Content Pages provide a new paradigm for creating pages in Liferay DXP. They empower marketers and content creators to build pages that can be easily managed and have their content edited in-line and on the fly.
With Content Pages, you build pages from reusable, extensible elements called Page Fragments. Page Fragments contain things like images, content, or functionality and are added to a page to be edited and configured to match your design. Web Developers can create Page Fragments to expand the options you have available for building pages.
Some Fragments are completely static elements, like an image or text. These can be useful for building a landing page, or realizing a complicated design vision. Other Fragments have a number of editable fields which enable flexibility and experimentation when creating the perfect page for your needs.
Creating Page Fragments
The first thing you need to create a page, are the raw materials: Page Fragments. Fragments are organized into Collections which describe some aspect of the purpose of the Fragments and help keep them organized. For example, if you have a number of Fragments associated with a certain marketing campaign, you could create a Collection for that campaign, so that you have all of those Fragments readily available when you’re working on a page for that campaign.
With all of the Fragments and Collections that are included in Liferay DXP 7.2, many projects can be completed using only the out-of-the-box Fragments and capabilities. In many cases, though, you need to develop your own Fragments. You can learn about the Fragment creation process and editing interface in the Creating Page Fragments article. Developing Fragments is covered in more detail in the Page Fragment development guide.
Building Content Pages
After you’ve got your materials, you need to arrange them on a page. Content Pages are built with Page Fragments and Widgets. Widgets work just like they always have, drag them onto the page where you want to use them. Fragments are intended to be reusable, so each Fragment is like a single puzzle piece that can fit in many different puzzles. Using the tools you have available, you can create stunning pages through an intuitive, empowering interface. In the Building Content Pages guide you will create Content Pages using a variety of the features and capabilities of Content Pages.
The Content Page Interface
There are many features of the Content Page Interface—too many to cover in a practical exercise. For a complete overview of every nook and cranny of the Content Page management interface see the Content Page Interface reference.
Personalizing Content Pages
When you create Content Pages, you can create different Experiences for users based on User Segments. You can create a unique Experience on any Content Page for any existing User Segment. For more information, see the Content Page Personalization guide.