Sending a Message

Once you’ve created a message, there are three ways to send it with the Message Bus:

Directly with MessageBus

To send a message directly with MessageBus, follow these steps:

  1. Get a MessageBus reference:

    private MessageBus _messageBus;
  2. Create a message. For example:

    Message message = new Message();
    message.put("myId", 12345);
    message.put("someAttribute", "abcdef");
  3. Call the MessageBus reference’s sendMessage method with the destination and message:

    _messageBus.sendMessage("myDestinationName", message);

Here’s a class that contains this example:

    immediate = true,
    service = SomeServiceImpl.class
public class SomeServiceImpl {

    public void sendSomeMessage() {

        Message message = new Message();
        message.put("myId", 12345);
        message.put("someAttribute", "abcdef");
        _messageBus.sendMessage("myDestinationName", message);

    private MessageBus _messageBus;

Asynchronously with SingleDestinationMessageSender

The SingleDestinationMessageSender interface wraps the Message Bus to send messages asynchronously. Follow these steps to use this interface to send asynchronous messages:

  1. Create a SingleDestinationMessageSenderFactory reference:

    private SingleDestinationMessageSenderFactory _messageSenderFactory;
  2. Create a SingleDestinationMessageSender by calling the SingleDestinationMessageSenderFactory reference’s createSingleDestinationMessageSender method with the message’s destination:

    SingleDestinationMessageSender messageSender = 
  3. Create a message. For example:

    Message message = new Message();
    message.put("myId", 12345);
    message.put("someValue", "abcdef");
  4. Send the message by calling the SingleDestinationMessageSender instance’s send method with the message:


Here’s a class that contains this example:

    immediate = true,
    service = SomeServiceImpl.class
public class SomeServiceImpl {

    public void sendSomeMessage() {

        SingleDestinationMessageSender messageSender = 

        Message message = new Message();
        message.put("myId", 12345);
        message.put("someValue", "abcdef");


    private SingleDestinationMessageSenderFactory _messageSenderFactory;

Synchronously with SynchronousMessageSender

SynchronousMessageSender sends a message to the Message Bus and blocks until receiving a response or the response times out. A SynchronousMessageSender has these operating modes:

DEFAULT: Delivers the message in a separate thread and also provides timeouts, in case the message is not delivered properly.

DIRECT: Delivers the message in the same thread of execution and blocks until it receives a response.

Follow these steps to send a synchronous message with SynchronousMessageSender:

  1. Get a SingleDestinationMessageSenderFactory reference:

    private SingleDestinationMessageSenderFactory _messageSenderFactory;
  2. Create a SingleDestinationSynchronousMessageSender by calling the SingleDestinationMessageSenderFactory reference’s createSingleDestinationSynchronousMessageSender method with the destination and operating mode. Note that this example uses the DEFAULT mode:

    SingleDestinationSynchronousMessageSender messageSender = 
            "myDestinationName", SynchronousMessageSender.Mode.DEFAULT);
  3. Create a message. For example:

    Message message = new Message();
    message.put("myId", 12345);
    message.put("someValue", "abcdef");
  4. Send the message by calling the SingleDestinationSynchronousMessageSender instance’s send method with the message:


Here’s a class that contains this example:

    immediate = true,
    service = SomeServiceImpl.class
public class SomeServiceImpl {

    public void sendSomeMessage() {

        Message message = new Message();
        message.put("myId", 12345);
        message.put("someAttribute", "abcdef");

        SingleDestinationSynchronousMessageSender messageSender = 
                "myDestinationName", SynchronousMessageSender.Mode.DEFAULT);



    private SingleDestinationMessageSenderFactory _messageSenderFactory;

Creating a Message

Sending Messages Across a Cluster

Using the Message Bus

« Creating a MessageSending Messages Across a Cluster »
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