Compiling Sass Files in a Maven Project

If your Liferay Maven project uses Sass files to style its UI, you must configure the project to convert its Sass files into CSS files so they are recognizable for Maven’s build lifecycle. It would be a real pain to convert your Sass files into CSS files manually before building your Maven project!

Liferay provides the CSS Builder plugin, which converts Sass files into CSS files so the Maven build can parse your style sheets.

Here’s how to apply Liferay’s CSS builder to your Maven project.

  1. Open your project’s pom.xml file and apply Liferay’s CSS Builder:


    The above configuration applies the CSS Builder and then defines the CSS Builder’s execution and configuration.

    • The executions tag configures the CSS Builder to run during the compile phase of your Maven project’s build lifecycle. The build goal is defined for that lifecycle phase.
    • The configuration tag defines two important properties. For more info on these properties, see the CSS Builder Plugin article.
  2. If you’re using Bourbon in your Sass files, you’ll need to add an additional plugin dependency to your project’s POM. If you’re not using Bourbon, skip this step. Add the following plugin dependency:


    The maven-dependency-plugin copies the com.liferay.frontend.css.common dependency from Maven Central to your project’s build folder so the CSS Builder can leverage it.

  3. Use this command to compile your Maven project’s Sass files:

    mvn compile

Awesome! You can now compile Sass files in your Liferay Maven project.

« Building a Theme with MavenUsing Service Builder in a Maven Project »
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