Upgrading Portlet Language Key Hooks

Upgrading Customization Plugins

Step 6 of 11

You can upgrade your portlet language key hooks to Liferay DXP 7.2 by following these steps:

  1. Create a new module based on the Blade sample resource-bundle project (Gradle or Maven).

    Here are the module folder structure’s main files:

    • src/main/java/[resource bundle path]ResourceBundleLoader extension goes here
    • src/main/resources/content
      • Language.properties
      • Language_xx.properties
  2. Copy your language properties files into module folder src/main/resources/content/.

  3. In your bnd.bnd file, specify OSGi manifest headers that target the portlet module’s resource bundle, but prioritize yours.

  4. Deploy your module.

Your portlet language key customizations are deployed in your new module on Liferay DXP 7.2.

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