There are various approaches to customizing the auto-generated System Settings UI for your configurable application. To replace an application’s auto-generated configuration screen with a form built from scratch, you follow these steps:
- Use a
class to transfer data between back-end code and the desired JSP markup. - Implement the
interface. - Render the configuration form. This tutorial demonstrates the use of a JSP
and the previously created
A generalized discussion on System Settings UI customization is found in a separate tutorial.
This tutorial demonstrates replacing the configuration UI for the Language Template System Settings entry, found in Control Panel → Configuration → System Settings → Localization → Language Template. The same steps apply when replacing your custom application’s auto-generated UI.
Figure 1: The auto-generated UI for the Language Template configuration screen is sub-optimal. A select list with more human readable options is preferable.
Specifically, the text input field labeled DDM Template Key in the auto-generated UI is replaced with a select list field type called Language Selection Style, populated with all possible DDM Template Keys.
Creating a DisplayContext
A DisplayContext
class is a POJO that simplifies and minimizes the use of Java
logic in JSPs. Display context usage isn’t required, but it’s a nice convention
to follow. It’s a kind of data transfer object, where the DisplayContext
setters are called from the Java class providing the render logic (in this case
the ConfigurationFormRenderer
’s render
method), and the getters are called
from the JSP, removing the need for Java logic to be written inside the JSP
For this example, create a LanguageTemplateConfigurationDisplayContext
with these contents:
public class LanguageTemplateConfigurationDisplayContext {
public void addTemplateValue(
String templateKey, String templateDisplayName) {
_templateValues.add(new String[] {templateKey, templateDisplayName});
public String getCurrentTemplateName() {
return _currentTemplateName;
public String getFieldLabel() {
return _fieldLabel;
public List<String[]> getTemplateValues() {
return _templateValues;
public void setCurrentTemplateName(String currentTemplateName) {
_currentTemplateName = currentTemplateName;
public void setFieldLabel(String fieldLabel) {
_fieldLabel = fieldLabel;
private String _currentTemplateName;
private String _fieldLabel;
private final List<String[]> _templateValues = new ArrayList<>();
Next implement the ConfigurationFormRenderer
Implementing a ConfigurationFormRenderer
First create the component and class declarations. Set the service
to ConfigurationFormRenderer.class
configurationPid = "",
immediate = true, service = ConfigurationFormRenderer.class
public class LanguageTemplateConfigurationFormRenderer
implements ConfigurationFormRenderer {
Next, write an activate
method (decorated with @Activate
and @Modified
to to convert a map of the configuration’s properties to a typed class. The
configuration is stored in a volatile field. Don’t forget to make it volatile
to prevent thread safety problems. See the article on
reading configuration values from a component class
for more information.
public void activate(Map<String, Object> properties) {
_siteNavigationLanguageWebTemplateConfiguration =
private volatile SiteNavigationLanguageWebTemplateConfiguration
Next override the getPid
and getRequestParameters
public String getPid() {
return "" +
Return the full configuration ID, as specified in the *Configuration
public Map<String, Object> getRequestParameters(
HttpServletRequest request) {
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
String ddmTemplateKey = ParamUtil.getString(request, "ddmTemplateKey");
params.put("ddmTemplateKey", ddmTemplateKey);
return params;
In the getRequestParameters
method, map the parameters sent by the custom form
(obtained from the request) to the keys of the fields in the Configuration
Provide the render logic via the overridden render
method. The rendering
approach demonstrated here uses a JSP. Recall that it’s backed by a
class set into the request object. The values set from this
method are available in the JSP via the DisplayContext
Loop through the DDM Template Keys for the given groupId
and set them into
the display context with the addTemplateKey
method. Then set the other
necessary values that the JSP needs. In this case, set the title, the field
label, and the redirect URL. Finally, call renderJSP
and pass in the
, request, response, and the path to the JSP:
public void render(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws IOException {
Locale locale = LocaleThreadLocal.getThemeDisplayLocale();
languageTemplateConfigurationDisplayContext =
new LanguageTemplateConfigurationDisplayContext();
long groupId = 0;
Group group = _groupLocalService.fetchCompanyGroup(
if (group != null) {
groupId = group.getGroupId();
List<DDMTemplate> ddmTemplates = _ddmTemplateLocalService.getTemplates(
groupId, _portal.getClassNameId(LanguageEntry.class));
for (DDMTemplate ddmTemplate : ddmTemplates) {
ddmTemplate.getTemplateKey(), ddmTemplate.getName(locale));
locale, LanguageTemplateConfigurationFormRenderer.class),
_servletContext, request, response,
Specify the required service references at the bottom of the class. Be careful
to target the proper servlet context, passing the bundle-SymbolicName
of the
module (found in its bnd.bnd
file) into the osgi.web.symbolicname
of the reference target:
private DDMTemplateLocalService _ddmTemplateLocalService;
private GroupLocalService _groupLocalService;
private JSPRenderer _jspRenderer;
private Portal _portal;
target = "(",
unbind = "-"
private ServletContext _servletContext;
Once the configuration form renderer is implemented, you can write the JSP markup for the form.
Writing the JSP Markup
Now write the JSP:
<%@ include file="/init.jsp" %>
languageTemplateConfigurationDisplayContext = (LanguageTemplateConfigurationDisplayContext)request.getAttribute(LanguageTemplateConfigurationDisplayContext.class.getName());
String currentTemplateName = languageTemplateConfigurationDisplayContext.getCurrentTemplateName();
<aui:select label="<%= HtmlUtil.escape(languageTemplateConfigurationDisplayContext.getFieldLabel()) %>" name="ddmTemplateKey" value="<%= currentTemplateName %>">
for (String[] templateValue : languageTemplateConfigurationDisplayContext.getTemplateValues()) {
<aui:option label="<%= templateValue[1] %>" selected="<%= currentTemplateName.equals(templateValue[0]) %>" value="<%= templateValue[0] %>" />
The opening scriptlet gets the display context object from the request so that
all its getters are invoked whenever information from the back-end is required.
Right away, the getCurrentTemplateName
method is called, since the current
template name is needed for the first option’s ddmTemplateKey
display value as
soon as the form is rendered. This happens in the <aui:select>
tag. There’s
just a bit of logic used to create an option for each of the available DDM
templates that can be chosen.
So what does this example look like when all is said and done?
Figure 2: A select list provides a more user friendly configuration experience than a text field.
Some configuration UIs require tweaking with a ConfigurationFormRenderer
This tutorial shows a particularly good example. Administrators encountering
the Language Template entry in System Settings won’t know the DDM Template Keys
they can use offhand. Providing the available values in a select field wildly
enhances the user experience.