Upgrading Your Development Environment

A Liferay Workspace is a generated environment that is built to hold and manage your Liferay projects. It is intended to aid in the management of Liferay projects by providing various build scripts and configured properties.

Liferay Workspace is the recommended environment for your code migration; therefore, it will be the assumed development environment in this section.

Continue on to set up a workspace.

Setting Up Liferay Workspace

You must set up your workspace development environment before you begin upgrading your custom apps. If you don’t have an existing workspace, follow the step for creating one. If you have an existing workspace, follow the step on importing it into the Upgrade Planner.

Creating New Liferay Workspace

Initiating this step in the Upgrade Planner loads the Liferay Workspace Project wizard.

  1. Give your new workspace a name.

  2. Choose the build type (Gradle or Maven) you prefer for your workspace environment and future Liferay projects.

  3. Click Finish.

You now have a new Liferay Workspace available in the Upgrade Planner!

For more information on creating a Liferay Workspace outside the planner, see the Creating a Liferay Workspace section.

Importing Existing Liferay Workspace

If you already have an existing 7.x Liferay Workspace, you should import it into the planner. Once you initiate this step, you’re given a File Explorer/Manager to select your existing workspace. After selecting it, the workspace is imported into the Project Explorer.

For more information importing a workspace into your IDE, see this article.

Configuring Liferay Workspace Settings

You must configure your workspace with the Liferay DXP version you intend to upgrade to. You should verify the workspace’s

  • Bundle URL
  • Target Platform Version

The bundle URL version and target platform version must match.

Visit these steps to begin.

Configuring Bundle URL

The bundle URL points to the Liferay DXP version you want workspace to download. When initiating this step, your workspace’s Bundle URL property is updated to the latest release of Liferay DXP 7.0.

For more information on configuring a workspace’s bundle URL, see the Adding a Liferay Bundle to Liferay Workspace article.

Configuring Target Platform Version

The target platform is the Liferay DXP version you intend to develop for in your workspace. This is used to specify dependencies associated with a specific release. You set the target platform, define your dependencies, and workspace automatically assigns the dependency versions based on the set Liferay DXP version. When initiating this step, your workspace’s Target Platform property is updated to the latest release of Liferay DXP 7.0.

For more information on this, see the Managing the Target Platform article.

Initializing Server Bundle

Once your workspace is configured for the Liferay DXP version you’re upgrading to, you can initialize the server bundle. This involves downloading the bundle and extracting it into its folder (e.g., bundles). If you have an existing workspace already equipped with an older Liferay bundle, this deletes the old bundle and initializes the new one.

If you’re upgrading your code manually and working in Dev Studio, you can do this by right-clicking the workspace project and selecting LiferayInitialize Server Bundle. See the Installing a Server in IntelliJ article if you use IntelliJ instead. Visit the Managing Your Liferay Server with Blade CLI article for information on how to do this via the command line.

« Upgrading Plugins to Liferay DXP 7.0Migrating Plugins SDK Projects to Liferay Workspace »
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