PortletMVC4Spring provides several annotations for mapping requests to controller classes and controller methods.
Annotation Examples
The following table describes some @RenderMapping
annotation examples.
Example | Description |
@RenderMapping | Handle primary render requests if no other handler methods match the render request. |
@RenderMapping(params = "javax.portlet.action=success") | Handle the render request if has parameter a parameter setting javax.portlet.action=success . |
@RenderMapping(param = "foo") | Handle the request if it has a parameter named foo , regardless of its value. |
@RenderMapping(param = "!bar") | Handle the request as long as it has not parameter named bar . |
@RenderMapping(windowState = "MAXIMIZED") | Handle the request if the window state is MAXIMIZED . Note, supported portlet window states are NORMAL , MAXIMIZED , and MINIMIZED . |
Annotation Examples
The table below describes some @ActionMapping
annotation examples.
Example | Description |
@ActionMapping | Handle primary action requests if no other handler methods match the action request. |
@ActionMapping(params = some.param=yourValue") | Handle the action request if has parameter a parameter setting javax.portlet.action=success . |
@ActionMapping(param = "foo") | Handle the request if it has a parameter named foo , regardless of its value. |
@ActionMapping(param = "!bar") | Handle the request as long as it has not parameter named bar . |