Segmentation and Personalization in Liferay DXP 7.2 also provides an editor for defining User Segments.
Go to Site Administration and select the site that you wish to create segments for.
Click People → Segments.
Click the Add User Segment button (
At the top of the editor you can set the name, view the current members of the segment as it is defined, and choose to Save the Segment or Cancel to discard changes.
Figure 1: The top portion of the Segment Editor has the segment name and its members.
On the right side of the page, there’s a Properties menu with the following options:
- User
- Organization
- Session
Figure 2: You use the Segment Editor to create new Segments.
In addition to the various properties, there are operations and conjunctions that you use to define criteria.
User Properties
User Properties are user attributes you want to capture. This is made up of user metadata as defined in their accounts, but also contains certain group memberships (like Roles and User Groups) as well as information like the date the user profile was last modified.
Organization Properties
Organization Properties is a selectable list of Organizations to include in your Segment. They contain similar criteria as the User selection, like Name and Date Modified.
Session Properties
Session Properties contains criteria based on the user’s activity, browser, and system information. You can use this to target the user’s device or OS, or for activity-based criteria like if a user entered the website through a specific campaign driven landing page.
Operations and Conjunctions
There are a number of different ways to evaluate properties, and different ways that you can relate different fields. For a comprehensive list, see the Defining Segment Criteria Reference.