Creating an Ext Module

You can create an Ext module based off the pre-configured modules-ext project template/archetype. See the modules-ext project template article for information on how to create an Ext module, its folder structure, and other important details.

It’s recommended to create and develop your Ext module in a Liferay Workspace. Workspace is preconfigured with an ext folder, which applies important settings (via the LiferayOSGiExtPlugin) to your Ext module when it’s deployed to Liferay DXP. You’ll learn more about this in the next section.

You can also create an Ext module leveraging the modules-ext project template in Dev Studio or IntelliJ.

Dev Studio

To create an Ext module in Dev Studio,

  1. Right click your Liferay Workspace and select NewLiferay Module Ext Project.

  2. Define the project name and the original module name (i.e., BSN form, like com.liferay.login.web) you intend to override.

    Figure 1: You must define your Ext modules name and the module you intend to override.

    Figure 1: You must define your Ext module's name and the module you intend to override.

    Note, you must have the target.platform.index.sources property enabled in your workspace’s file to browse for the original module name.

  3. Click Finish to create the Module Ext project.

Awesome! You’ve created an Ext module project in Dev Studio!


To create an Ext module in IntelliJ,

  1. Go to FileNewLiferay Module.

  2. Select the Liferay Modules Ext option from the left menu.

  3. Define the original module name (i.e., BSN form, like com.liferay.login.web) you intend to override. Then click Next.

    Figure 2: You must define the module you intend to override.

    Figure 2: You must define the module you intend to override.

    Note, you must have the target.platform.index.sources property enabled in your workspace’s file to browse for the original module name.

  4. Define the module name.

  5. Click Finish.

Great! You know how to create an Ext module and are familiar with its folder structure and most significant files. Next, you’ll learn how to develop your Ext module to customize Liferay DXP.

« Customizing OSGi Modules with ExtDeveloping an Ext Module »
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