Using Font Awesome and Glyph Icons in Your Theme

By default, Font Awesome v3.2.1 and Bootstrap 3 Glyphicons are enabled globally in Liferay DXP via a system setting. This means that you can use them in your themes to create social media links, for example. A Site Administrator can disable this to improve performance, if they choose.

Disabling Enabling Global Font Awesome and Glyphicons in Portal

Since Liferay DXP Fix Pack 2 and Liferay Portal 7.2 CE GA2, Font Awesome is available globally as a system setting, which is enabled by default. You can disable this setting to improve performance. To update the setting, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Control Menu and navigate to Control PanelConfigurationSystem Settings and select Third Party under the PLATFORM heading.

  2. Select Font Awesome under the System Scope and check/uncheck the Enable Font Awesome checkbox to enable/disable Font Awesome icons and Glyphicons across the site.

  3. Click Save to save the configuration.

Including Font Awesome and Glyphicons in Your Theme

As a safeguard, you should include Font Awesome and Glyphicons with your theme if you want to use them. This ensures that your icons won’t break if the global system setting is disabled. If you created the theme with the Liferay Theme Generator and answered yes (y) to the Font Awesome prompt, the Font Awesome dependency is added which includes Font Awesome and Glyphicons for you. If you didn’t include Font Awesome and Glyphicons when you initially created the theme, follow these steps to include them in your theme now:

  1. Use the Font Awesome v3.2.1 or Bootstrap 3 Glyphicons in your theme’s template. The example below uses Font Awesome icons:

    <div id="social-media-links">
      <ul class="nav flex-row mx-auto">
          <li class="mx-2">
              <div id="facebook">
                <a class="icon-facebook icon-3x text-white"
                target="_blank"><span class="hide">Facebook</span>
          <li class="mx-2">
              <div id="twitter">
                <a class="icon-twitter icon-3x text-white" 
                target="_blank"><span class="hide">Twitter</span>
          <li class="mx-2">
              <div id="linked-in">
                <a class="icon-linkedin icon-3x text-white"
                target="_blank"><span class="hide">LinkedIn</span>
          <li class="mx-2">
              <div id="youtube">
                <a class="icon-youtube icon-3x text-white" 
                target="_blank"><span class="hide">YouTube</span>
          <li class="mx-2">
              <div id="google-plus">
                <a class="icon-google-plus icon-3x text-white"
                target="_blank"><span class="hide">Google</span>
  2. Open the theme’s package.json and include the liferay-font-awesome dev dependency:

    "liferay-font-awesome": "3.4.0"
  3. Run gulp deploy from the theme’s root folder to build and deploy the theme’s files. This adds a /css/font/ folder to the theme’s build folder that contains the Font Awesome and Glyphicon fonts.

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