Implementing the Staged Model Repository Framework

In this article, you’ll step through a quick example that demonstrates implementing the StagedModelRepository interface to use for a staged model. This example references Liferay’s Bookmarks app and Bookmarks Entry entities.

  1. In your app’s -service bundle, create a package that holds your Staged Model Repository classes (e.g., com.liferay.bookmarks.exportimport.staged.model.repository). If you do not have a -service bundle, visit the Service Builder articles for info on generating an app’s services. You must have them to leverage most Export/Import and Staging features.

  2. Create your -StagedModelRepository class in the new package and implement the StagedModelRepository interface in the class’ declaration. For example,

    public class BookmarksEntryStagedModelRepository
        implements StagedModelRepository<BookmarksEntry> {

    Be sure also to include the staged model type parameter for this repository (e.g., BookmarksEntry).

  3. Add an @Component annotation for your staged model repository class that looks like this:

        immediate = true,
        property = "",
        service = StagedModelRepository.class
  4. Implement the StagedModelRepository interface’s methods in your staged model repository. You can reference the Javadoc for this interface to learn what each method is intended for.

    As an example, you’ll set a couple method implementations to get a taste for how it works.

  5. Implement the addStagedModel(...) method. The Bookmarks entry example looks like this:

    public BookmarksEntry addStagedModel(
            PortletDataContext portletDataContext,
            BookmarksEntry bookmarksEntry)
        throws PortalException {
        long userId = portletDataContext.getUserId(
        ServiceContext serviceContext = portletDataContext.createServiceContext(
        if (portletDataContext.isDataStrategyMirror()) {
        return _bookmarksEntryLocalService.addEntry(
            userId, bookmarksEntry.getGroupId(), bookmarksEntry.getFolderId(),
            bookmarksEntry.getName(), bookmarksEntry.getUrl(),
            bookmarksEntry.getDescription(), serviceContext);

    This provides the UUID for the local service.

  6. Not every method implementation requires additional staging information. Implementing the deleteStagedModels method calls the local service directly.

    public void deleteStagedModels(PortletDataContext portletDataContext)
        throws PortalException {
  7. Finish implementing the StagedModelRepository so it’s usable in your data handlers.

Awesome! You’ve implemented the Staged Model Repository framework for your app! If you’re interested in leveraging this framework after the implementation process, see the Using the Staged Model Repository Framework article.

« Providing Entity-Specific Local Services for Export/ImportUsing the Staged Model Repository Framework »
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