch blocks are required by the portlet preferences API.

This is not the normal way to use portlet preferences, but it provides a quick and easy way for you to store guestbook entries in this first version of your application. You’d also want to do proper logging in case of an error, rather than use System.out.println. These are things that can be corrected later.

The next and final feature to implement is a way to view guestbook entries.

Viewing Guestbook Entries

To view guestbook entries, you have to do the reverse of what you did to store them: retrieve them from portlet preferences, loop through them, and present them on the page. The best way to do this with the MVC Portlet is to use the Model-View-Controller paradigm. You already have the view (your JSP files) and your controller (your portlet class): now you need your model.

Creating Your Model

  1. Create a new package in your app called com.liferay.docs.guestbook.model. You can do this by right-clicking on the source folder and selecting NewPackage, and then supplying the package name to the dialog box that appears.

  2. Next, create your model class. This is a simple JavaBean that contains a guestbook entry. Right-click on your new package and select NewClass. Give your class the name Entry and click Finish.

You now have a Java class for your guestbook entries, and your next task is to give it the fields you need to store entries.

  1. Create two private String variables: name and message.

  2. Right-click on a blank area of the editor and select SourceGenerate Getters and Setters.

  3. Next, provide two constructors: one that initializes the class with no values for the two fields, and one that takes the two fields as parameters and sets their values. Your completed class should look like this:

     package com.liferay.docs.guestbook.model;
     public class Entry {
         private String name;
         private String message;
         public Entry() {
             this.name = null;
             this.message = null;
         public Entry (String name, String message) {
         public String getName() {
             return name;
         public void setName(String name) {
             this.name = name;
         public String getMessage() {
             return message;
         public void setMessage(String message) {
             this.message = message;

Now that you have your model, you have an easy way of encapsulating guestbook entries so that they can be processed by the controller layer and displayed by the view layer. Your next step is to enhance the controller (your portlet class) so that guestbook entries are processed and ready to display when users see the guestbook application.

Customizing the Rendering of Your Application

As stated before, portlet applications at their most basic have two phases: render and action. To make the guestbook show the saved guestbook entries when users view the application, you need to customize your portlet’s render functionality, which it’s currently inheriting from its parent class, MVCPortlet.

  1. Open GuestbookPortlet.java and place the following method below your addEntry method:

    public void render (RenderRequest renderRequest, RenderResponse renderResponse) 
            throws PortletException, IOException {
        PortletPreferences prefs = renderRequest.getPreferences();
        String[] guestbookEntries = prefs.getValues("guestbook-entries",
                new String[1]);
        if (guestbookEntries != null) {
            List<Entry> entries = parseEntries(guestbookEntries);
            renderRequest.setAttribute("entries", entries);
        super.render(renderRequest, renderResponse);

    This method retrieves the array of guestbook entries from portlet preferences, converts it to a List of Entry objects, and places that List into the request object. It then calls the parent class’s render method.

  2. Beneath the render method, place the following method that does the conversion of the array to a List of your model objects: .

    private List<Entry> parseEntries (String[] guestbookEntries) {
        ArrayList<Entry> entries = new ArrayList();
        for (String entry : guestbookEntries) {
            String[] parts = entry.split("\\^", 2);
            Entry gbEntry = new Entry(parts[0], parts[1]);
        return entries;

As you can see, this method splits the entries in the String array into two parts based on the caret (^) character.

Now that you have your controller preparing your data for display, your next step is to implement the view, so users can see guestbook entries.

Displaying Guestbook Entries

Liferay’s development framework makes it easy to loop through data and display it nicely to the end user. You’ll use a component called the Search Container to make this happen.

  1. Open the Snippets tab on the right side of Liferay IDE and expand the Taglib Imports category.

  2. Drag the snippet labeled Liferay UI Taglib Import from the snippet area to the line beneath the existing taglib imports in view.jsp. The following code gets added to view.jsp:

    <%@ taglib uri="http://liferay.com/tld/ui" prefix="liferay-ui" %>

    This declares that you want to use Liferay’s UI tags.

  3. Below the <portlet:defineObjects /> tag, add the following tag:

    <jsp:useBean id="entries" class="java.util.ArrayList" scope="request"/>

    This makes your list of Entry objects available to the page.

  4. From the Liferay UI Search Container snippet category, drag the Model Search Container snippet and drop it above the <aui:button-row cssClass="guestbook-buttons"> tag.

  5. In the dialog that pops up, click the Browse button and then type Entry into the search dialog. Liferay IDE shows every instance of an Entry class on your classpath. Choose the one you created in the com.liferay.docs.guestbook.model package and click Ok.

  6. Your model class is parsed automatically, and now you can choose the property columns you wish to display to the user. Check off the message and name columns.

  7. The generated variable is aEntry. If you want something more grammatically correct, change it to entry, and then click Finish.

    The tag snippet assumes that you’re using Liferay’s persistence framework, Service Builder. Because you’re not using that, you’ll have to fix one of the tags.

  8. Modify the <liferay-ui:search-container-results> tag so that it uses your entries list:

        results="<%= entries %>"

You’re done! Your view.jsp should look like this:

<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/portlet_2_0" prefix="portlet" %>
<%@ taglib uri="http://alloy.liferay.com/tld/aui" prefix="aui" %>
<%@ taglib uri="http://liferay.com/tld/ui" prefix="liferay-ui" %>
<portlet:defineObjects />
<jsp:useBean id="entries" class="java.util.ArrayList" scope="request"/>

    results="<%= entries %>"

        <liferay-ui:search-container-column-text property="message" />

        <liferay-ui:search-container-column-text property="name" />

    <liferay-ui:search-iterator />

<aui:button-row cssClass="guestbook-buttons">
    <portlet:renderURL var="addEntryURL">
        <portlet:param name="mvcPath" value="/html/guestbook/edit_entry.jsp">

    <aui:button onClick="<%= addEntryURL.toString() %>" value="Add Entry">

Save your work, deploy your application, and try adding some guestbook entries.

Next Steps

At this point, the next learning path on writing a data-driven application may interest you.

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« Developing Applications with Liferay IDEWriting a Data-Driven Application »
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