Overriding a Portal Service Using a Hook

Liferay Portal and its core portlets offer a host of services that you can programmatically invoke from local and remote clients. One only needs to look at Portal’s service API or the APIs of its portlets, like the Document Library services API, to see that Liferay is chock-full of useful access points. But you may encounter situations in which you want to modify the behavior of these services.

To do this, you may be tempted to extend a service interface directly. But there are problems inherent with this approach. Fix packs later added to the product may modify the interface (e.g., adding a new method to the service). If you’ve implemented the API directly, your implementation may not account for the modified interface. As a result, the patch could break your customization plugin. Don’t worry–Liferay has provided a safe way to customize its services.

All the functionality provided by Liferay is enclosed in a layer of services that are accessed by the controller layer in its portlets; this architecture lets you change how a Liferay core portlet behaves without changing the portlet itself. Liferay generates dummy wrapper classes for all its service interfaces. For example, UserLocalServiceWrapper is created as a wrapper for UserLocalService, a service interface for adding, removing, and retrieving user accounts. If you extend the wrapper class, you can alter the service’s behavior, and your customization can be safeguarded from being broken by any future patches to the interface.

This tutorial shows you how to modify a portal service using a hook. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a hook plugin that overrides a Liferay service.

Implementing the Portal Service Override

Hook plugins are the best tool for leveraging this architecture to customize portal service behavior. To modify the functionality of a service from a hook, you create a class that extends the service wrapper class, override the methods you want to modify, and instruct Liferay to use your service class to override those of the default class.

You can follow these steps to override any Liferay service from your own hook plugin:

  1. Create a Liferay Hook plugin project in a Liferay Plugins SDK project or Maven project.

  2. Create a class that extends the wrapper class of the service interface you want to override.

    To create the extension class from Liferay IDE/Developer Studio, open your project’s liferay-hook.xml file, which is found in the docroot/WEB-INF/ folder. Select the liferay-hook.xml file editor’s Overview mode tab and select Service Wrappers from the editor’s outline. Select Add a Service Wrapper in the editor’s main area to bring up the Service Wrapper Detail options.

    Figure 1: Liferay IDEs Hook Configuration editor comes with custom service wrapper creation and editing capabilities.

    Figure 1: Liferay IDE's Hook Configuration editor comes with custom service wrapper creation and editing capabilities.

    In the Service Wrapper Detail screen, click the Browse icon at the right of the Service Type text field and select the service class you want to override. In the Service Impl text field, you can enter the fully qualified class name of your service wrapper extension class and click the Create icon to the right of the text field. This creates the extension class you entered and opens it in Liferay IDE.

    Figure 2: Creating wrapper extensions is easy. You enter the name of your service implementation class and click the Create icon to create it for overriding the service.

    Figure 2: Creating wrapper extensions is easy. You enter the name of your service implementation class and click the *Create* icon to create it for overriding the service.

    You can alternatively create your wrapper extension class manually in your favorite editor.

    The initial wrapper extension class that Liferay IDE creates is virtually a blank canvas on which you can add your custom override methods. The wrapper class refers to Liferay’s default implementation for the service. By calling the wrapper’s methods via the super.[methodName](...) in your custom method implementations, you invoke the underlying default implementation.

    The code below is from an example custom service implementation class named MyUserLocalServiceImpl.java that overrides the UserLocalService by extending UserLocalServiceWrapper. Note that its constructor calls the parent class constructor. A new implementation of the service’s deleteUser(...) method has been added for holding custom logic. The parent class’ version of the method, which invokes the underlying default implementation, is called at the end of the custom method. Calling the parent class method is optional but is a common practice to leverage Liferay’s default implementation.

    package com.liferay.sample.hook;
    import com.liferay.portal.service.UserLocalService;
    import com.liferay.portal.service.UserLocalServiceWrapper;
    public class MyUserLocalServiceImpl extends UserLocalServiceWrapper {
        public MyUserLocalServiceImpl(UserLocalService userLocalService) {
        public com.liferay.portal.model.User deleteUser(long userId)
            throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
                com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
            // TODO Add your custom implementation of the method here
            // Optionally, you can call Liferay's default implementation via the wrapper
            return super.deleteUser(userId);

    Now that you’ve created your wrapper extension class, you can add methods to it to override Liferay’s implementation of the service interface.

  3. You must specify your custom service implementation class in the liferay-hook.xml file. On creating wrapper extension classes using Liferay IDE’s Hook Configuration editor, Liferay IDE automatically specifies the service implementation class in the liferay-hook.xml file. If you create your wrapper extension class manually, you must also manually specify the service implementation class in a <service></service> element within the <hook></hook> element. See the liferay-hook.xml file’s DTD for details.

    For example, here’s what a wrapper extension specification to UserLocalService can look like:

  4. Deploy your hook to your portal.

Your hook substitutes the service’s default behavior with the behavior of your custom implementation.

There are other Liferay services that you may need to extend to meet advanced requirements. Here are just a few services that you may want to customize:

  • OrganizationLocalService: Adds, deletes and retrieves organizations. Also assigns users to organizations and retrieves the list of organizations of a given user.
  • GroupLocalService: Adds, deletes and retrieves sites.
  • LayoutLocalService: Adds, deletes, retrieves and manages pages of sites, organizations and users.

For a complete list of available services and their methods, check the Javadocs for Liferay Portal 6.2 Services or browse http://docs.liferay.com/portal/6.2/javadocs/ for Javadocs on the services of any of Liferay Portal’s core portlets. To access Javadocs for a different version of Liferay, visit http://docs.liferay.com/portal, select the Liferay Portal version, and click on the Javadocs link.

You’ve done well learning how to properly customize Liferay services. Now get out there and put your newfound skills to use!

Developing Plugins with the Plugins SDK

Developing Liferay Hook Plugins with Maven

Application Display Templates

« Customizing Sites and Site Templates with Application AdaptersPerforming a Custom Action Using a Hook »
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