One of the primary functions of a security system is to make pages, content, and web applications accessible only to the appropriate users. A student logging into a university portal should not be able to access the same resources a professor can. A patient logging into a health care portal should not be able to access a doctor’s resources. Some content (at least a login page) should be available to everybody, including unauthenticated users (called guest users). To learn more about how Liferay DXP restricts access to portal resources to different users, please see the Roles and Permissions documentation.
Authentication Types
There are three authentication types: by email address, screen
name, or user ID. To choose an authentication type, navigate to the Control
Panel, click on Configuration → Instance Settings → Platform
→ User Authentication and use the How do users authenticate? selector
to make a selection. Alternatively, add the following lines to your
file, uncomment the appropriate line, comment out the
others, and restart your server.
The default authentication type is by email address, but you can choose screen names or user IDs instead. Users choose screen names when they create their accounts or administrators can choose them. User IDs are auto-generated when the account is created. Regardless of which authentication type is configured, users must always enter a password. For information on adding restrictions on the kinds of passwords that are allowed or required (e.g., to require a minimum password length or require special characters), please see the Password Policies documentation.
The Sign In Portlet
Sign In portlet is how users log in. By default, the Sign In portlet can create new accounts or request a password reset. The default home page contains a Sign In portlet. You can access this page at http://localhost:8080/web/guest/home.
Figure 1: By default, the Sign In portlet allows users to log in, create a new account, or request a password reset.
If the Sign In portlet doesn’t appear on any page, you can still access it here:
By default, guest users can create accounts by clicking on the Create Account link in the Sign In portlet, completing the form, and submitting it. If a user has an account but has forgotten its password, the user can click the Forgot Password link to request a password reset.
Both the Create Account form and the Forgot Password form include a CAPTCHA-based text verification field. Using CAPTCHA prevents bots from submitting these forms.
You can use reCAPTCHA instead of CAPTCHA. One advantage of reCAPTCHA is that it can allow visually impaired users to pass the test. To use reCAPTCHA, navigate to the Control Panel, then click on Configuration → System Settings → CAPTCHA.
You can prevent guest users from creating new user accounts, if your site requires users be registered by administrators. Navigate to the Control Panel → Configuration → Instance Settings → Platform → User Authentication and uncheck the Allow strangers to create accounts? box. You can also prevent users from requesting forgotten passwords or from requesting password reset links by unchecking the appropriate boxes. With these options, the Create Account and Forgot Password links no longer appear in the Sign-In portlet.
Remember that the Sign In portlet is the default way for users to log in, but it’s not the only way. User accounts can be imported from and exported to LDAP directories. You can use single-sign-on (SSO) solutions or token-based authentication, which allows remote web applications to authenticate. Please refer to the other articles in this section for more information. Finally, remember that user authentication and remote application authentication mechanisms are extensible.