Introduction to Customizing Widgets

It would be nice to apply display changes to specific widget instances without having to create a hook (e.g., HTML-related change) or change a theme (e.g., CSS-related change). Ideally, you should be able to enable authorized users to apply custom display interfaces to widgets.

Be of good cheer! That’s precisely what Widget Templates provide. Now you can customize the way widgets appear on a page, removing limitations to the way content is displayed. With Widget Templates, you can define display templates to render asset-centric widgets. Some default widgets already have templating capabilities (e.g., Web Content and Dynamic Data Lists), in which you can add as many display options (or templates) as you want. You can also add them to your own applications.

Some portlets that already support Widget Templates are

  • Asset Publisher
  • Blogs
  • Breadcrumb
  • Categories Navigation
  • Language Selector
  • Media Gallery
  • Navigation Menu
  • RSS Publisher
  • Site Map
  • Tags Navigation
  • Wiki

To leverage the Widget Template API, follow these steps:

  • register your portlet to use Widget Templates
  • define your display template definitions
  • define permissions
  • expose the Widget Template functionality to users

The detailed steps are in the Implementing Widget Templates article. Here’s a high level overview of what you’ll do.

Implementing the TemplateHandler Interface

To register your portlet to use Widget Templates, you must implement the TemplateHandler interface. Read the interface’s Javadoc for more information on each method provided by the interface.

Each of the methods in this class have a significant role in defining and implementing Widget Templates for your custom portlet. The list below highlights some of the methods defined specifically for Widget Templates:

getClassName(): Defines the type of entry your portlet is rendering.

getName(): Declares the name of your Widget Template type (typically, the name of the portlet).

getResourceName(): Specifies which resource is using the Widget Template (e.g., a portlet) for permission checking. This method must return the portlet’s fully qualified portlet ID (e.g., com_liferay_wiki_web_portlet_WikiPortlet).

getTemplateVariableGroups(): Defines the variables exposed in the template editor.

getTemplatesConfigPath(): Defines the configuration file containing the display template definition.

Next, you must define your display template definition(s).

Defining Display Template Definitions

Once you’ve registered your portlet to use Widget Templates, you should create the display template definitions. These are used to style the content displayed in the widget.

You must create a portlet-display-templates.xml configuration file to define the definitions and point to their styled templated (e.g., FreeMarker). Then you must create the templates. These template definitions are available to apply from a widget’s Configuration menu.

Next, you define permissions for your portlet’s Widget Templates.

Defining Permissions

You must define permissions for your Widget Templates; without permissions, anyone in the Site could access and change your widget’s display templates. Configuring permissions lets administrative users grant permissions only to the Roles that should create and manage display templates.

This is done by creating a default.xml file in your portlet defining the permissions you want to enforce, wiring it up with your portlet, and configuring them for use in Liferay DXP. You can visit this article for step-by-step instructions on how to complete this.

Next, you’ll learn how to expose Widget Template selection for users.

Exposing the Widget Template Selection

To expose the Widget Template option to your users, use the <liferay-ui:ddm-template-selector> tag in the JSP file that controls your portlet’s configuration. This tag requires the following parameters:

className: your entity’s class name.

contextObjects: accepts a Map<String, Object> with any object you want to the template context.

displayStyle: your portlet’s display style.

displayStyleGroupId: your portlet’s display style group ID.

entries: accepts a list of your entities (e.g., List<YourEntity>).

The variables displayStyle and displayStyleGroupId are preferences that your portlet stores when you use this taglib and your portlet uses the BaseJSPSettingsConfigurationAction or DefaultConfigurationAction. Otherwise, you must obtain the value of those parameters and store them manually in your configuration class.

Recommendations for Using Widget Templates

You can harness a lot of power by leveraging the Widget Template API. Be careful, for with great power, comes great responsibility! Here are some practices you can use to optimize your portlet’s performance and security.

First let’s talk about security. You may want to hide some classes or packages from the template context to limit the operations that Widget Templates can perform. Liferay DXP provides some system settings, which can be accessed by navigating to Control PanelConfigurationSystem SettingsTemplate EnginesFreeMarker Engine, to define the restricted classes, packages, and variables. In particular, you may want to add serviceLocator to the list of default values assigned to the FreeMarker Engine Restricted variables.

Widget Templates introduce additional processing tasks when your portlet is rendered. To minimize negative effects on performance, make your templates as minimal as possible by focusing on their presentation, while using the existing API for complex operations. The best way to make Widget Templates efficient is to know your template context well, and understand what you can use from it. Fortunately, you don’t need to memorize the context information, thanks to Liferay DXP’s advanced template editor!

To navigate to the template editor for Widget Templates, go to the Site Admin menu and select ConfigurationWidget Templates and then click Add and select the specific portlet on which you decide to create a custom template.

The template editor provides fields, general variables, and utility variables customized for the portlet you chose. These variable references are on the left-side panel of the template editor. Place your cursor where you want the variable placed and click the desired variable to insert it. You can learn more about the template editor in Styling Widgets with Widget Templates.

Finally, don’t forget to run performance tests and tune the template cache options by modifying the Resource modification check field in System SettingsTemplate EnginesFreeMarker Engine.

Widget Templates provide power to your portlets by providing infinite ways of editing your portlet to create new interfaces for your users. Be sure to configure your FreeMarker templates appropriately for the most efficient customization process.

Continue on to add support for Widget Templates in your portlet.

« Overriding Inline Content Using JSPsImplementing Widget Templates »
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