Adding a Liferay Bundle to Liferay Workspace

Liferay Workspaces can generate and hold a Liferay Server. This lets you build/test your workspace’s plugins against a running Liferay instance. Follow the instructions below to get started.

  1. Open your workspace’s root file.

  2. Set the liferay.workspace.bundle.url property to the bundle’s download URL you want to generate and install. For example,


    For DXP subscribers, it would look like this:


    DXP subscribers must also set the property to true to allow your workspace to access Liferay’s API site.

  3. Navigate to your workspace’s root folder and run

    blade server init
  4. Verify your bundle was downloaded. The bundle is generated in the bundles folder by default. You can change this by setting the file’s liferay.workspace.home.dir property to a different folder.

You can also produce a distributable Liferay bundle (Zip or Tar) from within a workspace. To do this, navigate to your workspace’s root folder and run the following command:

./gradlew distBundle[Zip|Tar]

Your distribution file is available from the workspace’s /build folder.

You’re all set to develop projects for a nested Liferay DXP bundle.

« Setting Proxy Requirements for Liferay WorkspaceSetting Environment Configurations for Liferay Workspace »
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