You can install Liferay Workspace using the Liferay Project SDK installer. This installs JPM and Blade CLI into your user home folder and optionally initializes a Liferay Workspace folder. This is the same installer covered in the Installing Blade CLI article.
Follow the steps below to download and install Liferay Workspace:
Download the latest Liferay Project SDK installer that corresponds with your operating system (e.g., Windows, MacOS, or Linux). The Project SDK installer is listed under Liferay IDE, so the folder versions are based on IDE releases. You can select an installer that does not include Dev Studio DXP, if you don’t intend to use it. The Project SDK installer is available for versions 3.2.0+. Do not select the large green download button; this downloads Liferay Portal instead.
Run the installer. Click Next to step through the installer’s introduction.
Set the folder where your Liferay Workspace should be initialized.
Figure 1: Determine where your Liferay Workspace should reside.
Then click Next.
Choose the Liferay product type you intend to use with the workspace. Then click Next.
Figure 2: Select the product version you'll use with your Liferay Workspace.
Click Next to begin installing Liferay Workspace on your machine.
That’s it! Liferay Workspace is now installed on your machine!