After the administrator has successfully configured and saved your custom rule to his or her user segment, your rule needs to fulfill its purpose: to evaluate the preset weather value compared to a user’s weather value visiting the site. If the user’s value matches the preset value (along with the segment’s other rules), that user is added to the user segment.
You must implement the
rule to begin the evaluation process. This method is part of the user segmentation lifecycle. When a page is loaded, Liferay invokes theevaluate
method of the rule to determine if the current user belongs to the user segment. For the weather rule, add thisevaluate
method:@Override public boolean evaluate( HttpServletRequest request, RuleInstance ruleInstance, AnonymousUser anonymousUser) throws Exception { String userWeather = getUserWeather(anonymousUser); String weather = ruleInstance.getTypeSettings(); if (Validator.equals(userWeather, weather)) { return true; } return false; }
You acquire the user’s weather by calling the
method, which you’ll define later. Then you get the preset weather value by accessing the rule instance’stypeSettings
parameter. Finally, you compare the two values. If they match, returntrue
; otherwise returnfalse
. Remember that users are only added to User Segments when all the Rules in the User Segment return true. -
Next, you need to retrieve the user’s weather. As you learned earlier, you must access the user’s location first. Add the logic below to do this.
protected String getCityFromUserProfile(long contactId, long companyId) throws PortalException, SystemException { List<Address> addresses = AddressLocalServiceUtil.getAddresses(companyId, Contact.class.getName(), contactId); if (addresses.isEmpty()) { return null; } Address address = addresses.get(0); return address.getCity() + StringPool.COMMA + address.getCountry().getA2(); }
This method retrieves the location by accessing the user’s profile information. You could also have used a geo-location service to find this by the user’s IP address. Once you have the user’s location, you can find the current weather for that location.
Add the following method to retrieve a user’s weather forecast.
protected String getUserWeather(AnonymousUser anonymousUser) throws PortalException, SystemException { User user = anonymousUser.getUser(); String city = getCityFromUserProfile(user.getContactId(), user.getCompanyId()); Http.Options options = new Http.Options(); String location = HttpUtil.addParameter(API_URL, "q", city); location = HttpUtil.addParameter(location, "format", "json"); options.setLocation(location); int weatherCode = 0; try { String text = HttpUtil.URLtoString(options); JSONObject jsonObject = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(text); weatherCode = jsonObject.getJSONArray("weather").getJSONObject(0).getInt("id"); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error(e); } return getWeatherFromCode(weatherCode); } private static Log _log = LogFactoryUtil.getLog(WeatherRule.class);
This method calls the
method to acquire the user’s location. Then it retrieves the weather code for that location from a weather service. -
Set the
field to the Open Weather Map’s API URL:private static final String API_URL = "";
For the weather rule, you can access Open Weather Map’s APIs to retrieve the weather code.
The last thing is to convert the weather code to a string you can evaluate (e.g.,
). Add the following method to convert Open Weather Map’s weather codes:protected String getWeatherFromCode(int code) { if (code == 800 || code == 801) { return "sunny"; } else if (code > 801 && code < 805) { return "clouds"; } else if (code >= 600 && code < 622) { return "snow"; } else if (code >= 500 && code < 532) { return "rain"; } return null; }
All possible weather codes are here.
Excellent! You’ve implemented the evaluate
method and added the necessary
logic in your -Rule
class to acquire a user’s local weather. The weather
rule’s behavior is defined and complete. The last thing you need to do is create
a JSP template.