Introduction to Application Display Templates

In the past, when you needed to modify the UI of a widget, you had to use a hook (e.g., HTML-related change) or a theme (e.g., CSS-related change). It would be nice to apply particular display changes to specific widget instances without having to redeploy any plugins. Ideally, you should be able to provide authorized portal users the ability to apply custom display interfaces to widgets.

Be of good cheer! That’s precisely what Application Display Templates (ADTs) provide–the ability to customize the way widgets appear on a page, removing limitations to the way your site’s content is displayed. With ADTs, you can define custom display templates used to render asset-centric widgets. This isn’t actually a new concept in Liferay DXP; some widgets already had templating capabilities (e.g., Web Content and Dynamic Data Lists), in which you can already add as many display options (or templates) as you want. Now you can add them to your custom portlets, too.

Some portlets that already support Application Display Templates in 7.1 are

  • Asset Publisher
  • Blogs
  • Breadcrumb
  • Categories Navigation
  • Language Selector
  • Media Gallery
  • Navigation Menu
  • RSS Publisher
  • Site Map
  • Tags Navigation
  • Wiki

Continue on to add support for ADTs in your custom portlet.

« Using Liferay's Language SettingsImplementing Application Display Templates »
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