Customizing Atlas and Clay Base Themes in Liferay DXP

Whether you’re customizing the Atlas or Clay base theme, the process is, for the most part, the same. Follow these steps. If you’re customizing the Clay base theme, skip to step 3.

  1. By default, Clay base is imported into the theme. If you’re overwriting Atlas, add a file named clay.scss to your theme’s /src/css/ folder and import clay/atlas instead:

    @import "clay/atlas";
  2. By default, Clay base variables are imported into the theme. If you’re overwriting Atlas, add an _imports.scss file to your theme’s /src/css/ folder and import Atlas variables instead:

    @import "bourbon";
    @import "mixins";
    @import "compat/mixins";
    @import "clay/atlas-variables";
  3. Add a file named _clay_variables.scss. Place your Atlas, Bootstrap, and Clay Base variable modifications in this file.

Great! Now you know how to customize the Atlas and Clay base themes.

« Clay CSS and ThemesIntegrating Third Party Themes with Clay »
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