Contributing to Liferay Portal

Liferay Portal is developed by its community consisting of users, enthusiasts, employees, customers, partners, and others. We strongly encourage you to contribute to Liferay’s open source projects by implementing new features, enhancing existing features, and fixing bugs. We also welcome your participation in our forums, chat, writing documentation, and translating existing documentation.

Liferay Portal is known for its innovative top quality features. To maintain this reputation, all code changes are reviewed by a core set of project maintainers. We encourage you to join our Slack Chat and introduce yourself to the core maintainer(s) and engage them as you contribute to the areas they maintain.

Developing features and fixes requires cloning the source tree and building Liferay Portal.

Building Liferay Portal from source

The first step to contributing to Liferay Portal is to clone the liferay-portal repo from GitHub and build the platform from source code.

Please follow the instructions for building Liferay Portal from source code.

To better understand the code structure, please also read How the source is organized.


Liferay tooling facilitates creating customizations and debugging code. Consider using these Liferay development tools:

  • Blade CLI: a command line interface used to build and manage Liferay Workspaces and Liferay Portal projects. This CLI is intended for Gradle or Maven development.
  • Liferay Workspace: a generated Gradle/Maven environment built to hold and manage Liferay Portal projects.
  • Liferay Dev Studio: an Eclipse-based IDE supporting development for Liferay Portal.
  • Liferay IntelliJ Plugin: a plugin providing support for Liferay Portal development with IntelliJ IDEA.
  • Liferay Theme Generator: a generator that creates themes, layouts templates, and themelets for Liferay Portal development.
  • Liferay JS Generator: a generator that creates JavaScript portlets with JavaScript tooling.

The Configure an IDE for use with the Liferay Source page, explains how to set up the project in your favorite IDE.

Additional Resources

Liferay Community Site

Liferay Community Slack Chat

Liferay Community Slack Chat Self Invite

Contributor License Agreement

General GitHub documentation

GitHub pull request documentation

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