Supporting Custom Content Types in Content and Display Pages

Content Pages and Display Page Templates can display several types of content out-of-the-box:

  • Web Content Article
  • Document
  • Blogs Entry

You can publish these content types in highly customizable ways using Page Fragments. You can use these page types to map fields of certain content (e.g., Web Content) to fields defined in a Page Fragment. Then you can publish the content on a page using the Page Fragment as a template. To see an example of how Display Page Templates work, see the Display Page Template Example. For more info on creating Content Pages, see the Building Content Pages article.

If you want to extend the Content Page or Display Page Template framework to support other content types, you must use the Info framework.

You must complete the following steps:

  1. Provide basic information about your custom content type.

  2. Provide your content type’s fields so they’re configurable in the Page Editor.

  3. Provide friendly URLs for your page type.

  4. Handle the information that the user is requesting.

As an example, you’ll step through how to provide this information to the Content Page and Display Page Template frameworks.

Continue on to begin!

« Including Default Resources in FragmentsMapping a Content Type to a Page »
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