Index Settings Contributor

The Index Settings Contributor sample demonstrates how to add a custom type mapping to Liferay DXP. You can demo this sample by completing the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Control PanelConfigurationSearch menu.

  2. Click Execute for the Reindex all search indexes action.

    All properties defined in your .json file are added to Liferay DXP’s search engine. This sample adds the following index properties:

    • sampleDate
    • sampleDouble
    • sampleLong
    • sampleText

    You’ll verify this next.

  3. Find your Liferay DXP’s instance ID. This can be found in the Control PanelConfigurationVirtual Instances menu.

  4. Navigate to the following URL:


    Be sure to insert your instance ID into the URL.

  5. Verify the added properties are listed.

    Figure 1: This sample added four new index properties.

    Figure 1: This sample added four new index properties.

What API(s) and/or code components does this sample highlight?

This sample leverages the IndexSettingsContributor API.

How does this sample leverage the API(s) and/or code component?

Liferay’s search engine provides an API to define custom mappings. To use it, follow these fundamental steps:

  1. Define the new mapping. In this sample, the mapping is defined in the META-INF/mappings/resources/index-type-mappings.json file. Notice that the default document for Liferay DXP is called LiferayDocumentType. The mapping’s features can be found in Elasticsearch’s docs.

  2. Inject the mapping into Elasticsearch. The IndexSettingsContributor class’ components are invoked during the reindexing stage and receive a TypeMappingsHelper as a hook to add new mappings.

This sample has two classes:

  • ResourceUtil: reads the .json file.

  • IndexSettingsContributor: allows the addition of type mappings on Liferay DXP’s search engine.

The IndexSettingsContributor’s contribute method adds the type mappings:

public void contribute(
    String indexName, TypeMappingsHelper typeMappingsHelper) {
    try {
        String mappings = ResourceUtil.readResouceAsString(

        typeMappingsHelper.addTypeMappings(indexName, mappings);
    catch (Exception e) {

For the ResourceUtil.readResouceAsString parameter, you should pass the path for the .json file that contains the properties to be added.

Also, it is important to highlight the IndexSettingsContributor’s @Component annotation that registers a new service to the OSGi container:

    immediate = true,
    service =

> If using Elasticsearch 7, the value of the `service` property is instead ``.

This sample demonstrates the essentials needed to contribute your own index settings.

Where Is This Sample?

There are three different versions of this sample, each built with a different build tool:

« Gogo Shell CommandIndexer Post Processor »
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