Subscription Services seeks to resolve any reproducible and unintended issues caused by product defects within Liferay Digital Experience Platform, Liferay Portal EE or Liferay Commerce (“the product”) given the product is being used in a compatible environment when upgrading from one version of the product to a higher version. For more information please see the Product Defects policy.
Defining Support
- Subscription Services will provide general guidance on upgrading from one version of the product to another version.
- Subscription Services will prioritize issues resolution in the version with the greater service life phase. If one product is in a limited support phase and another is in a premium support phase, then the resolution for a given issue would be delivered for the version in a premium support phase. If both versions are in a premium support phase, issues may be resolved in either version.
- Subscription Services is not required to resolve issues in a lower version or pre-upgrade, source environment. Issues may be resolved in a higher version or the post-upgrade, destination version of the product.
- Subscription Services is not required to resolve issues caused by customizations to the product which were not present in the source version but are exposed in the destination version as the result of an upgrade. Liferay will seek to resolve issues of corrupt or orphaned data caused by the product in an uncustomized, out-of-the-box, compatible environment according to the service life of the product.
Compatible Versions
- Direct upgrades to a version of Liferay DXP will be available from the lowest version whose service life still applies at the time of release. Once a previously released version has reached the end of limited support phase, then any new versions released afterwards will not contain upgrade paths from that end of life version. I.E. since the end of the limited support phase for Liferay Portal 6.0 EE occurred on 9/10/2017 and Liferay DXP 7.1 was released after this date, Liferay DXP 7.1 does not contain a direct upgrade path from 6.0 to 7.1.
- Upgrades from versions which do not have direct upgrade paths should be accomplished through a two-step upgrade using an intermediate version. Intermediate versions in a premium support phase with the latest available fix pack are recommended.
- For source and destination versions, installing the latest fix pack or patch available is highly recommended.
- Issues which occur where the source version is a non-enterprise version of the product will be approached using an enterprise version of the product.