Retrieving Portlets

When a Portlet Provider exists for an entity, you can use the PortletProviderUtil class to retrieve the ID or URL of the portlet that performs the entity action you want.

The Portlet Provider framework’s PortletProvider.Action Enum defines these action types:

  • ADD
  • EDIT
  • VIEW

The action type and entity type are key parameters in fetching a portlet’s ID or URL.

Fetching a Portlet ID

To get the ID of the portlet that performs an action on an entity, pass that entity and action as arguments to the PortletProviderUtil method getPortletId. For example, this call gets the ID of a portlet for viewing Recycle Bin entries:

String portletId = PortletProviderUtil.getPortletId(

The com.liferay.portlet.trash.model.TrashEntry entity specifies Recycle Bin entries, and PortletProvider.Action.VIEW specifies the view action.

How and where you use the portlet ID depends on your needs—there’s no typical use case or set of steps to follow. One example is how the Asset Publisher uses the Portlet Provider framework to add a previewed asset to a page; it adds the asset to a portlet and adds that portlet to the page. The Asset Publisher uses the liferay-asset:asset_display tag library tag whose asset_display/preview.jsp shows an Add button for adding the portlet. If the previewed asset is a Blogs entry, for example, the framework returns a blogs portlet ID or URL for adding the portlet to the current page. Here’s the relevant code from the asset_display/preview.jsp:

Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>();

<!-- populate the data map -->

String portletId = PortletProviderUtil.getPortletId(assetEntry.getClassName(), PortletProvider.Action.ADD);

data.put("portlet-id", portletId);

<!-- add more to the data map -->

<c:if test="<%= PortletPermissionUtil.contains(permissionChecker, layout, portletId, ActionKeys.ADD_TO_PAGE) %>">
    <aui:button cssClass="add-button-preview" data="<%= data %>" value="add" />

This code invokes PortletProviderUtil.getPortletId(assetEntry.getClassName(), PortletProvider.Action.ADD) to get the ID of a portlet that adds and displays the asset of the underlying entity class.

The JSP puts the portlet ID into the data map:

data.put("portlet-id", portletId);

Then it passes the data map to a new Add button that adds the portlet to the page:

<aui:button cssClass="add-button-preview" data="<%= data %>" value="add" />

Fetching a Portlet URL

To get the URL of the portlet that performs an action on an entity, call one of PortletProviderUtil’s getPortletURL methods. These methods return a javax.portlet.PortletURL based on an HttpServletRequest or PortletRequest. You can also specify a Group, the entity’s class name, and the action.

How you call these methods depends on your use case—there’s no typical set of steps to follow. As an example, when the Asset Publisher is configured in Manual mode, the user can use an Asset Browser to select asset entries. The asset-publisher-web module’s configuration/asset_entries.jsp file uses PortletProviderUtil’s getPortletURL method (at the end of the code below) to generate a corresponding Asset Browser URL:

List<AssetRendererFactory<?>> assetRendererFactories = 
            new AssetRendererFactoryTypeNameComparator(locale));

for (AssetRendererFactory<?> curRendererFactory : assetRendererFactories) {
        long curGroupId = groupId;

        if (!curRendererFactory.isSelectable()) {

        PortletURL assetBrowserURL = PortletProviderUtil.getPortletURL(
            request, curRendererFactory.getClassName(),

Portlet Providers

Creating Portlet Providers

« Creating Portlet ProvidersEnabling and Accessing Data Scopes »
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