Developing a JSF Portlet Application

To run an existing JSF web app on Liferay DXP, you must leverage the Liferay Faces project. The Liferay Faces Bridge enables you to deploy JSF web apps as portlets without writing portlet-specific code. You must also provide portlet-specific descriptor files to make it compatible with the Liferay DXP platform. The easiest way to do this is by generating a new Liferay JSF Portlet project and migrating your code to it. Then you can deploy your new JSF portlet project to Liferay DXP.

Follow these steps:

  1. Create a new JSF portlet project. The following Maven archetypes are available:

    • com.liferay.faces.archetype.alloy.portlet (Liferay Faces Alloy portlet)
    • com.liferay.faces.archetype.bootsfaces.portlet (Liferay BootsFaces portlet)
    • com.liferay.faces.archetype.butterfaces.portlet (Liferay ButterFaces portlet)
    • com.liferay.faces.archetype.icefaces.portlet (Liferay ICEFaces portlet)
    • com.liferay.faces.archetype.jsf.portlet (Liferay JSF portlet)
    • com.liferay.faces.archetype.primefaces.portlet (Liferay PrimeFaces portlet)
    • com.liferay.faces.archetype.richfaces.portlet (Liferay RichFaces portlet)

    Choose the archetype that matches your web app’s JSF component suite. For example,

    mvn archetype:generate \
        -DarchetypeGroupId=com.liferay.faces.archetype \
        -DarchetypeArtifactId=com.liferay.faces.archetype.jsf.portlet \
        -DarchetypeVersion=5.0.6 \
        -DgroupId=com.mycompany \

    The above archetypes support both Gradle and Maven development by providing a build.gradle and pom.xml, respectively. For more information, visit

    Here’s the resulting project structure for a JSF Standard portlet:

    • [liferay-jsf-portlet]/ → Arbitrary project name
      • src/
        • main/
          • java/[my-package-path]/
            • bean/ → Sub-package for managed Java beans (optional)
            • dto/ → Sub-package for model (data transfer object) classes (optional)
          • resources/ → Resources to include in the class path
            • → Internationalization configuration
            • → Log4J logging configuration
          • webapp/
            • resources/
              • images/ → Images
            • WEB-INF/
              • resources/ Frontend files (e.g., CSS, JS, XHTML, etc.) that shouldn’t be accessed directly by the browser
                • css/ → Stylesheets
              • views/ → View templates
              • faces-config.xml → JSF application configuration file
              • liferay-display.xml → Portlet display configuration
              • → Packaging descriptor
              • liferay-portlet.xml → Liferay-specific portlet configuration
              • portlet.xml → Portlet configuration
              • web.xml → Web application configuration
      • test/java/ → Test source files
  2. Update your dependencies as desired. The generated portlet already includes the required artifacts required to deploy a simple JSF portlet to Liferay DXP. For example, the Liferay Faces Bridge artifacts look like this:




    dependencies {
        runtime group: 'com.liferay.faces', name: 'com.liferay.faces.bridge.ext', version: '5.0.4'
        runtime group: 'com.liferay.faces', name: 'com.liferay.faces.bridge.impl', version: '4.1.3'
  3. Copy your Java classes to the new java/[my-package-path]/ folder.

  4. Copy your view templates to the new src/main/webapp/WEBINF/views folder.

  5. Add your frontend files (e.g., CSS, JS, etc.) that shouldn’t be accessed directly by the browser to the webapp/WEB-INF/resources/ folder. For example, your web app’s CSS files would reside in the webapp/WEB-INF/resources/css folder.

  6. Add your image files to the webapp/resources/images folder.

  7. Add localized messages to the resources/ file. The messages in the file can be accessed via the Expression Language using the implicit i18n object provided by Liferay Faces Util. The i18n object can access messages both from a resource bundle defined in the portlet’s portlet.xml file, and from Liferay DXP’s file.

  8. Configure your portlet’s logging configuration as desired. The file in the src/main/resources folder sets properties for the Log4j logging utility defined in your JSF portlet (i.e., faces-config.xml).

  9. Replace your new JSF portlet’s webapp/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml with your web app’s faces-config.xml file. The faces-config.xml file is a JSF portlet’s application configuration file, which is used to register and configure objects and navigation rules.

  10. Replace your new JSF portlet’s webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml with your web app’s web.xml file. The web.xml file serves as a deployment descriptor that provides necessary configurations for your JSF portlet to deploy and function in Liferay DXP.

    Make sure the Faces Servlet is configured in your web.xml:

        <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>

    This is required to initialize JSF and should be defined in all JSF portlets deployed to Liferay DXP.

  11. Modify your webapp/WEB-INF/portlet.xml as desired. The portlet.xml descriptor describes the portlet to the portlet container. For example, it describes portlet info, security settings, etc. Also, the javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet is defined here, which handles invocations to your JSF portlet and makes your portlet, since it relies on Liferay Faces Bridge, easy to develop by acting as a turnkey implementation.

    The init-param is also defined here, which ensures your portlet is visible when deployed to Liferay DXP by pointing to your default view template:

  12. Modify your webapp/WEB-INF/liferay-portlet.xml as desired. It specifies additional information Liferay DXP uses to enhance your portlet: supported security roles, portlet icon, CSS and JavaScript locations, and more. The liferay-portlet-app DTD defines the liferay-portlet.xml elements.

  13. Modify your webapp/WEB-INF/liferay-display.xml as desired. It configures characteristics for displaying your portlet. For example, this liferay-display.xml snippet specifies the Widget category in the Add Widget menu:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE display PUBLIC "-//Liferay//DTD Display 7.2.0//EN" "">
    <category name="category.sample">
        <portlet id="jsf-portlet" />
  14. Modify your webapp/WEB-INF/ as desired. It describes the portlet application’s packaging and version information and specifies any required OSGi metadata. For example, this snippet tells the OSGi container not to scan for CDI annotations in Liferay DXP.


    This is required for JSF portlets leveraging CDI deployed to Liferay DXP. They must reference their own included CDI implementation.

    On deploying the WAR file, the WAB Generator adds the specified OSGi metadata to the resulting web application bundle (WAB) that’s deployed to Liferay DXP’s runtime framework.

    The liferay-plugin-package reference document describes the file.

  15. Build and deploy your project.

Liferay DXP logs the deployment.

2019-05-30 14:10:59.405 INFO  [][AutoDeployDir:261] Processing guestbook-jsf-portlet.war
2019-05-30 14:11:11.401 INFO  [fileinstall-C:/liferay-ce-portal-7.2.0-ga1/osgi/war][BaseDeployer:877] Deploying guestbook-jsf-portlet.war
2019-05-30 14:11:26.379 INFO  [fileinstall-C:/liferay-ce-portal-7.2.0-ga1/osgi/war][BundleStartStopLogger:39] STARTED guestbook-jsf-portlet_7.2.0.1 [2155]
2019-05-30 14:11:67.569 INFO  [fileinstall-C:/liferay-ce-portal-7.2.0-ga1/osgi/war][PortletHotDeployListener:288] 1 portlet for guestbook-jsf-portlet is available for use

The portlet is now available in the Liferay DXP UI. Find your portlet by selecting the Add icon (Add) and navigating to Widgets and the category you specified (Sample is the default category).

Great! You’ve successfully developed a Liferay JSF portlet and migrated your web app logic to it.

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