LDAP is a common user store for Liferay DXP. You can configure LDAP at the system scope in System Settings or at the instance scope in Instance settings. Users can be imported from LDAP or exported to LDAP. To access LDAP configuration settings, navigate to Control Panel → Configuration → Instance Settings. At the bottom of the list on the left, click Servers.
Click the Add button to add an LDAP server connection. If you have more than one LDAP server, you can arrange the servers by order of preference using the up/down arrows. Regardless of how many LDAP servers you add, each server has the same configuration options.
Server Name: Enter a name for your LDAP server.
Default Values: Several common directory servers appear here. If you use one of these, select it. The rest of the form is populated with default values for that directory.
These settings cover the connection to LDAP.
Base Provider URL: The link to the LDAP server. Make sure the Liferay DXP server can communicate with the LDAP server. If there is a firewall between the two systems, make sure the appropriate ports are opened.
Base DN: The Base Distinguished Name for your LDAP directory. It is usually modeled after your organization. It may look similar to this: dc=companynamehere,dc=com
Principal: The default LDAP administrator user ID is populated here. If your administrator ID differs, use that credential instead. You need an administrative credential because Liferay DXP uses this ID to synchronize user accounts to and from LDAP.
Credentials: This is the password for the LDAP administrative user.
This is all you need to make a regular connection to an LDAP directory. The rest of the configuration, however, may need to be customized, as it represents “best guesses” as to correct defaults. The default attribute mappings usually provide enough data to synchronize back to the Liferay DXP database when a user attempts to log in. To test the connection to your LDAP server, click the Test LDAP Connection button.
Before proceeding to fine tune Liferay DXP’s LDAP connections, ensure the following steps have been taken:
The LDAP connection is enabled. Depending on your needs, LDAP authentication may be required so that only users who have been bound may log in.
Export/Import: for users in a clustered environment, Enable Import/Export on Startup should be disabled so that there are no massive imports on every node upon start up.
When adding the LDAP server, the Server Name, Default Values, Connection values are correct. It is always a good idea to click the Test LDAP Connection before saving.
Instance Settings vs. System Settings
You can define an LDAP server connection at the System Settings scope as well. Because this user interface is auto-generated, it’s not as helpful as the one in Instance Settings. For this reason, you should define and troubleshoot your settings in Instance Settings first. If you decide you want your LDAP connection at the system scope, you can copy your configuration from Instance Settings and then delete the server from Instance Settings.
Of course, you can also configure LDAP servers at the system scope using OSGi .config
files. The easiest way to do this is to use the GUI and export the configuration. Then you can use the resulting .config
file anywhere you need it (such as other nodes in a cluster).
Note: To use config
files for LDAP server configuration, you must specify the Virtual Instance ID (in the source, the variable name is companyId
) in the exported configuration file, because servers are defined at the instance scope, not the system scope. To do this, specify the virtual instance ID somewhere in the file like this:
You can find your Virtual Instance ID in Control Panel → Configuration → Virtual Instances.
If you run your LDAP directory in SSL mode to encrypt credential information on the network, you must perform extra steps to share the encryption key and certificate between the two systems.
For example, if your LDAP directory is Microsoft Active Directory on Windows Server 2003, you’d share the certificate like this:
Click Start → Administrative Tools → Certificate Authority. Highlight the machine that is the certificate authority, right-click on it, and click Properties. From the General menu, click View Certificate. Select the Details view, and click Copy To File. Use the resulting wizard to save the certificate as a file. You must also import the certificate into the cacerts keystore like this:
keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore /some/path/java-8-jdk/jre/lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeit -noprompt -alias MyRootCA -file /some/path/MyRootCA.cer
The keytool
utility ships as part of the Java SDK.
Once this is done, go back to the LDAP page in the Control Panel. Modify the LDAP URL in the Base DN field to the secure version by changing the protocol to ldaps
and the port to 636
like this:
Save the changes. Communication to LDAP is now encrypted.
Configuring LDAP Import/Export
The other settings configure mappings between LDAP and Liferay DXP so users and groups can be imported.
This section contains settings for finding users in your LDAP directory.
Authentication Search Filter: Use this search filter box to determine the search criteria for user logins. By default, Liferay DXP uses users’ email addresses for their login names. The value here must use the authentication method you use. For example, if you changed Liferay DXP’s authentication method to use screen names instead of the email addresses, you would modify the search filter so it can match the entered log in name:
Import Search Filter: Depending on the LDAP schema, there are different ways to identify the user. The default setting is usually fine:
If you want to search for only a subset of users or users that have different LDAP object classes, you can change this.
User Mapping: Next, you can define mappings from LDAP attributes to Liferay fields. Though LDAP user attributes may be different from LDAP server to LDAP server, there are five fields Liferay DXP requires to be mapped for the user to be recognized:
- Screen Name (e.g.,
) - Password (e.g.,
) - Email Address (e.g.,
) - First Name (e.g.,
) - Last Name (e.g.,
Note: If you intend to create or import users with no email addresses, you must set users.email.address.required=false
in portal-ext.properties
. With this set, Liferay auto-generates an email address combining the user ID plus the suffix defined in the property users.email.address.auto.suffix=
. Finally, make sure to set Liferay and LDAP authentication to something other than email address.
If you want to import LDAP groups as Liferay DXP user groups, make sure define a mapping for the Liferay DXP group field so that membership information is preserved:
- Group (e.g., member)
The other LDAP user mapping fields are optional.
The Control Panel provides default mappings for commonly used LDAP attributes. You can also add your own mappings.
Test LDAP Users: Once you have your attribute mappings set up (see above), click the Test LDAP Users button and Liferay DXP attempts to pull LDAP users and match them with their mappings as a preview.
Figure 1: You should see a list of users when you click the *Test LDAP Users* button.
This section contains settings for mapping LDAP groups to Liferay DXP user groups.
Import Search Filter: This is the filter for mapping LDAP groups to Liferay DXP user groups. For example,
Enter the LDAP group attributes you want retrieved for this mapping. The following attributes can be mapped. The Group Name and User fields are required, the Description is optional.
Group Name (e.g.,
) -
Description (e.g.,
) -
User (e.g.,
Test LDAP Groups: Click the Test LDAP Groups button to display a list of the groups returned by your search filter.
This section contains settings for exporting user data from LDAP.
Users DN: Enter the location in your LDAP tree where the users are stored. Liferay DXP exports the users to this location.
User Default Object Classes: Users are exported with the listed default object classes. To find out what your default object classes are, use an LDAP browser tool such as Apache Directory Studio to locate a user and view the Object Class attributes stored in LDAP for that user.
Groups DN: Enter the location in your LDAP tree where the groups are stored. When Liferay DXP does an export, it exports the groups to this location.
Group Default Object Classes: When a group is exported, the group is created with the listed default object classes. To find out what your default object classes are, use an LDAP browser tool such as Apache Directory Studio to locate a group and view the Object Class attributes stored in LDAP for that group.
When you’ve set all your options and tested your connection, click Save.
Now you know how to connect an LDAP server to Liferay DXP and how to configure user import behavior, export behavior, and other LDAP settings.